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varu' maftei

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Everything posted by varu' maftei

  1. Schimb cu Tech21 midi mouse sau Rocktron X-change.
  2. se poate inchide.
  3. Pret: 0 RON Localitate: Brasov Contact: PM Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Cumpar sintetizatorul mentionat, ofer la schimb AMT R2 (pedala distors, emuleaza Fender Twin pe canalul clean si Mesa Rectifier pe drive) si/sau Squier Affinity strat + diferenta.
  4. schimb cu pedale de delay, pedalier midi sau Arturia Microbrute, dau diferenta daca e cazul.
  5. Setup-ul meu a fost unul mai neobisnuit: Ibanez SZ520 (Gibson 498 in bridge)---Maxon OD9---ISP Decimator---AMT R2---o iesire in canalul clean al ampului din clubul respectiv - Hughes&Kettner Attax solid-state---cabinet no-name preluat cu microfon si a doua iesire in 2 Notes Torpedo CAB---FOH mixer, ce auziti e o combinatie dintre cele doua semnale. Eu zic ca pentru un rig portabil + ce am gasit la fata locului, fara nici o lampa implicata , suna destul de bine, ce parere aveti ? P.S. NOMAD e un proiect de studio, vocalistul s-a aflat in Romania pentru scurt timp si am bagat si noi o piesa de fun in cadrul unui eveniment intre prieteni (tobele si bassul pe backing track)
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  6. Cutia e clar mai bine facuta la Bogner, dar mare parte din pret e data de nume. Pe de alta parte, nu stiu unde-s facute Celestioanele din Bogner, dar e posibil sa fie facute OEM pentru ei (in Anglia, nu in China), la fel ca pentru Mesa si unele Orange-uri, deci asta ar creste putin pretul. Uite ce zice Steve Fryette: The 30 in V30 has nothing to do with power handling. But making a distinction between the Mesa version and the off-the-shelf version is legit, even though it has little to do with actual power handling capacity. The rated power handling of the V30 of any version (see below) is 65W. The Mesa version is OEM. This is the T4416 model, which is an 16 ohm speaker. It is made in England specifically for Mesa. But Mesa didn't specify it that way. From what we were told by Celestion around 1997-8, Celestion changed the model T3904 (16 ohm) V30 design in the early 90s to make it easier and cheaper to produce. Mesa didn't like it and insisted on the original version, which then became an OEM model. The 8 ohm version of the Mesa speaker is the T4335. To get an OEM model from Celestion requires a large order. This speaker was made on a separate production line from the off-the-shelf V30, which as Van Nord says is fizzy and thin sounding by comparison. There is a third 16 ohm version only used by Marshall - T3897 - which is even brighter. When we were using Celestion speakers, we found out about the existence of the T4416 which we had purchased from our German distributor at the time and asked Celestion about it. They had claimed that they didn't offer OEM varitions of the V30, but changed their story when we sent them a T4416 "for evaluation". Then a new rep called us, confirmed that there were in fact two separate V30 production lines and agreed to make us a special T Number OEM speaker. After a couple of months back and forth, we placed a large order and requested the special number assignment, at which time they cancelled the order and reneged on the deal. That's when we switched to Eminence. We haven't used Celestions speakers since. It's not that V30s don't sound good with our amps. It's just that the T4416 sounds better. The T3904 is now made in China and after all these years, the P50E does what we wanted Celestion to do originally - and does it better, in fact - so we don't need Celestions help. So, if you like V30s, there is nothing about the amp design that will be compromised using a V30. Our amps are not voiced "only" for the P50E. What is optimized for the P50E is the cabinet design. In that, the P50 will perform better in our cab than any others. And now you know that when you say V30, you could be talking about 5 different speakers - that all sound slightly different:* T3903 Standard 8 ohm T3904 Standard 16 ohm T3987 Marshall OEM 16 ohm T4416 Mesa OEM 16 ohm T4335 Mesa OEM 8 ohm *When you change the impedance rating of the speaker, you also change the inductance of the coil which changes the resonant frequency among other things. So if you have 2 identical amps and 2 identical cabs - one cab loaded with 8 ohm speakers and amp set to 8 next to one loaded with 16 ohm speakers and amp set to 16, they will sound noticably different. The 16 ohm rig will usually sound brighter and deeper. Personally I prefer the 4416, but not in a Recto 4X12. And therein lies the rabbit hole - you can't accurately compare like speakers in unlike cabs.
  7. schimba doza de neck !
  8. Daca cumperi de la dealerul autorizat din Europa, nu platesti nimic in afara de transport. http://www.g66.eu/en/g66-shop
  9. nu, dar m-am gandit ca ar fi o solutie. jensenul e dif de bas totusi.
  10. Salut, Edy ! http://www.parts-express.com/eminence-delta-10b-10-midrange-driver-16-ohm--290-413 http://www.usspeaker.com/faital%20pro%2010pr310-1.htm http://www.usspeaker.com/jensen%20mod10-50-1.htm
  11. Super, unul din chitaristii mei preferati din Romania !
  12. Pret: 0 RON Localitate: brasov Contact: PM Link producator: http://www.jj-electronic.com/pdf/KT77.pdf Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Astept oferte.
  13. Dimensiuni (grosime si latime la prima si a 12-a tasta, radius, latime/lungime/grosime neck pocket) ? Ce fel de taste ?
  14. PPC112 cu V30 s-a dat, hai sus cu restul !
  15. Faci si tu benduri pentru cele 2 note care nu-s pe grif.
  16. http://forums.rgc.ro/topic/84547-edwards-lp-made-in-japan-copie-gibson-mai-buna-decat-gibson/
  17. Pret: 200 RON Localitate: bucuresti Contact: tel sau PM Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi 2 bilete - 200 lei bucata. Sunati la 0724.029441 (Razvan) sau 0722.164896 (Victor).
  18. S-a rezolvat, multumesc @'mnezau !!!!
  19. Cum lipesc doua secvente cu tempouri diferite ?
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