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Concurs Emg


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Got the chops to nail some of Zakk Wylde's scorching riffs? Then his rig may be yours for the taking! Capture your performance on video and upload it to YouTube. Zakk will choose his favorite from the top 5 videos.


Here's the deal:

Step #1. Upload a new (3 minute max) video of you playing your favorite Zakk song or riff in an EMG loaded guitar or bass. Include the word "EMG" somewhere in the title.

Step #2. Send an email to contest@emgpickups.com with your name, mailing address and a link to your video.

The top 5 videos (based on number of views and overall performance quality) will move to the final round. Zakk Wylde will choose the Shred Challenge Champ! Videos will be accepted from July 2, 2010 to August 27, 2010 with the winners announced by September 10, 2010.


Grand Prize:

• Gibson Zakk Wylde BFG Les Paul Buzzsaw

• A year's supply of Dunlop Signature Zakk Wylde Guitar Strings

• Crybaby Zakk Wylde Signature Wah

• MXR Zakk Wylde Overdrive

• MXR Black Label Chorus

• Red Monkey Zakk Wylde Guitar Strap

• Marshall MA50 head + 4x12 Cabinet


Runner up:

Guitar Hero World Tour with a Zakk Wylde autographed controller and XBox 360 along with a copy of the new BLS CD.

3rd, 4th and 5th place prizes will be awarded as well!


For additional information and contest rules please visit:



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Guest Casti Connubii

am impresia ca daca scriam eu mesaju lu vektor primeam warning pentru flaming sau ceva de genu

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