ce mai faceau oamenii prin '80 ca sa atraga atentia. caroliner e o trupa de muzica experimentala care a adus 'febra psihedelica' pe scena, in costume. inca activeaza, nu suna extraordinar [cam splitati asa] dar mi s-au parut interesanti ca si concept.
According to band lore, in the 1800s (they aren't terribly specific) there was a world-renowned singing bull named Caroliner that was unfortunately slaughtered and roasted by his hungry master. All that survived of his legacy was the Singing Bull Songbook, a veritable guidebook to the life of a singing bull in the 1800s that went missing following the premature death of Caroliner the singing bull. Thus, the life's work of this edible visionary was lost to humanity (and bovinity) for over a century until it was recovered..
The band is reportedly awaiting the "building of a horticulture twist spindle farm of 1844" for the next tour that will "hopefully include face roulettes", and fantastic new deformed sheep faced instrumentalists".