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adotim last won the day on July 6

adotim had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Location
    Sag [Timisoara]

Other Information

  • Gear
    Fender USA Stratocaster, PRS SE Mccarty 594 SC , Squier CV TELE 50, Epiphone ES-335, Fender CD140 SE , Marshall DSL20, Palmer cab V30, Blackstar ID core 20, Harley Benton15 Tube, TC Electronic Nova System, Hotone Ampero One.

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Enthusiast (6/14)

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adotim's Feedback

  1. leo1984 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Ibanez AR 420
    Comunicare foarte buna, tranzactie reusita.Chitara e aproape mint condition, o bijuterie.Ambalarea a fost facuta in asa fel incat sa reziste la bombardament )).Recomand cu incredere!

    adotim was The Seller

  2. Christian Cort left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Celestion Vintage 30
    Totul a decurs conform planului! Recomand cumparatorul!

    adotim was The Buyer

  3. Need_a_Fender left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Squier Classic Vibe Telecaster '50s
    Extrem de serios, comunicare placuta recomand cu drag!

    adotim was The Seller

  4. danee940 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Cumpăr Chitară Hh
    Pret realist

    adotim was The Seller

  5. Razvan S. left Positive feedback for a topic   

  6. Jokers Wild left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Vox Stomplab 1G - Procesor Multi-Efect
    Foarte serios, produsul exact cum l-a descris. Recomand!!

    adotim was The Seller

  7. manuc left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Vand Behringer V Tone

    adotim was The Buyer

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