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Spirit of Metal

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    Ibanez RG350mz, Hughes and Kettner Edition Blue 60r, Digitech Metal Master, Death Metal, Vox Tonelab LE

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  1. Da, anuntul este inca valabil.
  2. Pret: 240EUR Localitate: Salonta Contact: balazs_kozma@yahoo.com Link producator: http://usa.yamaha.com/products/musical-instruments/guitars-basses/el-basses/rbx/rbx375/ Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi De vanzare Bass Yamaha RBX 375. Pret: 240 EUR. Se poate vedea in Oradea!
  3. Puteti face pickguard si pentru un Ibanez RG?
  4. Schimb cu doze Dimarzio Super Distortion\Tone Zone\D Activator X...
  5. Sau schimb cu pedale Boss: DS-2, DS-1, CS-3, CH-1, Digitech Bad Monkey.
  6. Vand 2 pedale distors Digitech. - Metal Master --- 190 RON - Death Metal --- 120 RON Fara urme de uzura, foarte putin folosite deoarece folosesc un procesor.
  7. Salut. Nu stie cineva care footswitch de la Marshall merge cu headul VS8100? Am gasit in manual ca P802 ar fi cel indicat, dar din aia nu gasesc prin siteuri...
  8. Salut. Nu te intereseaza cv de la mine de la profil schimb?
  9. Salut. Schimb cu Digitech Metal Master + 600 RON?
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