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Di Boxes


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stie cineva un DI Box cu emulare de cabinet, unul bunicel si nu prea scump (pe la 100 de lei)...? :( adica a incercat cineva ceva de genu' si sa-i placa...?ce am gasit io a fost Ultra-G-ul de la Behringer, care din cate am citit pe Harmony Central nu e prea stralucit... :)

ma bate gandul sa-mi iau si io cat de curand (cand oi face rost de $$$ :) ) o jucarie d-asta...ma mai ajuta la inregistrari si poate si pe la repetitii...

help, please...? :)

Edited by CernoBill
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ultra - G e foarte bun


H & K - Red Box, insa e cel mai bun...


cei de la behringer l-au copiat "mot a mot" pe acesta din urma, in plus i-au pus doua butoane cu care sa reduci in trepte outputul cu cate 20 dB, plus unul cu care treci de pe phantom power pe baterie. (ma rog, i-au tras si o carcasa mai mare si un lacas de baterie mai accesibil)

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yep, asa stiam si io...ca Ultra-G e copie de Red Box.am auzit ca Red Box-u' chiar e foarte bun...da' am mai auzit si ca e vre-o suta de euroi :) deci deocamdata nu mi-l pot permite.asa ca in curand probabil ca o sa-mi iau un Ultra-G...poate vorbesc cu Mos Craciun sa-mi aduca :(

multumesc tuturor pentru ajutor :) noroci :)

Edited by CernoBill
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Guest dau.bine


Hey , despre ce vb. ca nu pricep, scz..?

DIboxul nu e un adaptor inductiv de semnal..?

din cite stiu eu nu e nimic altceva decit un transformator prin intermediul caruia se face adaptare de impedanta si cuplaj nebalansat-balansat, eventual mai are si un divizor rezistiv care face fc. de atenuare de semnal...dar poate ma insel eu...lamuriti-ma si pe mine va rog...

Edited by dau.bine
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Hey , despre ce vb. ca nu pricep, scz..?

DIboxul nu e un adaptor inductiv de semnal..?

din cite stiu eu nu e nimic altceva decit un transformator prin intermediul caruia se face adaptare de impedanta si cuplaj nebalansat-balansat, eventual mai are si un divizor rezistiv care face fc. de atenuare de semnal...dar poate ma insel eu...lamuriti-ma si pe mine va rog...


mai nou s-a inventat GOOGLE si YAHOO ...si altele "motorete"




Electric guitar

A DI can be used to take a line in from an electric guitar. When dealing with electric guitars and electric guitar amplifiers, better results will often (not always) be obtained by instead using a microphone in front of the loudspeaker. This is because the tone of the guitar is often shaped by the amplifier,speaker, microphone and room used in the setup. A DI in the chain before the speaker or amplifier will often result in a loss of fullness or pleasant tone. Using a microphone eliminates hum from ground loops which are often troublesome when using DI units with mains-powered amplifiers. But a microphone will of course pick up background noise which a DI connection will not, and will most often be more susceptible to feedback in live situations.


If an electric guitar is to be connected to a DI and an amplifier is to be connected as well, then the DI unit must have a passthrough connector. Alternatively take a signal from the amplifier, see below. For players using effects (including distortion) built in to their amplifiers, this is the only option, otherwise the contribution of these effects will be lost. If a passthrough is used, normally the DI unit is between any effects units and the amplifier for the same reason.


Some DI box that is specifically designed for Guitar may have build-in amplifier modeling, such as Rockman and Line 6


Suitable units:



Passive balun type.

Edited by karpi
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