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Humbuckers Covered Vs Open Coil


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Sunt curios cine a dat capacele cromate jos de pe humbuckere si a observat (daca a observat) o imbunatatire a tonului?!!?

Din ce am gasit "documentare" pe net s-ar zvonii ca nichelul/cromul cu care sunt placate aceste capace ar afecta intr-un fel frecventele inalte si 2 la mana ar fi ca ele produc microfonii, singurul avantaj ar fi reducerea 60 cycle hum-ului......




Am deschis topicul strict pt ca pe mine ma intereseaza sa aflu niste pareri de la cei experimentati, pt a sti ce fac cu dozele mele. Momentan am o pereche de doze de pe un Jaguar blacktop si anume ceva Humbucker Hot Alnico, imi lipsesc din inalte alea frumoase care dau un ton de clean placut, suna destul de jazzy muted, intrebarea mea e daca suna asa infundat datorita faptului ca sunt mai hot (bobinate mai mult), din cauza capacului respectiv, sau e posibil ca si lemnul chitarii (care nu e o esenta foarte tare) sa aiba rol in asta?? Posibil sa fie voicing-ul dozei asa si atunci mare lucru nu castig daca scot capacele.....astept pareri !

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N-ai ce hum sa reduci la humbuckers. Poate doar daca le-ai montat cu optiunea de split.


EDIT: Daca nu traiesti in SUA, in Europa e 50-cycle hum.




E o modificare, apar inalte in plus, dar o idee mai buna e sa pui alte doze, fara capac, mai aproape de ce iti doresti. Ma tem ca nu va fi spectaculoasa diferenta.




Da, totul conteaza, si lemnul, si cum e bobinata doza. E posibil.

Probabil cel mai ieftin e sa cumperi o doza second hand cat mai apropiata de ce doresti si sa o incerci, sau sa incerci doza ta pe chitara unui amic.



stiu treaba cu zgomotul eu am citat ce am gasit scris despre capace pe net

sa iau alte doze nu-mi renteaza momentan ca e o chitara experiment/diy care o mai folosesc de backup dar momentan o sa treaca main live instr pt ca stratul n-are destule OO pt ce cant si bani de chitara mai buna nu-s

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Covered vs. Open Coil Humbuckers



When it comes to humbucking guitar pickups, we were wondering whether there was a tonal difference between covered pickups and open coil pickups. A quick cruise through the Internet revealed that opinions vary. Some said there was a definite difference between open and covered pickups, while others said there was no difference. We decided to conduct our own experiment, and report the results in InSync.


We recorded a semi-hollowbody guitar with covered humbuckers and new strings to have a point of reference. After the recording, we removed the strings, popped the bridge pickup out, and removed the chrome cover being careful not to damage the windings. We replaced the pickup sans cover, put strings on, plugged into the same amp with the volumes set the same, and recorded using the same microphone.


The uncovered pickup, to our ears, had a brighter, more open sound than the same pickup with the cover in place. Just for fun, we switched to the neck pickup (which still had a cover), and in comparison to the uncovered bridge pickup, it had a nasal quality. Prior to removing the bridge pickup cover, we had never noticed a nasal tone when using the neck humbucker, but in comparison to the open coil's clarity and brightness, it did sound inferior.


According to statements we've seen by pickup manufacturer/guru Seymour Duncan, there are differences between covered and uncovered pickups:

  • Covers may cause feedback problems with high-powered amps
  • The pickup's magnetic field may be affected by the cover's plating materials; brightness may be reduced by nickel, chrome, or gold plating
  • Electrical interference may be picked up by uncovered pickup coils
  • Covers may reduce 60-cycle hum
  • A nickel-silver cover may have less capacitance, which can affect brightness


Now, we're not suggesting that you rip the covers off your humbuckers. We are simply stating what our ears heard during our experiment. The good news is that pickups are easy to pop in and out of a guitar, as long as you don't disconnect the wires, which requires soldering to remedy.


So if you feel frisky, try removing the cover from a humbucker and do an A/B comparison of the covered and uncovered tones. In our case, removing the cover from pickup we used involved breaking the solder that held the cover to the base of the pickup, and since we've decided to leave the bridge pickup uncovered, clearing out some of the wax potting that surrounded the coils.


As always, if you don't feel comfortable doing work of this nature, please refer the job to a trusted guitar repair specialist.

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