Guest anghelescu Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 in viitorul apropiat sper sa imi iau alt calculator cu aprox urmatoarea configuratie de baza: intel core duo e6600, 4 giga ram 800mhz geil si o placa de sunet buna(in jur de 5 mil, m-audio..) along with niste boxe+amp decent. intrebarea mea este urmatoarea: daca e sa cumpar rig controlerul de la guitar logic si guitar rigu(asta nu il cumpar.. ) o sa scot rezultate bune..spre foarte bune sau dau banii degeaba.... (pe rig controler.... )
Guest Wierdguy Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 am si eu oa prere...umila dar cred ca mai practica: ia`ti un procesor bun cu pedala de expresie(ca pentru aia iti iei controlerul mai mult ca sigur) si o placa buna de sunet. Sa presupunem ca o sa ai un concert. Ce faci? iei pcucu tine pe scena?
Susceptor Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 (edited) @wierdguy: d'oh *captain obvious to the rescue* ce ti se pare asa ciudat ca stai cu pcul pe scena? oricum, mai bine decat un multiproc ieftin asta e o solutie convenabila daca nu ai chef sa investesti in chestii slabe, sau nu ai bani de amp @ontopic: go for amplitube 2, suna mai realist. gr2 e misto pt acele mdf si sunetele ambientale/psihedelice pe care le scoti Edited March 12, 2007 by Susceptor
Guest Wierdguy Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 io as prefera decat sa investesc 30 de milioane sauc at o fi un dual core intr`un procesor bun.Oricum, cat e controleru?
Guest anghelescu Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 (edited) Wierdguy said: am si eu oa prere...umila dar cred ca mai practica: ia`ti un procesor bun cu pedala de expresie(ca pentru aia iti iei controlerul mai mult ca sigur) si o placa buna de sunet. Sa presupunem ca o sa ai un concert. Ce faci? iei pcucu tine pe scena? ma omule in primul rand sorry...dar nu cred ca esti in masura sa dai sfaturi..esti incepator..., astept sfaturi de la cineva care are experienta si a testat..ce am zis eu mai sus. eu sunt adeptul analogului...dar ma gandeam ca daca tot..iau pc-u ala...macar poate pot sa il folosesc si pentru asta....NUMAI IN CASA.... dragul porcilor zburatori ms oricum Edited March 12, 2007 by anghelescu
Guest Wierdguy Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 si cat costa scula aia? Doar pentruc a sunt incepator nu inseamna ca nu ma pricep;)
Guest anghelescu Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 Wierdguy said: io as prefera decat sa investesc 30 de milioane sauc at o fi un dual core intr`un procesor bun.Oricum, cat e controleru? mai ai de invatat....mai incolo o sa zici ca ..o sa investesti 30 de mil intr-un amp pe lampi bun... god ce ti-as salva posturile sa ti le arat mai incolo Wierdguy said: si cat costa scula aia? Doar pentruc a sunt incepator nu inseamna ca nu ma pricep;) daca esti incepator.....e cam imposibil sa te pricepi... , acum poti sa ai stat si ai citit tot in materie de pe net dar e diferenta sa citesti despre si chiar sa canti pe acel "despre" .....
cearny Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 Rig Kontrol 2 vine cu propria 'placa de sunet', deci nu trebuie sa-ti mai iei ceva separat (daca nu gresesc). Quote At the heart of Guitar Rig 2 is the new Rig Kontrol 2, a multi-functional and fully stage-ready foot pedal that connects directly to the computer via USB 2.0. The pedal unit offers the complete range of control and connectivity features that a guitarist needs in the studio and on stage, and even includes a professional stereo audio interface with pristine audio quality and special low-latency response. No additional hardware is required for using Guitar Rig 2 with any mobile or desktop computer that is equipped with a standard USB 2.0 port.Si ca sa-ti raspund la intrebare: rezultatele pot varia Quote Kontrol your Rig!Rig Kontrol 2 makes life wonderfully easy for owners of Guitar Rig 2. The newly designed foot controller can be used to control nearly any sound parameter. It features a professional USB 2.0 stereo audio interface and preamplifier for the fast and convenient connection of bass, guitar or any other instrument with your computer. Other than your computer and an axe, you don't need any additional hardware - just plug in to Rig Kontrol 2 and start playing. It's never been easier! Two inputs allow the use of two guitars or basses simultaneously. Monitor everything with the dedicated headphone socket without needing a P.A or amplifier. Rig Kontrol's continuous expression pedal and its seven switches are easily assignable to any parameter and afford complete real-time control of Guitar Rig 2. Switch presets, turn effects on and off, use the pedal as a wah wah or volume pedal - all while keeping your fingers on the strings. The controller's data is transmitted via USB 2.0 - ensuring a much higher resolution and more precise control than via MIDI. Native Instruments Rig Kontrol 2 Features: * Sampling Rate: 44.1, 48, and 96 KHz * Sturdy foot controller with rugged, stylish brushed aluminum housing * One metal pedal and seven ultra solid switches (one under the pedal, e.g. to bypass a WahWah effect). * Each switch has a status LED indicating its status. * Bidirectional communication with the software (Rig Kontrol 2 displays the status of the software and vice versa) * 3 digit status LED displays current GUITAR RIG preset number * Convenient assignment of parameters from within the software * 24-bit/96kHz USB 2.0 audio interface (not backwards compatible with USB 1.1!) * Two 1/4" TRS inputs with instrument preamps (regular line devices such as synthesizers can be used as well), individual gain controls per channel and signal/peak LEDs * Two balanced 1/4" TRS outputs with high/low switch (full scale and -14dB, e.g. for guitar amps) and signal LEDs * Headphone 1/4" TRS output with individual level control * Two 1/4" pedal inputs for additional expression and volume pedals * MIDI I/O with activity LEDs * It's possible to use the control features (switches, pedal, and displays) of Rig Kontrol 2 independently of the audio/MIDI interface * The control data of Rig Kontrol 2 can be recorded to a sequencer automation track * USB 2 connection to computer * Powered via USB 2, no AC adapter or batteries necessary * Compatibility: ASIO 2.0, Core Audio, and WDM Asa, pe hartie, pare o interfata audio extrem de atragatoare.
dgeekoo Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 As adauga ca daca iei controlerul nu ai nevoie de cine stie ce PC. Cu Laptop cu Celeron M la 1.6GHz si 512MB memorie faci un setup excelent (19 milioane la Real Sellgros sau Metro). Si este si portabil. Poate fi folosit pentru 2 instrumente cu setari independente (2 guitari sau guitar+bass). Guitar Rig (inclusiv soft) ajunge pe la 460Euro (daca nu ma insel...)
Guest anghelescu Posted March 13, 2007 Posted March 13, 2007 deci... vad ca m-ati cam inteles gresit... eu o sa iau un calc ..bun.. (iindraznesc sa zic f bun) si eram curios daca e sa dau banii pe rig kontroleru ala ....o sa am rezultate foarte acasa...jam ceva(adica sa mearga perfect....)... din care pot sa scot si un ton de asa folosesc distorsu meu "principal" si e un pic mai agresiv... dar decat sa ma complic pentru asa ceva...mai bine iau un amp mic pe lampi...gen:epiphone valve(junior,head,special,standard), laney ceva.... sau poate fender blues junior... sau poate un orange ceva.... mersi oricum....
Susceptor Posted March 13, 2007 Posted March 13, 2007 @wierdguy: si eu la inceput gandeam ca un program e bun, apoi ca un procesor e bun si pana la urma m-am convins ca merita lampile; recunosc ca folosesc amplitube 2 sau guitar rig 2 acasa; o mica precizare insa: nu pot sa ma consider chitarist (tot ce fac acasa e mai mult in joaca) si le folosesc pt ca reusesc sa scot sunete interesante. insa mai e pana cand un ampsim sa sune ca un amp (efectele mai seamana)
Cosu Posted March 16, 2007 Posted March 16, 2007 pretul de lista este 499 euro pentru rig kontrol + guitar rig. LE: acum am vazut ca mai sus era deja postat un pret.
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