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  • Location
    Iasi, Romania

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  • Band
    Aria Blue
  • Gear
    Schecter C-1 Elite Diamond Series, Roland Cube 40, Fernandes Monterey Elite, Gibson Les Paul Custom 'Black Beauty' '78

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Hutanu.Bogdan.Alexandru's Feedback

  1. Viktor94 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Pedala Volum Dunlop Gcb80
    Totul a mers in regula.

    Hutanu.Bogdan.Alexandru was The Seller

  2. chrom_dioxid left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Ds7,dunlop Highgain Gcb-80,tube Ultragain Mic200
    Tranzactie reusita!Un tip de incredere si foarte promt1

    Hutanu.Bogdan.Alexandru was The Buyer

  3. Alin Rosulescu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Pedale Drive Si Nu Numai
    Coleg serios si hotarat. Recomand 100%

    Hutanu.Bogdan.Alexandru was The Buyer

  4. jesmusix left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Fernandes Monterey Elite With Sustainer
    serios,de incredere,recomand

    Hutanu.Bogdan.Alexandru was The Seller

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