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    Brasov/Santu Gheorghe

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    Ibanez; Peavey 5150,MF400 cab.

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bau_bau's Feedback

  1. avatar2100 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Vanzator de incredere, super serios. Ma declar pe deplin multumit :))

    bau_bau was The Seller

  2. Razvan S. left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Vand Case Rack Gator Gr-4L (4U)
    Omul a platit rapid in avans! Recomand!+++ Maine trimit obiectul

    bau_bau was The Buyer

  3. avatar2100 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Lampi Tuburi 12Ax7,12At7,el34,5U4Gb,ecc83 In Cutii
    Foarte parolist, recomand cu caldura.

    bau_bau was The Buyer

  4. Gubesz left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Peavey 5150 Reconstruit Dupa Schema Lui Soldano Slo100
    Persoana serioasa si un om de cuvant,recomand cu incredere.

    bau_bau was The Seller

  5. sleepdownloader left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Digitech Metal Master
    Un om serios si de inredere :) Recomand tuturor

    bau_bau was The Seller

  6. loris left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Tc Nova Delay
    Tranzactie rapida. Om de cuvant. Crin Antonescu are de invatat de la acest om!!!

    bau_bau was The Seller

  7. Shreder_DT left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Zakk Wylde Overdrive
    Super de treaba, prompt si serios. Pedala a ajuns fara nici o problema

    bau_bau was The Seller

  8. cosminsatri left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [Schimb] Marshall Compresor Ed-1
    Un vanzator f serios. Un specialist electronist adevarat. RECOMAND 100 % !!!

    bau_bau was The Seller

  9. radu.popescu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Boss Dd-20 Giga Delay
    Tranzactie de 5 *****! Nu mi-e frica de bau_bau....:-)))))

    bau_bau was The Buyer

  10. xbogx left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Boss Noise Supressor Ns2
    vanzator serios, pedala era cum a promis

    bau_bau was The Seller

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