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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/20 in all areas

  1. Antonio - Evolution Mahogany body Mahogany neck Ebony fretboard TUSQ xl+ nut, 24.75"scale Double Action Truss Rod with Carbon bars Jescar XJ frets (22) EMG 81 (B/N) pickups Sperzel tuners Kluson aluminium stop tailpiece Kluson bridge Volume volume 3 way switch
    1 point
  2. I want to officially announce that I will no longer be handling HGE Contraptions, due to personal reasons and time. Consequently, I will NOT be taking any more work of any kind whatsoever. Of course I will finish the pending work I have, but that's about it. Thank you so much for your 12+ years of cooperation and the appreciation for what I did here. I will possibly fall back to playing with musical instruments again/make my own music, as I have done until some years ago, but didn't have time. All the best! *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Vreau sa anunt in mod oficial ca nu ma voi mai ocupa de HGE Contraptions, din motive total personale si ce tin de timp. In consecinta, nu mai preiau nici o lucrare de nici un fel. Desigur ca voi finaliza lucrarile ce le mai am , dar cam atat. Va multumesc mult pt cooperarea de 12+ ani si aprecierile pt ceea ce am facut. Posibil sa ma rezum doar la a ma distra cu instrumente muzicale/face muzica proprie, cum am facut pana acum ceva ani, dar nu am avut timp. Numai bine!
    1 point
  3. Fender Custom Shop 51 Nocaster Chitara se prezinta într-o stare foarte bună, iar sunetul este extrem de încântător Corp - Ash, Grif - Birdseye maple, doze - fender custom shop
    1 point
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