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Mihai Dănciulescu

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Mihai Dănciulescu last won the day on January 15

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About Mihai Dănciulescu

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    Endorser for Schecter Guitars


    Ax FX Fractal
    Victory Heads
    ENGL Cabinets


    Morley Bad Horsie 2 Wah
    Dallas Range Master OD
    MXR Zakk Wylde OD
    MXR Black Label Chorus
    Boss DD3


    Sennheiser IEM G3
    Shure headphones

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  1. Scos de pe un cab Engl 1x12 luat de mine de la Thomann in toamna 2024. 300 lei
  2. In stare perfecta, cu cutia originala. https://www.thomann.de/ro/shure_sh55_serie_ii.htm 550 lei contact aici sau pe whatsapp
  3. Folosit doar in studio, in stare perfecta, cu cutia originala. https://www.thomann.de/ro/rode_nt2a_studio_solution_set.htm 950 lei contact aici sau pe whatsapp
  4. Cumparat de pe Reverb, in stare perfecta de funcționare, estetic impecabil. Eu l-am folosit doar in studio pentru cateva melodii. Pret 800 eur si nu doresc nici un schimb. Contact WhatsApp 0721968461 Pun aici prezentarea inițială: Marshall JCM900 model 4500 head, 50watt. Year of construction 1991 (serial Z17294), version that came out from the factory standard with EL34. It currently features 2 EL34 Svetlana C logo (the absolute top) and 3 12AX7 Sovtek selected for the best sound. Very good condition of the tolex. Original LCR electrolytic capacitors and Drake transformers both original and perfect. The head was completely overhauled by BRBS Amplification with cleaning of the potentiometers and replacement of worn ones, and modified with a very famous BRBS modification which makes the sound more full-bodied and "tube-like" without affecting the typical Marshall timbre and feeling, without the harsh high frequencies typical of the jcm900 dual reverb. A push/pull potentiometer has been inserted on the front panel which regulates the DEPTH, i.e. the amount of bass in the power amp and if pulled out give a small additional bass boost only on the clean channel to make it more bluesy. The modification alone is worth €200 if done at the BRBS laboratory. Do you want plexy sound up to jcm800 high gain without spending a fortune? this is the right product! ATTENTION, for the nitpickers who ask: the modification does not involve the total removal of the diodes as they are necessary to work synergistically with the modification (which primarily provides for a greater gain of the valve stage in order to achieve true valve saturation) . Those who indiscriminately promote the removal of diodes from JCM900s know nothing about hybrid circuitry and have no real experience in the field of amplifiers.
  5. Pe Thomann costa 485 lei/bucata, eu doresc 270 lei/bucata si nu doresc nici un schimb. https://www.thomann.de/ro/the_t.bone_bd_500_beta.htm Contact WhatsApp 0721968461
  6. Pe Thomann costa 898 lei/bucata, eu doresc 550 lei/bucata si nu doresc nici un schimb. https://www.thomann.de/ro/shure_beta_52.htm Contact WhatsApp 0721968461
  7. Unul este la cutie, celalalt nu. Nici unul nu mai are castile. Pe Thomann costa 759 lei, eu doresc 350 lei pe cel cu cutie si 300 lei pe cel fara. https://www.thomann.de/ro/the_t.bone_iem_75.htm Contact WhatsApp 0721968461
  8. Pe Thomann este 1199 lei, eu doresc 650 lei si nu doresc nici un schimb. https://www.thomann.de/ro/sabian_08_chopper_disc.htm Contact WhatsApp 0721968461
  9. Pe Thomann este 1555 lei, eu doresc 800 lei si nu doresc nici un schimb. https://www.thomann.de/ro/sabian_16_aax_china.htm Contact WhatsApp 0721968461
  10. Pe Thomann este 2333 lei, eu doresc 1400 lei si nu sunt interesat de schimburi. https://www.thomann.de/ro/sabian_20_hhx_evolution_ride.htm Contact WhatsApp 0721968461
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