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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/21 in all areas

  1. Salutare, Din aceasta luna am inceput sa fac protectii pentru ecranele "sculelor" din familia Helix (si nu doar). Sunt taiate cu laserul, si sunt din metacrilat de metil, sau cunoscut dupa denumirea comerciala de Plexiglas. Detin si eu un Helix LT de ceva timp si am observat ca incep sa apara tot mai multe zgarieturi pe ecran, chiar am scapat la limita de cateva ori cand era sa imi cada pe el diferite obiecte. Am vazut ecrane ciobite, sparte... reparatia e costisitoare, se face doar intr-un service autorizat de catre Yamaha si dureaza foarte mult. Prin urmare am decis ca mai bine previn decat sa tratez. Protectiile au 4mm grosime si adeziv transparent calitativ. Nu am CNC ca sa pot tesi mai mult muchiile din pacate, acestea fiind finisate manual. Ies foarte netede! Am facut un mic test de rezistenta. (vedeti video mai jos) Preturile sunt urmatoarele: - Helix Floor - 150 RON (Set din 4 bucati: pentru ecranul principal, 2 fasii lungi pentru ecranele mici de la switchuri, pentru ecranul mic de la pedala de volum/wah/expresie) - Helix LT - 80 RON - HX Stomp - 50 RON - HX Effects - 80 RON - Pod Go - 70 RON Pentru orice intrebari, va stau la dispozitie. Sanatate!
    4 points
  2. Excelent work! Acum helixul meu sta fara griji.
    1 point
  3. The maderas barber spalted beech was the hardest wood to bend i've ever tried... And i can bend snakewood and padauk and granadillo... I started at 2.7 cause the wood seemed too flabby already and beach should work at this thickness. Nope! Snap! A little thinner? Snap. Hotter? Snap. Wetter? SsssSnap. Dry? Snap snap. No warning. 1.7 and hot and wet. I didn't measure right on the second side and it started to brake. It was at 2 mm. I immediately started to bend it back straight, made it 1.7 and continued... Already weak so it continued to want to break in that spot. Too difficult to change the shoulder bend position at this point so i thinned it down to something ridiculous like 1 mm and bent behind the wannabe crack. Crisis averted. The sides were gonna get laminated/doubled anyway so it's all ok. The mahogany i will use for lamination is 1.2-1.4 mm. With wide solid linings and more reinforcing they will never break. Heart attack avoided The archtop is a lot of work but it's the most awesome thing ever. Nothing cooler than carving and tap tuning and bracing...
    1 point
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