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Un altfel de radio

Guest Mehigh

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Guest Mehigh

Incercati asta Pandora.


Q: What is Pandora?


Pandora is a music discovery service designed to help you find and enjoy music that you'll love. It's powered by the Music Genome Project, the most comprehensive analysis of music ever undertaken. Just tell us one of your favorite songs or artists and we'll launch a streaming station to explore that part of the music universe.


Q: How do you decide what to play?


We take your input (artists, songs) and feedback ("I like this", "I don't like this") and use the Music Genome Project to create stations that play songs that are musically similar to what you've told us. That's it; only the music counts. We don't care how popular the artist is, who's backing them, and we don't care which genre bin they usually belong in. Only the music matters.


Am plecat de la Iron Maiden, am trecut prin ceva trupe mai obscure si apoi am ajuns la Hammerfall :)

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Guest DarkMan2004

bai...deci e super scula programu... two thumbs up :) :)


@izua: am avut si io aceeasi problema...exact acuma :)


P.S.: am io o vaga impresie ca site-ul asta nu o sa tina mult timp...

Edited by DarkMan2004
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E bun ca gasesti formatii de care poate n-ai auzit...si constati ca iti plac :)

In rest, winamp rulz, ca nu mananca din banda...si se aude si mai bine :)

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Guest Mehigh

Question : V'ati facut conturi ?


Da, la un moment dat iti cere si asta. Baga orice mail ca nu verifica. Mailul se foloseste ca user pentru login atunci cand vrei sa intri si de altundeva...

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Guest rhcp_guitarist

multumesc pt site,chiar e marfa..pana acum toate melodiile mi-au placut,chiar m-a suprins ft placut si m-am inscris.la cat mai multa muzica buna!!:)

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