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sambora2's Feedback

  1. claudiu68 left Negative feedback for a topic   

    Scarlett 2I2 Focusrite Usb 2.0 Audio Interface
    am asteptat 14 zile,si nu a ridicat coletul.nu a mai raspuns la tel.sau msj.

    sambora2 was The Buyer

  2. claudiu68 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Line 6 Pod X3 Live
    un om foarte serios hotarat si de incredere!

    sambora2 was Trading

  3. alzayr left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Nokia Lumia 920
    Totul a decurs cum ne-am inteles. Recomand!

    sambora2 was The Buyer

  4. marcovici left Negative feedback for a topic   

    Vand 3 Instrumente
    a comandat si "nu a avut timp sa se deplaseze" ... mare grija

    sambora2 was The Buyer

  5. Les Paul 1960 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Ipod Clasic 120 Gb
    Super baiat, ca de obicei. Ne-am vazut intr-o ora si am baut si o bere.

    sambora2 was The Seller

  6. Gabi S. left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Licitatie Case
    fast and furious.

    sambora2 was The Seller

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