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Multa bafta!!! (si afisu arata meserias de tot)
Am gasit linku pe un alt forum si m-am gindit ca poate vreti sa ascultati si voi pina apare oficial (probabil) http://www.bigo.com.sg/ (stinga sus)
Info de pe lespaulforum :http://www.lespaulforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=140291 si pozele de rigoare le gasiti aici: http://www.lespaulforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=140449 Among these models, Gibson Custom will showcase: JIMMY PAGE LES PAUL CUSTOM W/BIGSBY Early in Jimmy Page's career, one of his most relied upon guitars was the three-pickup 1960 Les Paul Custom "Black Beauty" with a bigsby tailpiece. In 1970, the guitar was stolen and never recovered, but thanks to the Gibson Custom Shop, this guitar is backing the form of a new Gibson Custom Shop Jimmy Page Les Paul Custom. STEVE JONES LES PAUL CUSTOM A white mid '70s Les Paul Custom with pin-up girl stickers has become one of rock & roll's most iconic symbols. The Gibson Custom Shop Steve Jones Custom is a recreation of this legendary instrument which is Gibson's tribute to one of rock's most unsung heroes, Steve Jones guitarist for the Sex Pistols and the guitar he used to make history. LEE RITNEOUR ES-335 One of the world's most leading jazz guitarist and winner of 17 GRAMMY nominations, Lee Ritenour was heavily influenced by contemporary jazz styles of Wes Montgomery, Joe Pass and Barney Kessel. He was a sought after sessions player in the mid '70s and now has his own distinctive sound & fluid style. The Gibson Custom Shop Lee Rietnour ES-335 is a recreation of his original guitar. JOHNNY WINTER FIREBIRD Since the 1960s, Johnny Winter has been cranking out some of the meanest & most spellbinding slide guitar ever recorded. For decades he has relied on one guitar- a 1963 Gibson Firebird V. The Gibson Custom Shop Johnny Winter Signature Firebird V is a recreation of his iconic instrument down to every last detail and is a tribute to a true blues master, and his most beloved guitar. SLASH 1 LES PAUL STANDARD AGED & SIGNED One of the most respected and iconic guitar players of all time, Slash has symbolized the power of rock & roll ever since blasting out of the mid-1980s LA club scene with Guns 'n' Roses. Armed with a Gibson Les Paul Standard, Slash revitalized the electric guitar with some of the most incendiary and melodic playing of all time, and became the new definition of a guitar hero. The new Gibson Custom Shop Inspired By Slash Les Paul Standard is a recreation of his 1 Les Paul Standard guitar played during his rise to superstardom, down to the authentic cigarette burn mark on the body, every detailed feature has been faithfully reproduced. MICK JONES LES PAUL CUSTOM British guitarist Mick Jones, who formed the rock band Foreigner, first broke into the music biz as a "hired gun" of sorts, appearing on recordings by George Harrison, Peter Frampton, Spooky Tooth, and the Leslie West Band. Foreigner's self titled album in 1977 became an immediate hit going platinum five times over. The Gibson Custom Shop Mick Jones Les Paul Custom is a recreation of his original Les Paul Custom joining the line up of our "inspired by" series. ALEX LIFESON ES-355 VOS Throughout most of Alex Lifeson's ride to superstardom with the super group Rush, a 1976 Gibson ES-355 had been by his side, both in the studio and on stage. With it, he had created many of Rush's breathtaking layered soundscapes, and the very same ES-355 continues to be an indispensable part of his live arsenal. The Gibson Custom Shop Alex Lifeson Signature ES -355 guitar is a recreation of this iconic instrument and a tribute for a true modern master, and guitar he used to expand the definition of popular music. LES PAUL AXCESS Gibson has heard the cry from its loyal customers and, in an effort to satisfy their desires, has created the Les Paul Axcess model. With such appointments as the Floyd Rose tremolo tailpiece to the ergonomic neck/body design, once you have felt the excitement of this beautifully responsive instrument, heard its rich tone and seen its exquisite, graceful design, you will know the affection that the players feel for their Gibson guitars - an affection that transcends time, style and musical trends. THE ULTRATONE The new Gibson Ultratone takes inspiration both visually and sonically from an exciting period of guitar history in the '50s during the development of the lapsteel guitar and many of Gibson's most famous pickup designs. The Ultratone's new design "Steel 90" pickups combined with a unique combination of tone-woods and a 25.5" scale deliver an unparalleled shimmer and twang while it's art-deco appointments & futuristic top carve call back to a time of space-age design. THE NEW GOLDEN AGE OF GIBSON In 1958 Gibson introduced four new electric guitars that were so fresh, so radical, and so forward-looking that not only would it be years before they were fully appreciated by more adventurous players, but seen today amidst all that the industry has to offer they are still influential and inspiring, even downright revolutionary by any standards. The Les Paul Standard, Flying V, Explorer, and ES-335, all introduced in 1958, together represented a quantum leap forward in guitar industry. Over the course of 50 years these guitars have set the standards for every form of amplified guitar music on the planet. ES-339 FIGURED The ES-339 is the next generation from the Custom Shop of Gibson's iconic ES electric guitars. It goes where no guitar has gone before with a bold, new semi-hollow tone that is rich with expressive, even stinging overtones. The ES-339 has some exciting enhancements including Memphis Tone electronics, outer rim output jack, and reduced dimensions and weight. The ES-339 builds on the success of the semi-hollowbody guitars first introduced by Gibson in 1958 with the ES-335. Lighter and more compact than a traditional semi-hollowbody electric tone that powered so many hit records and landmark performances. ES-359 The ES- 359 is the next generation from the Custom Shop of Gibson's iconic ES electric guitars. This new exciting semi-hollowbody instrument builds on the success of the ES-355 with some new and exciting enhancements including Memphis Tone electronics, reduced dimensions and weight, yielding a much lighter and more compact semi-hollowbody guitar. Also on display will be some of Gibson Custom Shop's Exotic Wood Models as well as the custom built SG Sparkle and Les Paul Sparkle.
@ dgeekoo: intardevar, trebuie sa fie distractiv cind schimbi corzi Apropos, habitezi in AU?
Merci Sint incintat deocamdata de noua jucarie, dar am o presimtire neagra ca o sa trebuiasca sa am duc la doctor cu ea sa-i aranjeze trussrod-ul si sa-i taie un bone nut nou ca nu e asa de simplu cum m-am gindit eu stind pe canapea
Capriciu satisfacut Diferentele de sunet nu sint foarte mari, dar chitara suna mai intunecat si are simtitor mai mult sustain( ceea ce cred ca se poate incadra la parti bune). Parti rele (din categoria nu m-as fi gindit) nu mai incape strap lock-ul la loc ceea ce m-a lasat cu o mare nelamurire, sper sa gasesc undeva unul cu diametru mai mic, momentan am instalat un sistem Schaler...aviz milioanelor de amatori care stau cu burghiul pregatit Si pt ca o poza face cit o suta de cuvinte:
Stiu ca a trecut un an de la ultima pstare in threadu asta dar dupa lungi si indelungate lupte am facut rost de un LP si de un Bigsby Victima: Daca intereseaza pe cineva o sa postez poze in timpul procesului de montare...Imi urez bafta la dat gauri
Merci baieti, mi-am facut cont pe LP forum, astept sa-l activeze un moderator si o sa-mi incerc norocul si acolo. De obicei abuzez de gearpage.net dar sa intreb acolo nu mi-a trecut prin cap. Cred ca trebe sa ma duc sa dorm...
O intrebare naiva...cine ar fi trebuit sa cinte in deschidere, adica pt cine au fost trase sforile, IRIS?
Am nevoie de o informatie de la cineva care a avut ,are in posesie un asemenea humbucker. Am achizitioant relativ recent o chitara din 78 si are ceea ce prezumez eu a fi T Tops. DAR, si aici intervine problema, ceea ce am gasit eu pe net corespunde doar partial cu ceea ce am eu. Plasticul are T-urile si simbolurile corect stantate dar baza metalica nu mai corespunde descrierii. Conform http://www.provide.net/~cfh/paf.html " from 1965 to 1975 (note overlap) the next Gibson humbucker is known as the "T bucker" or "T top". They are called this because of a "T" that is part of the molding on the front of the two pickup bobbins. These also had the decal with "Patent No 2,737,842" Insa "From 1976 to the 1980s they still used the "T bucker" but now they had the correct patent number stamped in the metal bottom plate (no decal)" Acum, chitara nu e Gibson deci e vorba de un upgrade sau downgrade, dar dupa urmele de coroziune de pe magneti par a avea virsta necesara. Singura problema e ca in loc de o stantza sau decal( care dintr-un motiv ciudat ar fi putut fi dezlipit) au gravat un "S" mare (ambele) Stie cineva despre ce e vorba? Sau poate e cineva mai bun la gasit lucruri pe google si ma poate ajuta cu un link. Merci si scuze pt lungimea postului.
Eu as fi zis ca e fix invers Imi (ne) explici de ce nu avea Kempes nici o treaba cu cintatu???
cred ca am ajuns prea tirziu sa vad un concert Guns, si trebuie sa recunosc ca am ramas un pic neatins de ce am vazut... Astea fiind zise ceea ce m-a izbit pe mine a fost lipsa de viata de pe scena. In ciuda faptului ca au fost pian, sintetizator, bas, 3 chiatari plus Axl pe scena parca era un spectacol cu marionete. Rock n roll pt virsta a 2-a... Au cintat si niste melodii noi(cele amintite de tine) care au fost primite "civilizat" de public si care nu suna atit d ebine live cit suna pe varianta de studio. Nu cred ca a ramas in capul nimanui indoiala vis-a-vis de ce se astepta publicul sa auda. iar succesul ultimelor turnee eu cred cu convingere ca este datorat renumelui acumulat din "era veche". La fel si noul album (daca apare) sau isi gaseste baza de fani noua(putin probabil), sau o sa fie cumparat din reflex de fanii vechi.
Seymour....de Care?!?!..urgent Dak E Posibil
estebe replied to a topic in Discutii despre echipament
O alta combinatie care merge pt ceea ce cauti tu este Alnico 2 Pro + PG (bridge) -
sint citiva cetateni respectabili care spun ca sint la fel de bune ca originalul. Un exemplar din Ianuarie 78, lawsuit era din plin
nu e o piesa Guns, nici noua nici veche. Asta e 100%. Si cam atit cu certitudinile Da, sint in Au )
Am fost acu 2 zile la un concert Guns si inainte de a intra trupa pe scena au pus niste piese de warm-up. Melodia pe care caut s-o identific eu (fara succes) e ceva ce suna a punk-ish, mid-tempo, iar versurile sint mai mult recitate decit cintate. Singurul vers pe care l-am retinut e (90% sigur) " i was smoking music when i was 17" Am incercat google, am incercat sa caut forumuri cu topicuri dedicate concertului etc, fara rezultate din pacate... Poate cineva recunoaste versurile melodiei si ajutat de descrierea mea modesta poate sa-mi spuna despre ce e vorba. Merci
Si de un alt mare "ignorat", Tommy Bolin (cu rezultate excelente as adauga eu)
are proc de 2 giga Core 2 duo, 1 giga de ram , 80 giga hdd si dvd burner, ecran 13,3 etc SI arata f.f.bine pe negru, sint curios la cit de repede o sa culeaga amprentele.... Multumesc pt link da e aproape dublu decit mac-ul pe care pot sa-l cumpar cu 1888 A$ fata de 3000 cit e Fujitsu. Cred ca luni ma duc sa-l iau, ca incep sa pierd o gramada de timp pe net uintindu-ma la poze cu calculatoare...
Multumesc pt feedback-uri, am dat o tura azi la un mac center si cred ca ramin la Macbook (negru probabil) desi mai ma gindesc si la un Vaio , din motive estetice mai mult decit functionale (la partea de hardware sint aprox acelasi lucru) Multumesc inca odata.
Din pacate varianta pro sare peste bugetul meu. ce intelegi prin laptop de secretare? sa inteleg ca au probleme de fiabiliate, printre altele? Nu e varianta exclusiva la care ma gindesc , dar din pacate la cerintele si banii mei inafara de Acer, Compaq si Dell (despre care am auzit ca sint slabe, orice ar insemna asta) nu stiu unde sa ma mai uit... Apple era doar unul dintre laptopuile care corespunde doleantelor mele vis-a-vis de portabilitate si hardware. Asadar orice sugetsie e binevenita
Atita costa in Sydney cu reducere pt studenti. Asadar ce puteti sa-mi recomandati sau sa nu-mi recomandati?
trebuie sa-mi iau un laptop (si cum nu am mare habar despre laptopuri ) m-am gindit ca poate ma ajutati voi. ceea ce imi trebuie in mod special mie: ecran de 13, max 14 inci, autonomie cit mai mare,cit mi usor, hard de vreo 80 giga, cam un giga de ram si sa aiba w.lan. Am gasit laptop cu specificatiile astea, mai precis MacBook-uri la 1,120 euro. Am mai vazut si niste laptopuri din seria Vaio (Sony) dar sint cam pe la 2000 euro. Singura mea retinere e ca n-am nici un fel de experienta prealabila cu Mac OS-ul si nu stiu cit de lunga e perioada de adaptare. Intrebare suplimenatra: e adevarat ca se poate porta Xp-ul si Vista pe Mac? ( si foarte important e daca se poate porta Office-ul) Multumesc anticipat
Cu cea mai mare placere dar ampu e intr-un capat al lumii, eu in celalalt.
Eu am un laney pe lampi, VC 15, si il recomand fara retineri. Exista undeva in topicul cu poze cu chitarile nostre( pe ultimele pagini) o prezentare scurta. ca idee generala, detaliile de pe situ Laney sint foarte apropiate de adevar( spre diferenata de alte firme cu reclame bomabastice) Nu este un amp cu gain extrem dar pt blues si rock clasic face fata cu brio iar daca ii pui in fata un booster sau o pedala de od face fata si pt hard rock. Din cite stiu eu seria LC ,de care intrebi tu, are un pic mai mult gain. Reverbu pe ambele e acutronics, nici extraordinar nici deplorabil, iar canalele sint defapt 2 pseudo canale, canalul de gain are corectii doar pt gain si volum si imparte celelalte butoane cu canalul de clean, care este unu extrem de reusit si cald in opinia mea. Difuzoarele Jensen sint un pic cam stridente (iarasi in opinia mea) dar asta se rezolva dupa o perioada de break in sau prin adaugarea unui cabinet de extensie. daca vrei sa afli ceva specific, in masura in care te pot ajuta, am sa-ti raspund.