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De Ce Mor Starurile Rock Mai Tinere?

Guest radioman

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Guest radioman

Ei bine uite articolul.


"Why rock and roll stars die young

They say rock and pop stars live life in the fast lane and now researchers have proved it.

A Liverpool John Moores University study of 1,050 US and European artists found they are twice as likely to die early than the rest of the population.


In all, 100 stars died between 1956 and 2005 with US stars dying at 42 on average and those from Europe at 35.


Drug and alcohol problems accounted for one in four deaths, the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health said.




Elvis Presley - 'The King' died aged 42 of a drug overdose

Jim Morrison - The Doors lead singer died in 1971 at the age of 27 from a heart attack

Kurt Cobain Struggled with drug addiction in his later years, the Nirvana frontman committed suicide at 27

Tupac Shakur - The rapper was killed in drive-by shooting in Las Vegas after being shot four times. He was 25


It comes after singer Amy Winehouse hit the headlines recently over what her family has called a drug addiction.


Researchers said the findings - in particular about substance abuse - should be looked at seriously by the music industry.


They said this was important as the artists had an influence on others with one in 10 children in the UK aspiring to be a pop star.


'Excessive behaviour'


Lead researcher Professor Mark Bellis said: "Public health consideration needs to be given to preventing music icons promoting health-damaging behaviour among their emulators and fans.


"Stars could do more to actively promote positive health messages, but these need to be backed up by example."




John Lee Hooker - The blues singer died in 2001 at the age of 83. He was performing right up until his death

Charles 'Chuck' Berry - Born in 1926, one of the pioneers of 'rock and roll'. Still going strong at 81

Richard Penniman - Better known by his stage name Little Richard, the singer started performing in the 1940s. He is now 75


Paul Stokes, news editor of the NME music magazine, added: "The problem is that rock stars often spend the first years of their careers struggling to get by and then get everything really quickly.


"There is no control mechanism and with a culture which often lauds excessive behaviour that spells problems."


Records industry group BPI said: "A very small minority do encounter problems, which due to their fame and success are played out in the media and given a greater prominence than those of young people in other walks of life.


"Record labels always seek to support the minority of artists who experience difficulties of this kind."


Story from BBC NEWS:


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Guest Ronin_JP

The Rolling Stones are, of course, an exception to this rule :)

God save the Rolling Stones!


"...If you start me up I'll never stop, never stop, never stop..."

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Guest anghelescu

e foarte simplu..banii iti dau putere, puterea sa face sa crezi ca esti "invincibil" si ca nimic nu te poate darama.....apoi urmeaza droguri care fac exact inversul puterii :)iar aia care au facut articolul i-au uitat pe Richie Valens, Jimi Hendrix, Janice Joplin , etcc

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STAR-urile sunt oameni, oameni mai si mor.


Nu mor doar in tinerete starurile ci si la varste inaintate.


Cred ca ar trebui sa fie vorba despre staruri care au murit in perioada de varfului al carierei si la maxima popularitate.


Cread ca Frank Zappa a fost un STAR .Cand a murit am prins numai la PRO TV doua vorbe la jurnal.Am urmarit cateva zile MTV -ul si !!! NIMIC , asteptam o zi zpeciala sau niste documentare etc .

Nu mai prezenta interes , nu era un subiect de prima pagina , daca murea intr-un scandal tanar in apogeul carierei in atentia publicului larg atuncea precis era pe toate posturile si ziarele din lume.


M-a uitat si eu la pagina din link si am observat ca nu sunt amintite unele din cele mai vestite vedete disparute timpuriu i in apogeul carierei.


Titlul "Why rock and roll stars die young " se vrea unul pompos , ca sa aiba si ei audienta .daca titlul era "De ce mor someri saraci fara nici o speranta" nu era interesant.


De ce au murit unele vedete rock de tineri ? ar trebui sa fie titlul .


Cu ce segment al populatiei au comparat mortalitatea , de exemplu daca ar compara cu homeless-i, aurolaci , etc se schimba balanta .Cred ca au fortat un pic curba lui Gauss sa le iasa calculele.


E un studiu de amorul artei , exact ca si cu lupta impotriva fumatului. Tinta falsa !


DAR , nu am auzit de lupta impotriva stari de groaza al oraselor mari .Traficul greu ce trece prin oras . Mergi pe strada si pici de gazele de esapament , cancerigene si otravitoare .In schimb dupa tramvai ( nepoluant) astepti ca prostu , au redus numarul vagoanelor , ia sa circule lumea cu masini .Au scumpit transportul in comun si au redus tariful la taxiuri , ia sa mai poluam un pic. ca nu-s destule masini in oras.In loc sa se faca noi lini electrice se baga autobuse cat mai poluante .

Si ia sa interzicem noi fumatul in localuri si spatiii publice, ca e la moda .


Bau Bau

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Guest radioman
Bau Bau


Pai de asta am zis si eu ca mi se pare ca e cam la caterinca studiul.

Propun si studiul "De ce mor talibanii mai tineri".

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Pai de asta am zis si eu ca mi se pare ca e cam la caterinca studiul.

Propun si studiul "De ce mor talibanii mai tineri".


Da , am fost de acord cu tine din prima


Doar cu observatia ca este facut asa cu buna stiinta nu la misto ci premeditat , acest lucru am vrut sa subliniez.


Exact cum e la noi acum , totul se face si orice se face pentru si in spiritul European ....dati cu pana alternat caci suntem in Eu .Nu?


Si cum a observat sii celalat coleg , unde sunt celelalte vedete super cunoscute adevarate mituri ?,disparute inainte de vreme .Nu erau atat de multe ca sa nu le aminteasca pe toate .Acest lucru mi-a sarit in ochi din prima citire si mie.


Poate au facut sondaje si studii pe mai multe categori socioprofesionale si chiar acum au ajuns la vedetele pop/rock.lol

Edited by karpi
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Guest radioman

He, he, oare se aplica si vice-versa? Adica - "Cine moare tanar, este rock star?", sau cine bea ca porcu', are un mare viitor pe scena...

Serios acu', articolul imi miroase a ieftineli gen "rocker=satanist" si "roman=hot".

Hmmm...si ma gandesc cu neplacere ca astia de la BBC erau mai pe vremuri un etalon!

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exista sectia "duelul chitaristilor " , "jam " , si se poate pune la "Jam" BT dupa pofta fiecaruia .Sectiune de "trupe" si fiecare pagina are player pe care se poate asculta usor/repede ce muzica ai pus "inregistrarile noastre ".



Desfasurare de forte ? nu te opreste nimeni pune-te si canta .


Texte prietenoase sau dusmanoase o sa tot fie , plus si criticii .


Daca vrei sa fii chitarist trebuie sa stii ca exista si critica., si invidiosi , etc


Poti sa canti ce vrei nu stiu daca te opreste cineva , faci o piesa .improvizatie sau o tema o pui pe rgc.ro si vezi cui ai place , sau ce nu-i bine ca sa poti corecta .

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