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Kramer Focus Vt-111s De La Grosmann

Guest Ronin_JP

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Pai nu i'am zis Cosule "cand se mai duce in JAponia"


si apoi am zis ca second are o gramada de variante


alte idei?




Fernandes (am probat, mi-a placut)


Ravelle x


Body : Alder

Neck : Maple? 628mm-Scale? Bolt-on

Fingerboard : Rosewood? 22-fretPickups :

Two High-output HumbuckersBridge :

Tune-O-Matic? string-thru-body

Controls : 1Vol? 1Tone? 3way-SW


pret ?32,000 - adica 277 $




Fender JapanST-50(3TS/R)











?40,000 - adica 346 $






body : Alder

Neck : bolt-on Maple

Fingerboard : Rosewood 24-fret

Pickups : Fernandes dual high-output humbuckers

Bridge : Licensed Floyd Rose locking tremolo system


?26,800 - 233 $






19800 yeni - 171 $

Edited by Radu i
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Sunt curios cati dintre voi ati avut Kramere din anii '80 in mana.Pacer,Focus si mai ales Striker erau de toata jena.Chitara visurilor mele era un Swan model Vivian Campbell,mi se parea cea mai frumoasa chitara de pe pamant,pe atunci nu am inteles de ce Vivian aparea in clipurile cu Whitesnake cu ea,dar pe videoul din concert cu un Gibson jerpelit.Acuma am crescut mare si am inteles. :)

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=> chitarile kramer noi nici nu au ce cauta pe piata.


referitor la cele vechi te contrazic domnule Totu. gatul kramerului meu este mult mai stralucit decat gatul Horizon'ului pe care l'am avut. si e o diferenta de o mie de euro intre ele. Plus ca modelul pe care il detin nu este unul dintre cele faimoase, in nici un caz high-end Kramer. Este singurul argument pe care il am, nu am probat alte kramere, insa pentru mine inseamna mult aceasta diferenta. insa deja s-a divagat mult de la subiect

Edited by Radu i
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normal ca modelele de la grosmann difera fata de cele standard si asta pentru ca sunt serie limitate ,adica limited adition adica mai bune decat cele standard si asta pentru ca sunt din seria Edie Van Halen reissue...as far as I know...hmm..daca nu ma credeti ...ceea ce sunt convins....ca asa e romanul toma necredinciosul..duce ti va la grosmann store...si convingeti va singurei...nu mai faceti furtuna degeaba..zau ca nu e frumos...

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normal ca modelele de la grosmann difera fata de cele standard si asta pentru ca sunt serie limitate ,adica limited adition adica mai bune decat cele standard si asta pentru ca sunt din seria Edie Van Halen reissue...as far as I know...hmm..daca nu ma credeti ...ceea ce sunt convins....ca asa e romanul toma necredinciosul..duce ti va la grosmann store...si convingeti va singurei...nu mai faceti furtuna degeaba..zau ca nu e frumos...

Limited adition,zici?

Ia,Pino,spune-ne cum se zice in engleza la mecanismele de la chitara,doar asa,ca sa controlez ceva :)

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Both Reghin and Stagg are money down the drain. I still can't believe that you are still praising them.

I am a fan of Kramer and the 80's rock scene and i know both of the periods ( not as clearily as i wish ) - pre and post gibson - new kramers are crap COMPARED TO THE OLD KRAMERS ( which are legends ) but still are far better than staggs or other cheesy guitars.

As far as squier is concerned ... go for the top models - nothing below standard.

I'm not praising them. I wouldn't even touch an electric model from them. I just say they are better than nowadays Kramers. ( and when I say better I say the same crap ,but with less money or the same amount of money but a better crap ( In the second case I'm not talking about Reghin ) )

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@Ronin: Do you see now why it's not a good idea to ask for advice on RGC? You either don't get any, or you end up being more confused than you were in the first place.

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Guest Ronin_JP
@Ronin: Do you see now why it's not a good idea to ask for advice on RGC? You either don't get any, or you end up being more confused than you were in the first place.



Yep. I just noticed.




@ All:


Why do you guys frequent this forum?

When I found this forum I was happy because I thought I had find a group of people with a common interest. But I thought the common interest was guitars not picking fights.


It's so hard to get god guitar gear in Romania, you all know this. So why can't we get along and help each other? What is it?

Envy? Are you afraid someone else in the forum will get a better gear than yours?

Self-assurance? You want to prove to others that your gear is better or that you have more knowledge than others?

Come one, guys. Lets grow up.

We all love music and guitars, why can't we all share what we know together? Romania is a hard enough place to be a musician. Let's not make it worse by picking silly bickerings among ourselves.

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Guest Ronin_JP
Limited adition,zici?

Ia,Pino,spune-ne cum se zice in engleza la mecanismele de la chitara,doar asa,ca sa controlez ceva :)


I believe Pino may have seen the catalog of this guitar at Grosmann.

I have the catalog here with me.

It is written in Chinese and the only words that you can identify in the catalog are "Van Halen" and "Kramer".

I don't know Chinese but Japanese language uses Chinese characters so though I cant read it I can get a hint of the meaning.

The catalog says that Kramer was founded in the 70s and in the 80s its greatest exponent was Eddie Van Halen. And it says that "we wanted to reproduce the Van Halen sound of the 80s one more time", hence these models.

It isn't really a Van Halen signature limited edition. It's just publicity hype.

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ce ti se pare agresiv in faptul ca ti'am dat un sfat pe care l'as da oricarui prieten? sa'ti cumperi o chitara made in Japan avand in vedere ca pretul si calitatea sunt convenabile iar tu ai aceasta posibilitate? am senzatia ca vrei sa ti se spuna exact ce vrei sa auzi - ca respectivul Kramer este extraordinar. In acel caz nu mai sta pe ganduri, cumpara-l. iti inchipui ca daca noi am avea posibilitatea sa calatorim in Japonia am mai strange bani pentru amaratele de scule care se gasesc la noi? cine ar invidia pe altcineva care ar cumpara de la Grosmann un kramer de cateva milioane de lei vechi? eventual te-ar invidia daca ti-ai lua un Fender Mij second hand. Deci, pana la urma, unde'i problema?

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Guest Ronin_JP
ce ti se pare agresiv in faptul ca ti'am dat un sfat pe care l'as da oricarui prieten? sa'ti cumperi o chitara made in Japan avand in vedere ca pretul si calitatea sunt convenabile iar tu ai aceasta posibilitate? am senzatia ca vrei sa ti se spuna exact ce vrei sa auzi - ca respectivul Kramer este extraordinar. In acel caz nu mai sta pe ganduri, cumpara-l. iti inchipui ca daca noi am avea posibilitatea sa calatorim in Japonia am mai strange bani pentru amaratele de scule care se gasesc la noi? cine ar invidia pe altcineva care ar cumpara de la Grosmann un kramer de cateva milioane de lei vechi? eventual te-ar invidia daca ti-ai lua un Fender Mij second hand. Deci, pana la urma, unde'i problema?




Can you please show me WHERE DID I SAY it was about you???

Please quote or cut and paste the line that I said I was refering to you.


Now I repeat people here are really looking for fights. Even when there is NO fight at all they try to find one.

So now you want to pick a fight, you can't find any reason to fight so you decided to invent one?

What is the fight that you want to start now?

I was refering to the people who start acusing each other of being Mr. Grosmann clones, or acuse each other of being trolls, those who start that kind of "my guitar is better tha yours" kind of arguments, those who believe that this forum is not for asking each other's opinions and are against threads like this one, the fanatics who start anti and pro Grosmann wars and those who take offense about me posting in Romanian.


Why do you have to believe I was refering to you???

IF you had cared to read the thread you would have seen who I refer to but you dont care to read the whole thread then you read the last post and believe that I must necessarily be talking about you???? Do you have some sort of complex? Paranoia?


It is clear that you are not reading the thread because I already said that I am NOT in Japan. I am living in ROMANIA so I am stuck here like everybody else. If I was living in Japan or going back and forth between Romania and Japan I wouldnt be trying to buy a guitar in Romania and I wouldn't be asking for people's opinions about buying a guitar in Romania. Believe me, I am NOT that stupid.


So what is the fight that you want to pick with me?


The fact that I asked a second opinion in the forum?

I thought that is one of the purposes of the forum. If I am wrong then please explain to me where is my mistake.


The fact that I am posting in English?

I do so because I am sure most people here understand better English than my poor Romanian. And if I post in Romanian some people take offense and start fights.


The fact that I am a foreigner?

Well I can't change that. It is too much trouble to get a Romanian citizenship and I certainly won't apply to one just to be able to post in this forum. And if foreigners are not welcome in here then I will wait for an administrator or moderator to tell me so and then I will stop posting here.


The fact that I said that people are trying to pick fights instead of helping each other?

Prove me that I'm wrong on this one.


ce ti se pare agresiv in faptul ca ti'am dat un sfat pe care l'as da oricarui prieten?

Absolutely not. If you HAD cared to read the thread you would have noticed that.


..Deci, pana la urma, unde'i problema?


I didnt have any problem with you but you seem to really want to take everything personally. Now this may be a big problem. What do you propose me to do now? Do I have to think a million times before posting anything so that I won't hurt you?

Is this what you want?

Next time someone start a fight about Stagg versus Hora, and I want to ask them to keep on topic you REALLY believe I have to stop and think a million times how to phrase my post so that YOU won't be hurt if you happen to enter in the thread and read my lines? Get real!









" Paranoia strikes deep

Into your life it will creep

It starts when you're always afraid

You step out of line, the man come and take you away

We better stop, hey, what's that sound

Everybody look what's going down"


Buffalo Springfield - For What is Worth

Edited by Ronin_JP
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de ce nu te linistesti? esti foarte defensiv. am urmarit thread'ul si nu am observat ca ai scris ca nu te mai duci in Japonia. imi spui ca sunt paranoic dar reactiile tale sunt cel putin stranii. acuzi RGC'ul ca nu se ridica la standardele la care sperai insa ultimul tau post arata ca aceste standarde sunt fals afisate


acest thread l'am lasat depasit din acest moment

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Guest Ronin_JP
de ce nu te linistesti? esti foarte defensiv. am urmarit thread'ul si nu am observat ca ai scris ca nu te mai duci in Japonia. imi spui ca sunt paranoic dar reactiile tale sunt cel putin stranii. acuzi RGC'ul ca nu se ridica la standardele la care sperai insa ultimul tau post arata ca aceste standarde sunt fals afisate


acest thread l'am lasat depasit din acest moment


Read the tone of your previous post.


YOU accused me of refering to you when I said people should stop fighting.

You attack me I defend myself. What did you expect? Did you expect me to ask you forgiveness because YOU don't care to read the thread before making accusations?

get real.

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Geeezz....STOP!!! all of you!!Ronin...i'm sorry i haven't tried the Kramer at grossman...and even if i had...these low end guitars are all about luck...you may just be lucky and get a hold of a decent guitar for little money, but you may as well buy a guitar that will fall apart after one year (crappy wood, weak construction). the best advice i could give you has been already repeated on the forum, that is test the guitar(i know you already have, try it some more, until you have made up your mind) and inspect the wood.


make music not war!

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(trag aer in piept, si raspund)

daca tot am fost acuzat ca am inceput balacareala aici, revin cu on-topic

Ronin, parerea mea este ca nu merita pretul cerut

De ce? Pai:

- daca zici ca ai fost si ai pus mana pe ea, cum ti s-a parut action-ul (cam sus, nu?); ti se va spune ca se poate regla, dar eu zic sa te uiti la taste si cred ca o incercare de a regla actionul se va solda cu buzz

- gatul este din doua bucati de lemn (a doua fiind cea cu peg-headul) si la chitarile ieftine, asta devine o problema (e plin netul chiar si de Ibanez si Jackson la care lipitura aia a cedat)

- uite-te la cum este finisata/lucrata

- n-am probat-o la cald, dar la o chitara ieftina si facuta in china, cred ca dozele sunt............


bafta la alegere

(tot parerea mea este sa te orientezi la un SH, de aici sau de aiurea....)





aaaaa, si inca ceva, asa de later edit


QUOTE(Ronin_JP @ Sep 1 2007, 12:48 AM)

PS - Aha.I see... I checked your profile and the topics that you started. 2 years old...


Ronin, varsta se refera la cati ani am de cand m-am inscris pe forum, daca n-ai remarcat



QUOTE(Ronin_JP @ Sep 1 2007, 12:48 AM)

Likes to ask other guys to post their tools so that you can compare with yours... Ok. You're forgiven. But still, you should try the psychology forum. Im sure someone there can help you.



la asta m-ai pierdut...

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Guest Ronin_JP

Aha. Finally we are on topic.


Thanks for your opinions malex and alezys


I didn't check the guitar in depth but yes it had the action quite high and Mr. Grosu lowered but then it started buzzing. Of course he said he can fix that. It may sound fishy, but then it may not. I'll just give him the benefit of doubt and in case I decided to keep the guitar I will make sure it is set before buying it.

I also didn't want to jump into concluding that the guitar is crap just because it is made in China but I'm tending to agree that this one may be.

Anyway, first I thought about getting it for myself but after checking it I decided I'd better get a better one. Then later I thought it could be a good present for a friend who wants to start learning guitar. She may or may not continue with this guitar fever but if she gives up, 650RON may be a little too much for a wall ornament and I think I could find a Van Gogh reproduction for a fraction of the price :)


Talking about SH, can anyone tell me if there are any SH shop in Buc? I mean besides this forum, of course.

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Talking about SH, can anyone tell me if there are any SH shop in Buc? I mean besides this forum, of course.


There is a certain...ol'man...that sells SH instruments, but i'll let my colleagues tell you about him...my experience is zero (i've bought all 3 guitars(that i own) from this forum, and the amps and pedals...i only buy accessories from stores, and even those (stores) are form abroad...unfortunateley, the offer in our shops is very poor :) )

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Aha. Finally we are on topic.


Thanks for your opinions malex and alezys


I didn't check the guitar in depth but yes it had the action quite high and Mr. Grosu lowered but then it started buzzing. Of course he said he can fix that. It may sound fishy, but then it may not. I'll just give him the benefit of doubt and in case I decided to keep the guitar I will make sure it is set before buying it.

I also didn't want to jump into concluding that the guitar is crap just because it is made in China but I'm tending to agree that this one may be.

Anyway, first I thought about getting it for myself but after checking it I decided I'd better get a better one. Then later I thought it could be a good present for a friend who wants to start learning guitar. She may or may not continue with this guitar fever but if she gives up, 650RON may be a little too much for a wall ornament and I think I could find a Van Gogh reproduction for a fraction of the price :)


Talking about SH, can anyone tell me if there are any SH shop in Buc? I mean besides this forum, of course.

Mergi la magazinul Muzica si la etaj in partea stanga este un stand cu instrumente noi si second hand lasate spre vanzare de diversi oameni (cumva pe ideea de pawnshop). Oferta nu este foarte variata ...

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