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Butonul De Volum


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Na, sa te scutesc de multe raspunsuri aiurea si pe mine de multa vorba:


E prea mare capacitoru' pe care l-ai pus. Treble bleed-ul nu ti-a facut potul liniar din logaritmic, ti se pare ca se comporta "mai a liniar decat logaritmic" din cauza ca acum iti tine mult prea multe inalte cand incepi sa-l inchizi. Un treble bleed bun are si o rezistenta in serie sau paralel, depinde de situatie. Insa daca vrei mai mult, ia de aici:




Iti extrag esentialul mai jos, unde vezi si problema ta si solutia (schemele le ai mai sus, in link):


The downside: There is one small drawback to a simple treble bleed capacitor is that the guitar can actually become too bright as the volume is turned down. To offset this, a resistor in series with the cap will lower the amount of treble being bled through. Once again the exact value is impossible to predict for every situation, but resistance values between 50% - 100% of the pot value will usually do the trick. For the ultimate in tweakability, use a preset trimpot (a small pot which you can adjust and leave set at a fixed value) to set the exact amount of resistance you like.


Common examples

For those wanting to just solder on a few parts without the need for experimentation, there are a few accepted values that often give the desired results or near enough for most folks. Australian noiseless pickup maker, Chris Kinman recommends a 130K Ohm resistor in series with a 0.0012mf capacitor, which works well for most Strats. Also for Strats, pickup guru Seymour Duncan likes a 100k resistor in parallel with a 0.002mf cap. The parallel resistor actually changes the taper of the pot to better match the amount of treble bleed. My preference is for a series resistor as I do not like the change in volume taper. For humbucker guitars, I like just a 0.001mf cap with no resistor.

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Exact cum ti-a zis si 57, ti-am zis si eu mai sus, mergi spre exemplu pe un rezistor in serie (nu iti recomand varianta in paralel) si un capacitor mai mic. SAU urmeaza exemplele de acolo din link, care chiar daca au valori mari de condensatori, au rezistente inseriate tot mari si impedanta rezultata nu iti face scurt in halu' ala pe spectru astfel incat sa-ti para ca-i liniar.

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