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Everything posted by CiocanelBloodyCIocanel

  1. Exista Malin Cristache. In rest mai sunt cativa chitaristi care-l mai practica, dar nu ca stil principal, cunoscuti in grupurile celor care cunosc ceva jazz (putini, ca peste tot in lume, ce sa-i faci, dar aici sunt si mai putin ca dupa ce s-a terminat anti-intelectualismul comunist a inceput anti-intelectualismul antena 1 si pseudo-intelectualismul hipsteresc) Malin sustine concerte saptamanal si are si elevi din cate stiu. in rest, e Florin Niculescu - cel mai vioara pe gipsy jazz la ora actuala (dar e de rangu Birelli si canta afara)
  2. util. The chromatic mediant sound is all the rage nowadays... just as it was 200 years ago as well. Composers such as Schubert, and Chopin, loved to use that same sound. You may ask yourself, why does it work though? It's not functional. First, let's define exactly what a chromatic mediant is. A chromatic mediant is a chord that is related by a 3rd, either major or minor, but does not fit within the standard diatonic harmony. For C major, this means A minor and E minor are not chromatic mediants - they are just mediant relationships. Hence their names - E minor is called the mediant, and A minor is the submediant. This leaves A major, Ab major, E major, and Eb major. If you play a C major, followed by anyone of these chords, you get that "Chromatic mediant sound". This raises the question, why do they sound good? It basically comes down to common tones. Each one of these chords shares a common tone with C. C and A both share the note E. C and Ab both share the note C. C and E both share the note E. C and Eb both share the note G. This means that voice leading is minimized but you still maintain interesting harmonic movement. Notice, that I don't mention Eb minor, and Ab minor. They are technically chromatic mediants, but they share no common tones with C. They sound cool, but are also very far outside the diatonic sound. How do mediant's fit within standard diatonic functions? Well... they really don't. This can be a point of confusion for many people, but when you use a chromatic mediant, it is effectively breaking the standard Tonic > Pre-Dominant > Dominant > Tonic pattern. This means, you can quite easily fit the chromatic mediants between functions. For instance, the progression C - Ab - Dm - G7 - C, actually sounds quite nice. But it doesn't sound purely functional. C - F - Db - G7 - C also sounds nice. In this case Db is the chromatic mediant to F. The key is thinking outside of diatonic functions, and thinking in terms of voice leading. Talk to you soon, Jon Click here to find out more about joining the Academy. Copyright © 2016 Art of Composing, All rights reserved. You joined this list because you are interested in learning to compose music and signed up for the free beginner's course or purchased a product from Art of Composing.
  3. Da, cam asta e, depinde de set. Presupun ca nu e vorba de contrafacut sau chestii, doar cate o cireasa stricata p-ici colo. Se mai intampla.
  4. Se intampla.Am facut un experiment si am vazut ca pe chitara pe care aveam Poliweb s-a f***t mai repede D-ul decat pe cea cu nanoweb. Dar chestia e ca oricum tin mai mult ca altele. S-a exfoliat coarda dupa vreo 3 saptamani. In alea 3 saptamani au sunat corzile ca noi. Dupa o saptamana corzile d'addario sau orice altceva suna altfel. Dupa 3 oricum ar cam trebui sa le schimbi. In niciun caz d'addario si ernie ball nu suna la fel dupa cateva zile. Sunt unii care le schimba pe fiecare zi daca au concerte zilnic (martin taylor spre ex) Pe alta chitara am nanoweb de o luna si nu au nici pe dracu. depinde si ce pana folosesti, cred. N-am tinut cont de asta, dar banui ca graphtechurile sunt mai rigide si d-aia s-au dus atunci mai repede.
  5. S-a f***t floydu chinezesc. Ma gandesc la un Floyd Special sau sa strang bani chiar de unu Original.
  6. Voxu are timp de inregistrare mai scurt. Dar are efecte. Pe gigitec poti pune pe card alte 'parti de armonie/ritm' deja inregistrate.
  7. Nu sunt fumator, dar n-aveam nimic cu fumatorii si mai fumam si eu cate una cand ieseam. Nu ma deranja. Poluarea din oras era mult mai ingrijoratoare. Problema e ca 'nefumatorii' oricum ies doar din cand in cand in oras si beau o bericica si se duc acasa devreme 'sa prinda metroul'. Asa ca tot barurile ies in pierdere. Partea cu canceru' tot de genetica depinde mai mult.
  8. Noua chitara cu floyd rose si other china stuff Material: Lemne (mai grea decat 8stringu) Doze: fara zgomot Grif scalopat Marca: Chender Nu prea suna a strat. Nush ce sa zic, mi se pare ca suna mai... plinutz decat un strat. Incepe sa-mi placa. Doza de bridge e mai high output, nu prea-mi place, dar nu au zgomot deloc. Au mai putin zgomot decat GFS-ul pe distors. Floydu e... OK, dar inca nu-l folosesc... corespunzator. Tastarea e facuta mai cu bun simt decat la celelalte 2 chinezarii cumparate pana acum. Practic inregistrarea e facuta out of the box, cu corzile trimise de ei. N-am setat-o, doar i-am dat actiunea mai jos. Inregistrare cu Zoom h1 si blackstar
  9. Vai, platesti foarte mult impozit si ca PFA. Ramai cam cu jumatate si putin din ce faci. Cat faci pe concert? 100 de dolari? Plus ca tre sa alergi pe la fisc, mai uiti sa mai platesti cate o sanatate, o pensie, iti vine instiintare de la anaf...
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