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Everything posted by alex_omul

  1. alex_omul


    Oke... sunt curios si eu ce trupe de metalcore romanesti stiti, sau sunt ceva trupe de metalcore romanesti? Ma intereseaza trupe gen Killswitch Engage, Norma Jean, Luti-Kriss, The Chariot, Deftones etc. etc. Si ceva trupe de grind metal romanesti daca stiti sa imi ziceti
  2. alex_omul

    A cui e chitara?

    yup! e paul de la Godmode, ex-chitarist in Narkoma.
  3. alex_omul


    Un mic sfat: va recomand sa nu ziceti bancurile pe care le-ati citit aici decat muzicienilor. Am zis cateva bancuri citite aici unor prieteni (non-musicians) si nu prea au fost incantati. Daca aveau un sac de rosi pun pariu ca aruncau dupa mine
  4. alex_omul

    A cui e chitara?

    ok...hai ca postez eu unul....
  5. Lars Ulrich is za best! Si-a dat doctoratu din drums !
  6. ahem... sincer la ampuri nu ma prea pricep si nu stiu care e mai bun sau nu...dar in orice caz sa fie ceva la peste 30 de W sa pot sa imi torturez parintii
  7. 300 miloane i'm rich$!
  8. alex_omul


    An electric guitar player comes to the doctor and complains about a serious deterioriation of his memory. He especially has a hard time remembering correct time changes and is afraid to lose all his gigs. Since the doctor can't find the cause, he asks the electric guitar player to leave behind his brain for a week in his lab for more detailed examinations. After seven days the guitar player fails to show up, and even after 2 more weeks there's no sign of him. Finally the doctor runs into him on the street, grabs him and asks: "Excuse me, but your brain is still waiting for you to stop by and pick it up, so why don't you show up?" The electric guitar player says, "Well, I think you can keep it; I finally switched to drums..." WHY GUITARS ARE BETTER THAN WOMEN Guitars don't get pregnant. You can play your Guitar any time of the month. Guitars don't have parents. Guitars don't whine... unless you want them to. You can share your Guitar with your friends. Guitars don't care how many other Guitars you've played Guitars don't care how many other Guitars you have. Guitars don't care if you look at other Guitars. Guitars don't care if you buy Guitar magazines. You'll never hear, "Surprise, you are going to proud father of a new Guitar" unless you go out to buy one yourself. If your Guitar is flat you can fix it. Your Guitar doesn't care if you never listen to it. Your Guitar won't care if you leave up the toilet seat. You don't have to be jealous of the guy who works on your Guitar. If you say bad things to your Guitar, you don't have to apologize before you play it again. You can play your Guitar as long as you want and it won't get sore. You can stop playing your Guitar as soon as you want and it won't get frustrated. Your parents won't remain in touch with your old Guitar after you dump it. Guitars don't get headaches. Guitars don't insult you if you're a bad player. Your Guitar never wants a night out with the other Guitars. Guitars don't care if you're late. You don't have to take a shower before you play your Guitar. If your Guitar doesn't look good you can refinish it or get new parts. You can play your Guitar the first time you meet it, without having to take it to dinner, see a movie, or meet its mother. The only protection you have to wear when playing your Guitar is a decent thumb pick. When in mixed company, you can talk about what a great time you had the last time you played your Guitar. and last, but not least: If you decide to part with an old Guitar, you don't have to give up half of everything you own.
  9. alex_omul


    salut. Alex ma numesc si sunt norocosul posesor al unei acustice Hora Reghin!
  10. Am gasit piesa asta pe hartia pe care am primt-o cand mi-am cumparat chitara. Andrii Popa D / / / |G / D / | Sapte ani cu voinicie Si-a batut joc de domnie D / / / |G A D /| Si tot prada neincetat Andrii Popa hot barbat G A D /|| Andrii Popa hot barbat. D / G/| A / D / |G / A /|D ///|| E haiduc si e vestit Andrii Popa cel voinic Simpatica piesa
  11. Total deacord cu tine...Daca stiam ca o sa fie mai apreciati cei care au inregistrat pe acustice inregistram si eu pe acustica.
  12. o intrebare: cei care au postat piese au voie sa voteze?
  13. ahh... te rog sa imi arati mai exact unde am zis eu ca romanii nu fac kitare bune....
  14. Total de acord cu tine. Am si eu o chitara hora reghin western semi-acustica si suna excelent. Toti (nu, pe bune!) care au auzit-o cum suna au laudat-o. Pot sa spun ca firma asta "hora reghin" e ca o cutie cu bomboane de ciocolata...Nu stii niciodata la ce sa te astepti (forest gump rulz). Iti recomand sa mergi cu un tip care se stie si are ureche muzicala sa iti alegi o kitara acustica, fie ea si hora, doar sa sune bine.
  15. Nu cred ca o sa fie 30 de inregistrari...cred ca o sa ramana doar cele mai bune si numai alea sa se voteze ....cel putin asa cred
  16. Niste acorduri in drop D...
  17. Dupa o saptamana de munca si practice-uri...here it is It's alive! It's ALIVE!! Abia astept sa vad cum m-am descurcat alex_omul___blues_session.mp3
  18. Hearing Test Results You correctly identified 26 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch. wow
  19. Super concursu....m-a determinat si pe mine sa postez in sfarsit un mesaj pe forum (de obicei intram aici doar pt threadurile cu anunturi gen "vand efect digitech"..."vand chitara ibanez" ....etc.). Urmeaza sa postez si eu solo-ul. btw cant la chitara electrica de 5 luni...
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