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  • Gear
    Tama Superstar SK52, Paiste Alpha&502, Istanbul Radiant
    Tama&DW hardware, Remo&Evans drumheads
    Tama Iron Cobra double bass pedal
    Marshall AvT50 - 50 watt guitar amp
    Blackstar Club Ht40 - 50 watt guitar amp
    Ampeg B150 - 100 watt bass amp
    Audio technica MBDK 58 Drum mics
    AKG D112 Mic
    Shure SM 58&57 Mics
    Samson C02 Condenser mics
    Alesis usb 2.0 Multichannel tracker.

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  1. pedala este in continuare.
  2. punctele 2,3, 10, 11, 12 si 15 s-au dat.
  3. 1. LANEY IRT212 - 900 RON - CA NOU - 2. Bugera 412H-BK 200W 4x12 - 450 RON -
  4. Se vand urmatoarele microfoane: 1. SHURE SM58 LC - 300 ron + husa + nuca - 300RON 2. SHURE SM58 cu on/off + husa + nuca - 350 RON 3. SAMSON C05 - 90 RON 4. Pereche Samson C02 - lipsesc nucile - 250 RON 5. AKG D112 + cutie + nuca - 400 RON 6. 2x Stativ microfon http://www.senia.ro/stativ-microfon-k-m-21080-300-87/2388-1 135 RON bucata.
  5. Se vand urmatoarele : 1. Pedala dubla IRON COBRA Power Glide - achizitionata în 2017 de la MC - deci in garantie - folosita de maxim 10 ori - link: http://www.mcmusic.ro/tobe/hardware-ro-2/pedale-ro/tama-hp900pwn-pedal-tob - 1300 RON - 2. Scaun TAMA First Chair - Tama HT741 - link : http://www.mcmusic.ro/tobe/hardware-ro-2/stative-si-scaune-ro/tama-ht741-1st-chair-scaun-toba-cu-spatar - 650 RON 3. Scaun TAMA simplu nou, 175 ron. 4. Stativ fus TAMA HH205 NOU , baza rotativa http://www.mcmusic.ro/tobe/hardware-ro-2/stative-si-scaune-ro/tama-hh205-stativ-fus 220 RON 5. Stativ fus TAMA HH35 NOU, baza rotativa http://www.mcmusic.ro/tobe/hardware-ro-2/stative-si-scaune-ro/tama-hh35w-stativ-fus - 275 RON 6. Tija cinel TAMA MCB45EN + atasament de stativ Gibraltar http://www.mcmusic.ro/tobe/hardware-ro-2/stative-si-scaune-ro/tama-mcb45en-tija-cinel - 160 RON 7. Brat cinel TAMA CA45EN http://www.mcmusic.ro/tobe/hardware-ro-2/stative-si-scaune-ro/tama-ca45en-brat-cinel - 150 RON 8. Atasament tom TAMA MC69 tom clamp http://www.mcmusic.ro/tobe/hardware-ro-2/stative-si-scaune-ro/tama-mc69-tom-clamp 140 RON 9. Tama HS80W - Stativ Premier RoadPro - NOU - http://www.mcmusic.ro/tobe/hardware-ro-2/stative-si-scaune-ro/tama-hs80w-stativ-premier 250 RON 10. Tama HC73 RoadPro Stativ Girafa Cinel - http://www.mcmusic.ro/tobe/hardware-ro-2/stative-si-scaune-ro/tama-hc73-roadpro-stativ-girafa-cinel 250 RON 11. Stativ girafa hc83bw http://www.mcmusic.ro/tobe/hardware-ro-2/stative-si-scaune-ro/tama-hc83bw-stativ-girafa-cinel - 350 RON 12. Stativ girafa dublu DW din seria 9000 - 350 RON - (cel al carui brat nu are manson - am si mansonul, cu nuca, dar e intr-o cutie si nu-l aveam disponibil pentru poza). 13. Stativ premier MILLENIUM SS901 PRO - fixare pe bila de cauciuc si contragreutate - EXTREM de stabil si rezistent - 150 RON. 14. Multiclamp http://www.mcmusic.ro/tobe/hardware-ro-2/stative-si-scaune-ro/tama-mc62-multi-clamp - sigilata - 80 RON. Aceeasi clema nesigilata, 60 RON. 15. Hi-hats Sabian B8 - 14 INCH - 250 RON 16. Ride Sabian B8 --21 INCH -- - 350 RON. Pozele cu item-urile se regasesc in atasament.
  6. up pentru un multitracker subevaluat. 6 canale SEPARATE, si monitorizabile separat in timp real - (in+out) in DAW + mix out la doar 550 ron e pomana.
  7. Un nr de tel? Cel din anunt nu este valabil.
  8. Pret: 0 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: tel/pm Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Cumpar toba mare, din mesteacan (birch) de dimensiuni 22 " x 18 "
  9. steel and maple sold. Mai e Silverstarul.
  10. Mixer compact, scoate 6 canale input (+2 trk in-out + monitorizare ) direct in DAW (usb 2.0) Accesorii: Cutie, cabluri, manual. Driverele sunt super ok, nu fac figuri pe x64. Latente mici. Folosit in regim de home studio.
  11. Pret: 0 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: telefon/pm Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Se vand premierele din imaginile de mai jos, astfel: - Tama Silverstar Custom Birch: 500 ron negociabil - Tama Superstar Hyperdrive Maple : 650 ron negociabil - Tama Rockstar Steel : 400 ron negociabil. Fetele Batter side sunt Remo Emperor Coated. 0 defecte estetice, 0 defecte de functionare, suna foarte bine. __________ Hi-hat B8 14" - 350 ron neg. Ride B8 - 22 " - 500 ron neg. __________
  12. cel dublu s-a dat. a ramas cel simplu.
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