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HGE Contraptions (DIY hobby/NON-Business) -> Pedale Chitara Handmade / Modari Pedale / Wiring si Setup Chitare / Reparatii Ampuri

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Some updates


* Modified an old strat which previously had a tremolo ( a Romanian "Madrigal"), on the exact requests of the customer

- mounted a floyd rose/stud inserts(no routing!) and straightened the fine tuner tension plate for a flatter bottom

- adjusted the pickguard width at the studs to fit(aesthetical cutting and filing)

- shimmed the neck

- mounted a locking nut after the stock nut, and also adjusted some height differences;

- general setup and restring












* Built Another Fulltone OCD V3 clone





* Built a Black Arts Toneworks Ritual Fuzz clone (with an additional external pot for a better tweak of the fuzz character)


  • 3 weeks later...

Done si Death by Audio Reverberation Machine clone, un reverb mai lo fi gen si ciudatel cu distorsiune/fatness si whatnot :)





Recablat un bass Maison folosind componentele existente dar fire noi+dat jos cositorul vechi, si reparata si una din doze (fir rupt total de coil/mini brain surgery :lol: yet again)



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  • 4 weeks later...

* Fixed a Hiwatt Maxwatt combo (the power amp was shot, the speaker blew out also)



* Rewired a Brent Hinds Epiphone Flying V, using the parts provided (a pain to clean, like always :D), and also added a killswitch instead of the push pull that was destroyed by the previous wiring.

Some before and after pics:





* Thoroughly cleaned a BMW Bluetooth Module, which had some problems(glitchy signal,coming on and off), and apparently that did the trick



* Diagnostics on a Boss AC-2 (not yielded anything, it works fine for me)



* Unfortunately, this SM57 is beyond repair :(



* Tried to fix the DSP part of a Crate Acoustic Combo, but so far, the prospect is bleak


  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Some updates :)


* Built a 2in1 Pedal: Hjärt Müller Bass Drive + Sadowsky Preamp (always on).
Really nice pedal for a bass! The Sadowsky as an always on preamp was a request of the customer.
The Bass Drive is the only one on a true bypass switch.


* Fixed a Thomann T. Amp.
Had some problems at the power section and output section also
* Fixed a Warwick Bass.
The active preamp had a short 
* Proel wireless monitor system cleanup.
Had some really oxidized connections and whatnot 
* Had the same Maya Japanese strat in , this time for a rewiring with SCN pickups.
The previous wiring which I did was fiddled by someone (pfff), and I mounted some other parts from another guitar, that were obviously wired badly.
I cleaned everything really well, and redid the wiring.
Turned out just fine. (posted some before and after pics with intermediate steps)
* A Fender Telecaster MIM setup
* An original idea that the owner had of replacing the illumination in a microscope; a crude simple form,
 but it works well; maybe this will be updated in the future.
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Fixed an old Tesla record player (will probably come back for some other checkups)
Repaired an EHX Small Clone pedal (changed the Footswitch)
A Marshall Mode Four in repairs
An Ibanez S came in for some general tweaks (setup, some rust removal, fixed a loose insert ,etc)
Now it plays great and the intonation is good
Changed all the capacitors in an old Solton GV60 amp from the 70s, and also measured all the resistors and changed the ones that were off/dead.Needs just a little more tube tweaking , but it's "there" :D

  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...

Some updates :)


* MXR Phase 90 clone (with added depth pot and a script/block version switch)





* Setup and some fretboard cleaning on an Ibanez RG




* Setup and some fretboard cleaning on an Epiphone LP (I also had to hammer in a lot of frets, because they were sticking out...pff)




* Setup on a VGS Eruption Guitar




* Setup and some wiring touchup on a Squier Bass


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Ca un reminder, sa fie CLAR, pot clona orice de pe tagboardeffects(proiectele marcate verified)


Sunt  943!! de proiecte verified pe acest blog :)

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Acoustic (1) Amp (6) Amp Emulation (30) Autowah (9) Bass (41) Blend (7) Booster (126) Buffer (15) Charge pump (22) Chorus (11) Components (3) Compressor (27) Delay (21) Distortion (214) EQ (14) Filter (34) Fuzz (303) Gate (4) Guide (7) Looper (1) Misc (5) Mixer (7) Modification (1) Modulation (7) Noise (25) Notification (11) Octave (37) Other (4) Overdrive (323) Phaser (16) Pitch (3) Pre-amp (18) Reverb (11) Robot (1) Splitter (6) Swell (2) Tremolo (24) Utility (23) Vibe (8) Vibrato (6) Wah (15)
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  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...

Updates :)


* Fixed an Xotic RC Booster pedal which had been previously tinkered with
* Checked the electronics and also cleaned the pots in an ESP LTD EC-500
* Another Wampler Triple Wreck Clone (my second one)
* A Mesa Boogie DC-3 combo came in for some repairs -> the investigation is pending (what I did also was to redo the soldering on the power tube sockets, someone reheated the solder and added too much along with a ton of flux...UGLY! :D )
A Mesa is hard to work on anyway...and my tomcat Blacky isn't helping haha!
* A Roland Jazz Chorus 55 came in for some checkups and repairs.
I changed one severely damaged pot, cleaned the rest, and also redid some solder points.
The plug didn't have the grounding wire attached so I changed the plug. 
Unfortunately, the speakers have to be changed.
The customer will later come back with some Jensen C8R-s 
A really really nice sounding amp!!
* A Fender MIM 5 string bass came in for some cleaning, rewiring and a setup.
I also changed the nut to a Graph Tech one
  • Like 2
  • 1 month later...

N-am mai apucat sa fac updates :)


Terminate 4 pedale pt un singur om! :respect:

Wampler Faux Analog Echo Delay Clone - Pharaoh Fuzz Clone - Suhr Riot Clone - Keeley 4 Knob Comp Clone






Putin de OCD de estetica :lol: chiar si la lucrurile ce nu le vedeti




Urmeaza in curand inca un Delay ca cel de mai sus (pentru prima data vandut in afara , un neamt a auzit cum suna si a vrut si el unul ;) )

Urmeaza si o varianta interesanta mai custom de EP booster cu 3 knobs, si 1 sau 2 switchuri externe + internal bias adjustment + 18V internal doubler pt un user de pe forum.


Delay-ul aici:



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The Wampler Faux Analog Echo delay clone for the German dude :D (pedal build no. 104!)





A Mesa Boogie .50 Cal came in for a tube swap and also a chassis correction of a screw that was rusted and stuck (I actually drilled in the broken screw to take it out, and managed to keep the original hole intact :D )





An Epiphone LP came in for some tweaks/setup/neck clean/etc and an output jack swap (a lot of stuff were loose, the stud inserts even came out by hand easily...scary)





A strat copy rework
-rust removal
-rewiring+ changed the output jack
-fretwire clean
-fretboard and neck clean
-nut clean and adjustments
-setup as best as possible (not the best guitar to work on...)

Some before and after pics








A Legend strat (MIJ) setup, neck/fretboard clean, fretwire clean; changed almost all screws and also the knobs + changed the output jack (also tinkered internally with the switch, that had some mechanical problems; didn't have one on hand, but will maybe come in at some point to put in a new one)





A Warwick Corvette SS came in for a setup, fretwire + fretboard clean, some wiring issues were solved, and also installed a new tuning key because the old one broke off. Also had to take off the brass nut which was loose and re-file the base of the neck and reglue the nut back.

Had to do some rust removal on some screws (besides taking aparat the whole bridge and cleaning stuff)





Installed a new Graph Tech nut on a Morris Acoustic.

There was some work because the base had to be slanted(like the original nut), so I filed it down accordingly :D

Also, had to adjust the height on E , B and G separately.

On the old nut, the Low E and the High E(especially), were too low.


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  • 3 weeks later...

* Finished an EP Booster with an internal voltage doubler(you input 9V, and internally there is 18), and some other tweaks (extra tone cut pot and a boost pot + a three way bass pot).

A really great sounding variant!

You can even get some nice grit out of it maxed

105th pedal built



Changed some stuff around, even better




* Replaced the original switch which was faulty, with an identical one, in a Framus Panthera.

Before and after:




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  • 3 weeks later...

Some updates :) (busy busy)


*Fixed an Alesis Monitor




*The Mesa Caliber .50 (same one) came back, because previously the owner did not mention it had real problems (so it did not need just a tube swap).

Had to diagnose everything, took off the board (desoldered the 29 wires haha), and measures everything I could, and also cahnged some filter caps.

Played it for some days, and it does not exhibit the same problems so far. Unfortunately the amp has a very dodgy PCB,so I really don't know how much life it has in it hehe; I also resoldered some things. It works OK now, but we shall see.

I already hate mesa amps :):tardlol:





*Jackson setup and rewiring

Before and after!






*Fender MIM Strat - pup change and a setup and I changed the nut also; the old one had the D string way too low (I put in a nice graphtech and also brought it perfectly to size and filed down the slots to accommodate the radius also)

Before and after!







*2 MXR Pedals in repairs - Fixed an MXR Micro amp and the MXR Blue Box is still in repair




*Finished a DOD 280 Modded Compressor, that works very well for bass and guitar also.

I took the time to mod and test this one, you can see all the sockets :D

Very transparent, and it lets all the frequencies through!

106th pedal built





*A Mesa Single Rectifier came in for an FX loop mod (Parallel to Serial)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 28/04/2017 at 10:47, Liviu.Pop said:

Chiar, de ce trebuie meciuiți tranzistorii într-un fuzz, că doar nu e modulator? 


Am observat, in UNELE fuzzuri, cu cat sunt mai multe tranzistoare, cu atat diferenta de HFE intre ele (in general daca e mare, deci se matchuie just sa be safe within limits),poate genera un sound sa zicem..."fara nimic", ciudat, liniar, steril.

Nici nu pot sa explic, dar poate sa il transforme din fuzz fat wooly cu ceva caracter, in ceva pur si simplu buzz saw weirdness, dar NEVOIT, adica intr-un design care nu e facut sa sune asa.

Cum omul a vrut ceva cat mai apropiat de ce era pedala originala, am zis sa be safe :)

Oricum nu aveam BC239C, si am zis daca tot iau sa be on the safe side, si sa iau mai multe dar matched.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

DOD 280 clone with some mods (110th pedal built)

-built it specifically to let all frequencies through, for a bass player

Samples: guitar and bass

dod 280 modded guitar.mp3Fetching info...

dod 280 modded with bass.mp3Fetching info...



A simple A/B switcher for a very nice man :) (111th pedal built)



Changed the end pins/saddle/nut with Graphtech ones(+ adjustments<filing,sanding,setup>) + some fretwire polishing on an Epiphone EJ200



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • Razvan S. locked and unpinned this topic
  • Razvan S. pinned this topic
  • 2 months later...

* Changed the LPAD in a Warwick Bass Cab, and also the Tweeter Protection Lamp

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* Did some checkups in a Tech21 Trademark 300 head and also repair the footswitch that was causing problems

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* Nut change in a Westone Spectrum and a BC Rich ST-3

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* A cool rack delay came in; not working, will debug.

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* A VOX AC30 (1979) Full Recap and some maintenance.

Some before and after:

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* Swapped the FSW in a homemade booster (not mine)
Good soldering as always from my side anyway :P

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* I had a Wah modified into an Expression pedal(owner's request). It has its limitations because of the pedal action, but works for simpler things.

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* Finished a Cornish SS-2 clone for someone. A G-2 will be up next :) (same person)

Has the Cornish Buffer also.

Great sounding pedal!



  • 4 weeks later...
  On 30/11/2017 at 09:02, Mr Vintage said:

Dacă mai era nevoie, las aici un feedback.

Răzvan mi-a lucrat trei pedale: Pete Cornish SS-2, Pete Cornish G-2 şi Dan Armstrong Blue Clipper. Toate trei au fost lucrate impecabil, sună cum trebuie şi funcționează cum trebuie. Comunicarea cu Răzvan a fost promptă, omul e profesionist şi amabil şi, mai ales, e deschis către nevoile tale şi aşteptările tale legate de pedale. Ştie totul despre pedalele pe care le lucrează şi face şi sugestii foarte utile. Totul e transparent, nu există părți ascunse, what you see is what you get. 

Sunt mai mult decât mulțumit de felul în care a lucrat, comunicat şi expediat pedalele şi voi mai apela la el cu încredere. 

Mulțumesc, Răzvan!


Multumesc mult de aprecieri! :guitar:

  • 1 month later...

*Cornish G-2 Clone (buffered) (113th pedal built)

IMG_20171112_161700.jpg IMG_20171112_161704.jpg 



* Dan Armstrong Blue Clipper Clone (114th pedal built)

IMG_20171118_190701.jpg IMG_20171118_190634.jpg


* Modded a GCB95 wah that had a different pot than stock, and other issues. 

I mounted a proper Hot Potz II pot, modded it for Bass(the owner plays bass), and also did a true bypass on it(removed the buffer), and some other mods as well.

It's great now!



* Setup on an old Aria Pro 2 electric and some fretboard cleaning ;

Also adjusted some fretwires that were sticking out and stuff





* Adjusted the nut on an Ibanez acoustic

Very nice low action now



* Fixed an Ibanez bass combo



* I rewired one of my Charvel Model 4's from 87, but I ultimately sold it.

I actually did the wiring basically for the customer , with new pots and everything.

It was a MESS before haha!



* Changed the filter caps in a Marshall JCM900 and changed the power tubes and rebiased+pot cleaning.

This is the 5881 version 

(Biased at 37.7 mA <0.7*(25/464V) * 1000>)



* Cleaned a BOSS GT-6 and also changed some switches




* Made a Boss GE-7 a little less noisy




* I did some precise sanding adjustments to turn a custom 1:1 US strat pickguard copy made from quality acrylic , to fit the Schaller F style trem. You can see before and after pics :)




* An Epiphone Custom Pro LP came in for some severe oscillations coming from the bridge pickup(an aftermarket DiMarzio was installed previously by someone else)

Ultimately I took off the cover and got rid of the problem to some extent (did that to the neck also, so that it would be aesthetically pleasing).

It will most likely come back at some point for a rewiring, as I noticed it wasn't that good, and possibly the additional issues come from the whole wiring.



* Peavey VK100 Retube + Oscilloscope Bias Check + Internal Trimmer




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