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Shred The Web Si Guitar Rig Hero

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M-am enervat ...

Dean Shredder Search e pe zi ce trce mai ciudat, site-ul a fost spart, se voteaza aiurea (sunt oameni care au primit 500 de voturi in juma de ora), clasamentul are o relevanta aproximativa, organizatorii sunt depasiti, videourile de promovare sunt confuze, nimeni nu mai stie ce-i acolo...

Si mai sunt aproape 2 luni pana e gata. Asta e...


Intre timp au mai aprut doua concursuri:


1. Shred The Web - Organizat de Guitarworld

In urma cu vreo 3 saptamani a fost depistat de un prieten. Cum aveam in lucru o piesa noua compusa de Mihai Ardelean, clapar cu idei deosebite si bun prieten am zis ca nu strica sa o tunez un pic si sa ma bag (mai ales ca acolo nu era limita de timp pentru lungimea clipului inscris)

Pregatesc piesa, compun cele mai tari solouri de chitara compuse vreodata :) , piesa e gata cand ...gasim undeva intr-un colt al regulamentului cancursului:

"Contest open to legal residents of the United States, excluding residents of Puerto Rico; legal residents of Canada, excluding residents of Quebec; and legal residents of the United Kingdom"


Dar... :)

Conversatie dintre prietenul care mi-a gasit concursul si organizatori (eu eram plecat in saptamana aceea pentru niste concerte):


P: "What about the contestants that are not residents of USA, Canada or UK? They are not allowed to participate? WTF? I mean is called "SHRED THE WEB" not "Shred USA, UK and Canada"!


O: "Unfortunately, we are only able to open the contest to these countries presently. We'd love to open our contests up to all or our readers wherever they reside, but each country has its own statutes and regulations that apply to contests, and it would be nearly impossible for us to comply with all of them. For example, many countries require contests to be in their own language, with the result that we'd have to have the same rules written in several different languages in our magazine or on our website. There are also other rules that we might unintentionally miss; that's why we limit our contests to those countries whose statutes and regulations we know well.

Sorry that this doesn't change things, but hopefully the explanation is helpful..."


Blablabla... bullshit


P: "Thanx for the answer.

But Your answer does not satisfy me...

Look what is the deal: I kinda represent a young kick ass guitar player that is extremely talented but is stuck in a corner of the world where his kind of talent is not very appreciated. He is currently a top contender in the Dean Contest and we are preparing his entry for the GI2009. If those 2 contests can accept his entry I don't see why you cannot.

I hope something can be done!

And, by the way, If nothing can be done he will enter the contest anyway (because your entry form does not necessarily imply to disclose the origin of the contestant). After he will win the contest (and, knowing him, he will probably win!) you will have to have some balls to disqualify him .

An even if you have the balls is not a new guitar or a few dollars that we are after!


You can contact me on private. I hope you can work something out."


O: "You certainly seem determined! If you can upload a video then go for it. Can't speak as to the final outcome but at least other users will be able to see the shredding..."




Asa ca:


Sunt sigur ca o sa va placa!!!

Cine vrea sa ma voteze trebuie sa se logheze (ceea ce e ok, macar nu se pot face prea multe smecherii) dar dureaza fix 1 minut sa va faceti un cont.


Ce ziceti? "Pe ei, pe mama lor?"


2. Guitar Rig Hero - Organizat de Native Instruments


it's Alex from Native Instruments. Have you heard about our GUITAR RIG HERO video competition on YouTube? ...I saw your appearance on the Dean Get Your Wings competition and thought this might be interesting for you.





Aici e mult mai simplu. Am tras rapid peste un negativ luat de aici (de la dueluri) si am postat clipul.

Pentru desemnarea castigatorlor se iau in considerare numarul de vizionari si ratingul de pe YouTube. Trebuie sa aveti cont de youtube sa puteti vota.


Cam atat, sper ca nu v-am plictisit.

Thanx guys.

Posted (edited)


eu am reusit sa votez in ambele locuri in cateva minute...

baieti, sariti si ajutati-l pe mario, pentru ca merita din plin! sa speram ca astea doua concursuri nu vor avea chiar soarta celui de la Dean Guitars.

toate cele bune! :)

Edited by felixanu'

Pe ei, pe mama lor!!!





Dureaza fix trei minute sa votati pentru Shred The Web (cu ochii pe ceas), nu valoreaza Marius atat? :)

Iar pe Guitar Rig Hero vad ca iar s-au apucat toti sa dea note mici la aia mai periculosi. Adica Marius 3 stele?! C'mon!!!


RGC Power!!!


  • 2 weeks later...

Mobilizarea RGC!!!!! :)


N-am mai trecut de vreo 2 saptamani pe aici si ce vad:

topicul asta zace la subsol cu 300 de vizionari iar Marius e defavorizat (primul cuvant la care m-am gandit incepe cu F si e mai dur 1 pic) prin clasamente.





Marius are 2 stele jumate (2 1/2!!!!). Tre sa explic de ce? Dureaza 1 sec sa votati daca aveti cont pe Youtube sau 20 de secunde daca nu aveti (puteti vota si daca nu activati contul de pe mail deci merge foarte repede)




Marius e pe 15 iar primii 10 intra in finala. 95 de voturi la 8000 de RGC-isti!!!! 1%????

Dureaza 1 minut sa creati un cont iar Marius are nevoie de vreo 200 de voturi sa fie sigur ca prinde finala.





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