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Everything posted by ronniefrown

  1. Doar ca in poll scrie Windwos )
  2. Lasa ca ne da Bill Gates Internet Explorer si e bun rau de tot.
  3. SA FIE FRATE !!!! ca e superoferta.
  4. ce contondente sunt alea.
  5. Da, bun raspuns. Lasa ca are Staggul din belsug.
  6. Da' ce-are Ibanez ?
  7. ronniefrown

    putin ajutor!!!!

    Dar cand taica-tau sta la calculator de ce nu canti la chitara ?
  8. Ce porcarie
  9. Daca tu crezi ca faci cu o pedala tot ce poti sa faci cu Guitar Rig...
  10. Belson, 0.8...no comment
  11. 1199 RON - JS-30 DK/RR/KV/KE/WR www.proguitar.ro
  12. Este foarte vechi si depasit in comparatie cu Guitar Rig, Amplitube, Rock Amp Legends si Simulanalog (guitar suite)
  13. Aha, inseamna ca are joc. Vezi ca gasesti site-uri care iti arata cum se seteaza tremolo-ul. Tremolo Stratocasters can be found with four distinctive types of bridges. The most well known bridge is the vintage style "synchronized" tremolo. The other three are the American Standard bridge, which is a modern-day two-pivot bridge, the non-tremolo hardtail bridge, and the locking tremolo such as the American Deluxe or Floyd Rose® locking tremolos. If you have a non-tremolo "hardtail" bridge, proceed to Intonation (Roughing it out). If you have a locking tremolo bridge click here. First, remove the tremolo back cover. Check your tuning. Let’s start with a vintage style tremolo bridge. Here’s a great tip to enhance the performance of this bridge: Using your tremolo arm, pull the bridge back flush with the body. Loosen all six screws located at the front edge of the bridge plate. Raise them so that all of the screws measure approximately 1/16" (1.6 mm) above the top of the bridge plate. Finally, tighten the two outside screws back down until they are flush with the top of the bridge plate. The bridge will now pivot on the outside screws, leaving the four inside screws in place for bridge stability. For a two-pivot bridge like the American Standard bridge use your tremolo arm to pull the bridge back flush with the body and adjust the two pivot screws to the point where the tremolo plate sits entirely flush at the body (not lifted at the front or back of the plate). Allowing the bridge to float freely (no tension on the tremolo arm) using the claw screws in the tremolo cavity, adjust the bridge to your desired angle (Fender spec. is 1/8" (3.2 mm) gap at rear of bridge). You will need to retune periodically to get the right balance between the strings and the springs. If you prefer a flush bridge to body, adjust spring tension to equal string tension, while the bridge rests on body (you may want to put an extra 1/2 turn to each claw screw to ensure that the bridge remains flush to the body during string bends). Caution: Do not over-tighten the springs as it can put unnecessary tension on the arm during tremolo use. Finally, you may wish to apply a small dab of Chapstick® or Vaseline® at the pivot contact points of the bridge for a very smooth operation.
  14. Ai putea sa-l insurubezi mai mult.
  15. Am vazut tot in genul asta un videoclip. Asa am facut si eu.
  16. Ce inseamna pentru tine acceptabil ?
  17. www.metboard.com
  18. Cred ca ai putea incerca sa te uiti la o chitara Ibanez...
  19. Da, cred ca poate fi folosit pentru autoaparare sau altceva, dar nu pentru cantat.
  20. Pare un Reghin modificat.
  21. Eu folosesc D'addario 0.10 de ceva timp. Am mai incercat Fender, GHS si Dean Markley dar am ramas la D'addarion EXL 0.10. Mi se pare cel mai bun soundul lor.
  22. Am cantat si eu pe una si mi s-a parut foarte misto.
  23. Din cate stiu Kirk foloseste si wah, si whammy (pitch bend)
  24. ronniefrown


    La proguitar preturile sunt cu TVA inclus ?
  25. Daca e nou sau foarte putin folosit si in stare foarte buna, da Altfel nu prea cred
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