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Caut O Chitara Model Buckethead...

Guest PapaRoach

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Guest PapaRoach

Caut o chitara model Buckethead...Poate putin mai ieftina...Ceva oferte?...


Nu prea vreau momentan dar mi-ar intra in plan...Ca inca ma gandesc la a doua chitara...


Daca gasesc oferte bune o sa o iau...


Sunt cam pretentios nu? Si vreau sa o iau si la un pret bun...Am vazut un kit Saga care iti dadea toate piesele ca sa iti construiesti propriul Les Paul numai sa iei un buton si asta e(ca sa arate ca a lui BucketHead)...O sa va dau si un link...Dar nu ma prea pricep la lucruri electrice...Cu fire si dastea:D..


Ca sa iasa frumos setul ala iti trebui urmatoarele...Am vazut un user pe Youtube care si-a facut o chitara ca a lui Buckethead cu urmatoarele:


Saga LC-10 Kit: http://www.instrumentalley.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=Saga-LC-10&...

Sanwa OBSN-24: http://www.arcadeshop.de/Sanwa-Buttons-Sanwa-OBSN-24-red_737.html

DiMarzio Tone Zone

DiMarzio Air Norton(La astea n-am gasit link dar anyway...)


Mi s-a parut ieftin totusi fata de o chitara Gibson Buckethead(9119 lei-sau ceva pe acolo)...Cam asta ar fi chitara dorita de mine..\m/ in continuare guys.



Edited by PapaRoach
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Cam greu. De aspect te poti apropia intr-o oarecare masura cu un Epiphone.



Ca si materiale folosite, mai greu.


Ca utilitate e destul de simplu, ca nu trebuie sa o gauresti. Killswitch-ul de sus se monteaza in locul switch-ului, killswitch-ul 3way se pune jos, in locul unui pot de ton, iar in locul celuilalt pot de tot se pune inca un killswitch, iar un pot de volum se inlocuieste cu unul de ton.


Ce arata misto la chitara este griff-ul. E cam greu sa scoti inlay-urile.


Body-ul este chambered, ceea ce va fi cam greu sa gasesti la o chitara ieftina. De asemenea, nici proportiile nu corespund. E o chitara mai mare decat un Les Paul normal.


Cel mai bine iti iei un Les Paul in functie de banutii pe care ii ai, si te multumesti ca ai o chitara care seamana doar ca forma cu aceea. :)


Switch-ul ala nu cred ca e bun, trebuie sa fie momentary switcht.


Poti sa-ti iei si un kit, dar e mai mare bataia de cap cu vopsitul si nici nu iese ca de fabrica. :death:

Edited by Gojira
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Salut, sunt multe dorinte ale tale, mai ales aceea de a-ti construi singur o chitara, care n-au legatura cu chitara 'specifica' lui Buckethead.

La ele pot raspunde cei cu dorinte asemanatoare, eu fiind doar iubitor al muzicii lui, iti spun ca o chitara buna, cam ca una dintre cele folosite de el, e asta:





si nu e mai mult de 4.200 de lei (fara transport) in UE, noua.

Daca te intereseaza cu adevarat si daca ai strans banii astia, da-mi un PM si-ti dau detalii, altfel nu e cazul, nu ma pricep la kit-uri de asamblat, etc.

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Paparoach, ce am zis eu, si nu contrazic alte afirmatii, este valabil, si e cam asta:


€ 969.00PRF€0.00Ex. PRF€ 969A talent as large and unique as that of Buckethead (aka Brian Patrick Carroll) requires an equally unique guitar to get the job done, and for years this unusual artist has expressed his musical personality through highly customized Gibson Les Paul-style instruments. To bring the rarified look and tone of Buckethead's own guitars to hardworking rock guitarists, Gibson USA introduces the Buckethead Les Paul Studio. Packing all the power and sonic versatility of the upscale Buckethead Signature Les Paul, the Buckethead Les Paul Studio offers unparalleled potential for 21st century sonic mayhem, at a price every tone twister can afford.


At a glance, the Buckethead Les Paul Studio might appear to be just a "modified Les Paul with a satin white finish," but a closer look reveals a plethora of hidden specs that make this an extremely unusual guitar. With an oversized, chambered Les Paul body, a fingerboard that is made from torrefied maple and devoid of position markers, and Buckethead's personal choice of Gibson's contemporary ceramic humbucking pickups—complete with modified electronics including "arcade" style kill switches and a push/pull tone control for splitting the bridge pickup—this is a Les Paul like none to have come before. It's primed to get you noticed, and designed for utmost performance for the contemporary rock, metal, and shred performer.


The Buckethead Les Paul Studio's extended 27" scale (si ce-i cu asta? e aproape ca la un bariton) length offers unprecedented harmonic shimmer and a firm low end like nothing you have ever heard in a six-string electric, and helps you to create your own unique voice and styling, whether you keep it in standard tuning or drop it into any of the alternative dropped and open tunings that it handles so well. A chambered mahogany body with solid carved maple top not only reduces the weight of this oversized instrument, but retains the classic rich yet clear tonal signature of the Les Paul Standard. Gibson's legendary Tune-o-matic bridge and stopbar tailpiece keep it all locked and loaded, while a Satin White finish offers a fast and tactile playing feel straight out of the case. With the Les Paul Studio's down-to-business appeal and Buckethead's unique specs and modifications, the Buckethead Les Paul Studio is primed to achieve tonal heights attainable by no other guitar out there.


Each guitar includes a Gibson hardshell case and owner's manual, and comes protected by Gibson's Limited Lifetime Warranty and 24/7/365 Customer Service.


  • Oversized, chambered Mahogany body with Satin White finish
  • Dark, durable torrefied Maple fingerboard
  • Coil-tapped 496R neck and 500T bridge humbucking pickups
  • Two custom "arcade" style push-button kill switches allow dramatic performance effects
  • Schaller™ locking keystone tuners with 16:1 ratio

1 Only!

Edited by schema
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