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Everything posted by Razvan S.
* Got a chance to swap some capacitors and the tube, in my old 60's Sencore Tube Tester Great tool to have around * Another HGE Contraptions JHS Morning Glory clone (123rd pedal built!) * HGE Contraptions Catalinbread SFT II clone, with the stoner switch. Very cool QOTSA sounds from this mean od/fuzz thing. I used Motorola MPF4393 transistors as per the original. (124th pedal built) Vid sample Important later edit: In the meantime I discovered a general error that existed for this schematic on the web, and corrected it for the owner. Now the Gate from the Q1 position FET is seeing a stable voltage. This is totally wrong online and I will do my best to alert anyone who does this to correct this. Basically moved one leg of the 470K resistor at the input 2 rows down(at the other side of the 100nF resistor).
Buenos, Aveti pana in 17.02 ora 23:59 Postati pe acest topic interpretarea voastra! Wild Majestic Metal Guitar Backing Track Jam in E Minor.mp3
Ma bucur sa vad ca s-a participat. Aveti toata saptamana pentru vot (in 04.02 la ora 10:00 se va inchide automat) Pentru a reasculta: CiocanelBloodyCiocanel - https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/130848-duel-119-inscrieri/?do=findComment&comment=1024205 Razvan S. - https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/130848-duel-119-inscrieri/?do=findComment&comment=1024299 Shreder_DT - https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/130848-duel-119-inscrieri/?do=findComment&comment=1024340 tibimosby - https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/130848-duel-119-inscrieri/?do=findComment&comment=1024355 baltazar181 - https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/130848-duel-119-inscrieri/?do=findComment&comment=1024383 Kibis44 - https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/130848-duel-119-inscrieri/?do=findComment&comment=1024385 alexm97 - https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/130848-duel-119-inscrieri/?do=findComment&comment=1024386 SKU - https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/130848-duel-119-inscrieri/?do=findComment&comment=1024410 Roberto2001 - https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/130848-duel-119-inscrieri/?do=findComment&comment=1024522 spike2 - https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/130848-duel-119-inscrieri/?do=findComment&comment=1024523 Dirty_Joe - https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/130848-duel-119-inscrieri/?do=findComment&comment=1025007 *Alberto* - https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/130848-duel-119-inscrieri/?do=findComment&comment=1025102 Pataque - https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/130848-duel-119-inscrieri/?do=findComment&comment=1025123 Brici_nw - https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/130848-duel-119-inscrieri/?do=findComment&comment=1025172 SpiriFlaviu - https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/130848-duel-119-inscrieri/?do=findComment&comment=1025181
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* An LTD EC-500 LP came in for some general stuff: - setup which included nut filing to be ideal(some strings were actually snagging at the nut); - cleaned the electro parts and also painted the screws, along with some general cleaning, loose tuners were tightened; - degrinded and polished the frets; * An Ibanez GRG121DX came in for some work: - setup which included some nut work; - cleaned the electro parts and also painted the screws, along with some general cleaning, loose tuners were tightened also; - degrinded and polished the frets; * A Cort KX5-CQ came in for some work: - setup which included some nut work; - cleaned the electro parts and also painted some screws, along with some general cleaning, loose tuners were tightened also; - degrinded and polished the frets;
One week left, cmon!
Cmon people bagati-va (De acum, se poate posta direct de voi!) Invit la duel, daca doresc: @TB_TM @Radu Burcea @Metal Head In
Mister @spike2
Mister @Roberto2001
Mister @SKU
Mister @alexm97
- 21 replies
- 10
Domnu @Kibis44
Mister @baltazar181
Domnul @tibimosby
Domnul @Shreder_DT
Domnul eu :)) Cmon people...participate . Nu trebuie sa fie perfect sau....
- 21 replies
- 11
* Repaired a TS9 that came in with some volume loss issues * A 2018 Fender US Tele came in for a setup I also polished the fretwire, adjusted the nut slots slightly, and cleaned the electronics Before and after: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Domnul CiocanelBloodyCiocanel
- 21 replies
- 12
Am revenit Una pentru... romantici Aveti pana in 28.01 Romantic Groove Backing Track in D minor SZBT 215.mp3 Se poate posta acum aici direct!(nu se putea inainte,de aceea am postat eu takeurile fiecaruia)
* A Warmoth lefty strat came in at some point with a lot of wiring issues, and other stuff. - had to take some of the neck material from under the roller nut because it was slanted upward a lot on the thick strings side and gave a huge action; - two fretwires were sticking out so I rehammered them, and also removed that grindy feeling on all and polished them; - had to buy a new left handed trem arm, because the original was missing and the one it had was non original and didn't fit at all(it wobbled greatly); - one of the saddle adjustment screws was literally replaced with a crap wood screw (pff!), and had to buy that as well (the ones that I had didn't fit the US screw slot in the saddles); - had to sand down the pickguard a bit on the neck heel side because it couldn't be taken out without either taking off the neck...or the neck pickup ; - rewired the whole guitar, with new CTS pots and also cleaned the Japanese vintage switch thoroughly (opened it, sanded/polished the copper contacts in it) -> it was a HUGE mess before; Turned out to be a GREAT guitar once again after all the procedures! After: Before: * A Chevy Strat came in for a wiring touchup/partial rewire. Great sounding guitar, someone put Fender Fat 50's in it, but the wiring was not the best, and some solder points were cold also, and I redid them. I also took out the ''treble bleed''. Surprisingly, this is allegedly a Korean guitar, but it has Japan parts in it, haha. After: Before: *An Ovation 1655 Custom Balladeer 12 string USA came in with slight issues. Changed the battery, redid a solder point on the jack Hot lug, and also removed some previous textolite height adjustment things probably put by someone in, but the bridge really did not need it. It is high enough anyway, without those. Did not do a setup as the owner didn't request it, but I did polish and shine the fretwire, and it plays beautifully and feels much more alive now due to the removed tarnish from over the years. Also cleaned the fretboard, obviously. Cool guitar, loved that I could test this out. * Rewired a Fender US Precision Bass Someone for some reason tinkered with it before...and they literally forgot to tie Lug1 of the Vol pot to ground...and obviously the volume didn't close. As the wiring looked horrible, I redid everything and also cleaned the back of the pots and the interior and everything (I lik the way you can clean CTS pots down to the very last part). Put an ERO 0.022uF cap in it. I redid the intonation only. After: Before: * An Indonesian G&L Asat Deluxe Tribute Tele came in for a setup and some fretwire work(some were sticking out/had to be rehammered/sanded down/repolished). I also repainted the screws. You can see how the frewire had micro scratches and was very tarnished before. Now it shines and feels great Fretwire before:
cumpăr Cumpar pedala Harley Benton CPT-20
Razvan S. replied to Vraciul's topic in Pedale, efecte și preamplificatoare
Pe viitor te rog o mai mare atentie, ai postat initial la discutii pt echipament, nu Mica Publicitate. -
Problema Ciudata Epiphone Les Paul Custom Pro
Razvan S. replied to spike2's topic in DIY & Minitehnicus
spike2 a mai fost la mine, initial crezusem amandoi, ca problema a fost rezolvata to some extent (am dat jos coverul de la bridge, si a AJUTAT, dar nu complet). I-am mentionat si atunci ca wiringu e cam meh...si ar trebui refacut tot. Nu exista o chestie generala ce poate cauza asta, pot fi multi factori, de la lipituri ciudate, la cabluri venite cumva anume, pana la sensibilitatea dozei bla bla. Conzii iar pot fi, u can tap those and stuff. Daca spike2 se decide, facem un rewiring total, pentru ca alta solutie nu vad Tin minte ca era cam crap ce am gasit in chitara, si am spus si atunci ca ar trebui facut, dar omu avea nevoie de chitara mai repede. I-am sugerat intre timp ceva interesant, for his own testing, sa poke around cu ceva gen scobitoare pe la fire si wiring, sa vada daca squealu se modifica sau dispare, sau se intampla altceva. Either way -> Would need redoing . https://hgecontraptions.blogspot.com/2018/01/epiphone-custom-pro-lp-tinkering.html