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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/24 in all areas

  1. Din lipsa de timp, n-am mai reusit sa pun coveruri noi in ultima vreme, ci am tot reciclat vechituri de pe canal. But now I'm finally back with some new 💩, acum sper sa ma si tina. Enjoy (or not)! P.S.: feel free to laugh at the fact that I'm tapping with my index finger... the middle one was already sore from all the previous ~1,500 takes 😆
    1 point
  2. Pentru ca la mike i-a fost frica/rusine sa posteze video-ul asta , am sa-l postez eu ( heh , femeile , nu le poti intelege ) Enjoy ( or not ) ..
    1 point
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