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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/24 in all areas

  1. https://jurnalul.ro/stiri/observator/nicu-covaci-murit-lider-phoenix-mostenire-972063.html
    1 point
  2. Schimb Fender Part-Caster compus dintrun neck Hendrix Tribute USA 1997, stainless steel frets si Schaller F tuners, YJM Strat Body (M2-seria a 2-a) si un loaded Seymour Duncan YJM Fury Pickguard. Evit sa precizez chitarele dorite la schimb pentru a nu limita ofertele, cei interesati trimite-ti va rog ofertele voaster pe PM si discutam acolo. Multumesc! Preț 6000 lei
    1 point
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