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    None of the Above
  • Gear
    Fender Stratocaster MIM, Gibson Les Paul Studio, Reverend Club King RT

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  1. Pret nou: 3700 RON! In pret incluse husa originala Fender si transportul prin curier oriunde in tara.
  2. Chitara e ca noua. Fara uzura vizibila pe taste. Nu sunt zgarieturi evidente. Nu prea am repetat cu ea si a fost la un singur concert. De la producator: Neck pocket optimized for better neck pitch 9.5”-radius rosewood fingerboard with 22 medium jumbo frets Dual special design “hot” single-coil Jaguar pickups On/off slider switch for each pickup Two-position tone cut switch Classic Jaguar “lead”/“rhythm” dual-circuit design with volume and tone control for each Adjusto-Matic bridge with vintage-style “floating” tremolo tailpiece and tremolo lock button
  3. Gasit! Se poate inchide.
  4. https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/111125-bass-player-caut-trupa-in-cluj-napoca/
  5. https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/111125-bass-player-caut-trupa-in-cluj-napoca/
  6. Informatii despre noi: https://www.facebook.com/notaband/ Demo: https://soundcloud.com/nota-cluj/sets/demos Live: https://soundcloud.com/nota-cluj/sets/live-in-atelier-2015 Mai multe informatii pe Facebook, PM sau la nota.cluj@gmail.com.
  7. Sorry, am un ac30 si-mi ajunge ca nici pe ala nu-l folosesc
  8. Merci dar nu stiu sa cant la chestiile alea
  9. Pret: 120 RON Localitate: Cluj-Napoca Contact: PM Link producator: http://www.amazon.com/Joyo-JF-05-Classic-Chorus-incredible/dp/B007VOGU8O Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Poze la cerere.
  10. Pret: 250 RON Localitate: Cluj-Napoca Contact: PM Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Ceva in genul asta: http://www.thomann.de/ro/morley_aby.htm
  11. Se poate inchide.
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