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Cine Vrea o chitara :)


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O vinde asa ieftin ca e Ibanez :)

Mai e un "1960 Fender Stratocaster 100% Original and Clean!" pe eBay cu 35,000 USD. Sunt multe poze acolo.


Item number: 180030088283

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E pe bune faza cu sangele ? Mie imi vine greu sa cred, da' ...


Mie-mi vine greu sa cred ca astea-s chiar chitarile lui Vai si ca postul de pe eBay e serios:). Pretul trebuie sa sara de 50,000 pt. chitara daca anuntul e real. Cred ca sunt n alternative pentru Steve Vai sa stranga bani sa-i doneze tipului ala. Eu sunt 95% convins ca anuntul este fake. Nu am rabdare sa-l mai citesc odata.


Si de ce nu vinde EVO???

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POstul de pe ebay este pe cat se poate de serios dute pe site-ul oficial al lui vai si o sa vezi acolo deci treaba e pe cat se poate de reala :)


"Steve Vai is auctioning his original prototype Ibanez Jem VAI2K DNA guitar and all proceeds will go to help his friend, A&R executive Cliff Cultreri. Cultreri is currently suffering from a host of Auto-Immune and Connective-Tissue disorders that are attacking his immune system, a one in 100 million occurrence that causes severe pain and physical problems. Along with the special show at the House of Blues on September 30 with Joe Satriani, Steve hopes to raise additional funds through the sale of this guitar to help Cultreri and his family�s financial needs."


Scuze nu citisem jos eu am aflat de asta de pe forum(VAI) si nu prea scria sau nu am vazut in fine :)


Uite aici http://www.vai.com/News/index.html :)

Edited by Mr.Fritz
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Intrebare:Daca ai avea o chitara care a fost facuta dupa specificatiile tale cum ai vrut tu si suna exact cum iti place ai mai da-o ?




Citez de pe site-ul lui : "On one of Steve’s tours in 1998 he did a gig and there was something not quite right with the sound of Evo. So he told his tech about it, and the following day Evo sounded completely different than ever before and Steve didn’t like it. He asked the tech what he did and the tech said he changed the neck position pickup and replaced it with another Evolution pickup because there was a bad wire or something on the connection. They were on the bus at this time and had already left the gig. Steve was freaked out and told the tech that he didn’t want the pickup changed, just looked at. The tech confessed that he threw the original away! They turned the bus around and went back to the venue. Steve had the whole crew digging through this gigantic trash bin to find the original pickup, and low and behold, they found it. Phewwwwww. The pickup was put back in the guitar and life was good again." :)

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Guest mykaLreborn

paco de lucia nu isi vinde chitarele? :)

stiu ca suna ciudat dar chitara asta e urata. eu nu as canta la o chitara vopsita asa. in afara de evo si inca vreo doua chitare, restul sunt oribile.

stiu ca conteaza sunetul nu vopseaua, dar totul pana la o limita

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stiti cate chitare are ? sau au chitaristi acestia .Clapton a vandut de cateva ori juma de colectie ptr donatii caritabile asa ;a cate 30-40 de chitare .


Pe aceasta chitara poate a cantat Vai poate nu , ci doar i-a fost daruita ca sa o vina in numele sau ..


ca si chitara " necunoscuta" 24300 $ e ceva . poate mai creste pretul daca e licitatie..


n-o cumpar ca nu-mi place vopseaua.

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Guest Blackout

nici mie nu-mi place cum e vopsita...sunt dizgratios alese culorile si desenele...da', deh, de gustibus et coloribus non disputandum, dupa cum spuneau inaintasii nostri, chinezii...

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Vedeti ca poza este defapt un link(poate unii nu stiau am spus doar :) )


Deja a ajuns la $26,600.00 nus ce sa zic dar chitara aia e vanduta numai cu ideea ca a fost prototipu pentru jem si cantata de vai


Ma intreb care sunt acesti oameni care au pus sumele astea ca mi se par exorbitante mai bine isi luau de bani astia alceva :)

Edited by Mr.Fritz
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