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  • Gear
    - Fender Telecaster Road Worn 60's
    - Fender Stratocaster Highway 1 (upg) 2007 cu SD JBJR in bridge.
    - Schecter Damien 4 Bass
    - Blackstar HT-5 amp
    - Visual Sound H2o v2
    - EHX Holy Grail Plus
    - Vox v847 Wah
    - Crybaby 535q
    - Analog sound TS808 + DynaComp

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puiub's Feedback

  1. gigimarga left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Tremolo TC Electronics Choka
    Un om foarte serios si simpatic. Mi-a facut placere sa il reintalnesc si sa mai stam de vorba :)

    puiub was The Buyer

  2. cereal left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Mixer Mackie Onyx 820I
    Super ok omul. Recomand.

    puiub was The Buyer

  3. moises left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] GFI Specular Tempus
    Extrem de serios, hotarat ai punctual. Recomand cu mare caldura. Tranzactie reusita

    puiub was The Buyer

  4. catalinp2004 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Novation Launchpad S
    Vanzarea a decurs OK si a fost o placere sa stam de vorba; un tip serios si comunicativ, recomand cu orice ocazie!

    puiub was The Buyer

  5. Razvan S. left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Vand pedala expresie KORG EXP-2
    Om serios, a platit in avans pentru pedala! Recomand+++

    puiub was The Buyer

  6. flavius left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Mad Professor Forest Green Compressor Fact.
    Vanzator corect, de incredere. Recomand

    puiub was The Seller

  7. VIc left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Fender Stratocaster Highway 1 Usa + Upgrade Doze
    Apelati cu toata increderea! Om serios!

    puiub was The Seller

  8. Blackthorn left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Set Doze Telecaster - Seymour Duncan Vintage Stack For Tele
    Vanzator foarte serios si de treaba, recomand

    puiub was The Seller

  9. FMI left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Set De Doze Sss De Pe Fender Highway 1 (usa)
    Dozele sunt foarte bune si au facut un squier fericit ! Multumesc RGC!

    puiub was The Seller

  10. Andy B left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Delay + Chorus - Visual Sound H2O V2 (2 In 1)
    vanzator serios, de incredere!

    puiub was The Seller

  11. Doctor X left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Electro-Harmonix Doctor Q
    Cumparator serios, de cuvant si intelegator. Recomand!

    puiub was The Buyer

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