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varu' maftei

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Everything posted by varu' maftei

  1. E vorba despre Peavey Classic 30 combo, care are un dif Blue Marvel la 16 ohmi, dar ampul merge si la 8 ohmi daca se leaga si un cabinet extern de 16 ohmi (paralel). Am gasit urmatoarea chestie in legatura cu modarea ampului: I strongly recommend that you replace the stock 12" 16 ohm speaker. (I put in an 8 ohm Celestion V12-60 "Silver Series" for about $60 and was fairly pleased with the performance.) What I did notice when I put the stock speaker back in, the amp sounds much more alive if I plug it into the existing "Extension Speaker" jack (which uses the 8 ohm tap). I also noticed a similar response when testing the amp with the 16 ohm load of my Classic 50-410 speakers. I suspect that putting the speaker load on the 8 ohm tap has an effect on the feedback loop; in any event, for a nice blues lead guitar tone use the 8 ohm jack whenever feasible. There is a simple trick to switch the built-in speaker from the 16 ohm tap to the 8 ohm tap: plug a bare 1/4" plug into the Extension Speaker jack. The internal switching contacts of the jack will connect the builtin speaker in parallel to the 8 ohm tap when anything is plugged into the Extension Speaker jack. If you can't afford to replace the stock speaker at this time, be sure to switch it over to the 8 ohm tap. Inteleg ca trebuie sa pun un simplu jack in mufa de ext. speaker. E sigur ca nu strig ceva cu chestia asta ? Care e explicatia pentru care ar suna mai bine/altfel ?
  2. Credeam ca chestia de schimbat canalele e la fel la toate ampurile, de ce e Behringer diferit de Peavey ?
  3. Dar nu pricep cum functioneaza FS112 asta cu ampurile Behringer, imi explica cineva ?
  4. S-ar putea modifica footswitchul (usor si fara costuri mari) ca sa faca ce trebuie ?
  5. Am un combo Peavey Classic 30 si am incercat sa schimb canalele ampului si sa activez/dezactivez reverbul cu un footswitch Behringer FS112 care e folosit pentru aceleasi lucruri pentru diverse ampuri Behringer. In primul rand, functioneaza doar daca si cat tin apasat butoanele footswitchului, iar in al doilea rand butonul din stanga care ar trebui sa schimbe canalele activeaza reverbul si invers. Sigur exista o explicatie legata de momentary/latching si alte chestii la care recunosc ca nu ma pricep, asa ca va intreb pe voi cum se poate rezolva sa functioneze cum trebuie. Merci anticipat !
  6. Si rezulatetele ? Asteptam review...
  7. http://www.ibanez.com/ElectricGuitars/model-RGA72QME Asta e foarte asemanatoare cu modelul tau, te poti inspira.
  8. Mai demult faceau si pe 16. http://www.ebay.com/itm/CELESTION-G12K-100-16-ohm-Professional-Loudspeaker-Electric-Guitar-Speaker-3467-/170945786992?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27cd29b470
  9. Cumparat de pe forum, detalii aici: http://forums.rgc.ro/topic/67692-hughes-kettner-red-box-cabinetulator/page__p__643756__hl__kettner__fromsearch__1#entry643756 Contact: PM sau victorlndh@yahoo.com
  10. Vesti nasoale, e greu in vremurile astea... http://gretschpages.com/forum/other-guitars/another-one-bites-the-dust-hamer-is-shutting-down/57673//page1/
  11. ai PM.
  12. Bassul pleaca azi spre Radauti. Topic inchis.
  13. Buna ziua ! Va ocupati si de partea electrica (instalat doze etc.) ?
  14. Intre timp am mai adaugat un chorus Boss CE-5 care nu apare in poza
  15. http://www.thomann.de/ro/strymon_timeline.htm
  16. Mai fac o incercare la 500 lei, daca nu se da nici acum, salutare si drum bun !!!
  17. V30 la 8 sau 16 ohmi ? Pret in caz ca te intereseaza si vanzare ?
  18. Parerea mea e ca nu prea ai cum sa gasesti o chitara cu sistem tremolo gen FR bun in pretul asta, asa ca eu unul mi-as lua o chitara buna cu bridge fix.
  19. Scuze de spam, dar asta e mult mai buna decat oricare din variantele tale: http://forums.rgc.ro/topic/76014-carvin-dc127-fixed-bridge/page__fromsearch__1
  20. up !
  21. N-ai pierdut nimic...
  22. Doar chitari sau si ampuri, efecte etc. ? Cam cat e comisionul la 1500$ ?
  23. http://www.amtelectronics.com/products/drive_series_effects/
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