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johnu1 last won the day on January 8

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    Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop, Fender American Telecaster, Ibanez Ss500, Curley Brothers Custom Telecaster, Ibanez Prestige 20071, Victoy V30, Fractal Ax8, Stranberg, Taylor 315.

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  1. Harley benton Power Plant Junior - cumparata de pe thomann noua pt. o pedala pe care intre timp am vandut-o Pret fix.
  2. Pedala wah momentan se retrage de la vanzare. Ramane doar fuzz Dreadbox Disorder Pret usor negociabil
  3. Vand preamp de Behringer Powerplay P1 In-Ear Monitor Amplifier si casti Sennheiser IE 100 PRO Clear. Produsele au fost achizitionate de la Zedoo si sunt impecabile, folosite la 3 cantari. Intre timp am luat in ear wireless si nu le-am mai folosit. Trimit in tara pe cheltuiala cumparatorului. Pret negociabil
  4. Nimeni, nimic?
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  6. 350 ultimul pret pt. o doza absolut noua
  7. Am luat reper Thomann, ce sari asa? 400 ron fara pickguard 450 cu pickguard.
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  9. Pickguard de la GreasyGroove HS pt Fender Mustang - 200 ron link aici: Search results for: 'pickguard kurt cobain' - Custom Pickguards (greasygroove.com) Cheite vintage date jos de pe Squier CV 60s Mustang - 100 Pickguard Fender Mustang cu doze 2 Fender Designed Alnico Single Coils si 2 switch cu 3 pozitii - 300 ron Squier Mustang Dynamic Stoptail - 150 Fender Bridge Mustang - 200 ron Mustang hardtail bridge conversion plate chrome - 150 ron link: Mustang guitar hardtail bridge conversion plate chrome (customworldguitarparts.com) Squier neck plate - 40 ron Butoane Fender mustang sau jazzbass - 10 ron As prefera (dar stiu ca e aproape imposibil ) sa le dau pe toate la pachet astfel incat pretul total se va negocia la fata locului.
  10. Van doza Dimarzio DP 184 Chopper care a fost montata pe un Fender Mustang apoi a fost data jos si nefolosita. Pretul cu tot cu pickguard este 550 ron
  11. Se pot vinde si separat: amp - 2300 ron cabinet - 2000 ron
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