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Everything posted by jules

  1. jules

    Mesaje Subliminale

    oh dear, the end is near
  2. one truly lucky kid
  3. jules

    Jazz anyone?

    <<Imagine Fats Waller, Willie "The Lion" Smith and James P. Johnson in the same room, each taking his turn at the piano and each trying to outplay the other. That would be the mother of all cutting contests! Cutting contests originated in New York City's Harlem neighborhood as "rent parties." If you felt you couldn't make the next month's rent, you would invite to your apartment as many friends and neighbors as you could (for a fee, of course) and hire the best pianists you could find to entertain into the wee hours of the night. The pianists would get their monetary due, the landlord would get his rent and you would hear to the best music possible - in fact, the very best - because each pianist would try to "cut" the prior pianist by outplaying him. Sadly, since cutting contests occurred before the invention of the tape recorder, there are no recordings of them available.>> however, http://members.aol.com/midimusic/cutcontintro.html (le gasiti in format midi) <<"Trumpet kings" were royalty in the early days of New Orleans jazz. They won their crowns in “battles of the bands.” Lines were drawn at Storyville clubs, at open-air dance halls— and playing from the backs of horse-drawn wagons in the streets. Whoever blew the hottest trumpet wore the crown. Friendly competition and "cutting contests" among musicians and bands were a revered tradition in the early days of jazz in New Orleans, one which survives today among jazz players of every stripe. At the height of his powers in the second decade of the 20th century, Buddie Petit held the crown as the top cornet player in New Orleans - for a while. He took Freddie Keppard’s place in the Eagle Band, a place previously held by the legendary Buddy Bolden. Buddie Petit never made recordings, but his reputation is well documented in accounts left by early Crescent City jazzmen. Petit received high praise from many, including Jelly Roll Morton who described Petit’s music as “brilliant, full with inventions.” Louis Armstrong was one of the pallbearers at Petit’s funeral. The lineage of New Orleans trumpet kings began with Buddy Bolden, the first hot trumpeter to reach ‘pop star’ status, and earn the title, “King." Traditional legend has it that Bolden’s horn could be heard a mile or more away from the open-air dance hall at Lincoln Park where he played with his band. No recordings of Bolden have ever surfaced, but those who heard him play paint a picture of Buddy Bolden as an outstanding musician, equally capable of playing waltzes and schottisches for polite society dances and driving audiences into a frenzy with his rough blues at the Funky Butt Dance Hall. After “King” Bolden passed from the scene, players all over New Orleans vied for the crown. No one held the title for long. Buddie Petit, Manuel Perez, and Freddie Keppard each wore the crown until Joe Oliver came along and stole the show.>> avem si noi un soi de 'cutting contests' 2 sectiuni mai jos. ps: michel, nu ne lasa singuri pe aici!
  4. jules

    A cui e chitara?

    sa fie jerry garcia (grateful dead)? el canta prin '70 pe les paul si apoi a trecut pe strat, wolf si alte balarii..
  5. culmea e ca am vazut si afise pe langa facultate. m-am uitat tare lung la ele. ps: in ce consta tona aia de invitati?
  6. jules

    Three songs a day

    Enuff Znuff - Yankee Rose George Lynch - Shy Boy Bruce Kulick - Always With Me, Always With You toate de pe Lords of Karma - Tribute To Joe Satriani And Steve Vai (fara numar)
  7. jules

    A cui e chitara?

    o nuanta mai alba de palid
  8. jules

    A cui e chitara?

    paco de lucia?
  9. Dresden Dolls - http://www.dresdendolls.com/ (nu sariti peste site-ul oficial, e gandit admirabil) genul e 'cabaret alternativ'.. nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar in cazul meu e prima oara cand aud de asa ceva. voce, baterie si pian.. destul de inedit. au influente the cure, siouxsie and the banshees, cinema strange.. deci si ceva punk. cireasa de pe post - am gasit un articol in evz despre ei: http://www.evz.ro/divertisment/?news_id=189180 de la finntroll recomand albumul Nattfödd (2004), asta ca sa imi rascumpar dependenta de finntroll de anul trecut. @dyster_skog: numara pana la 5 si respira usor, nu toti ne-am nascut invatati
  10. read this http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001177.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baldness#Prev...rsing_hair_loss ( mai ales miturile legate de ) + God bless you with good genes!
  11. jules

    Videoclip Phoenix

    haituit si fluier in cer
  12. jules

    Videoclip Phoenix

    baba novak mi se pare destul de secatuit de mesaj, fara forta. dupa 'in umbra marelui urss' te face sa tragi concluzia ca muzica sub dictatura e mai inspirata si mai vie.
  13. eu sustin partea cu versurile in romana si mi se pare normal sa nu tinteasca toti catre 'wild wild west' prin asta. in cazul lor, crudul adevar e ca sunt proaste in orice limba. totusi, sa fim seriosi.. cati dintre noi s-au dus (nu s-au mai dus) la concerte pentru aspectul asta? ps: suntem foarte offtopic. dyster_skog, asta are termen de comparatie?
  14. jules


    <urmatorul concert va fi iris maxima, la sala polivalenta, 10 dec, de la ora 19.00. biletele se gasesc pe la muzica, diverta si pe www.bileteonline.ro> asta scrie pe site - http://www.rockmania.net/iris/carte.php
  15. am vazut asa ceva la taverna acum vreo 2 luni, la un tip care o acompania pe analia selis. si eu m-am mirat de aripile alea detasabile, presupun ca e foarte practica si nu trebuie sa-ti faci griji pentru accesul la taste. ceea ce mi-a placut e ca avea un ton foarte curat. cearny va poate da mai multe detalii despre sunet&co pentru ca era in sala:P
  16. jules

    Alta muzica

    offtopic: rau faci, pierzi multe lucruri pe care nu ai sansa sa le vezi in alta parte. am observat ca a devenit 'trendy' sa zici ca nu te uiti la televizor deloc. ontopic: subscriu la ce a zis malex mai sus. as vrea sa pot asculta tot ce ati mentionat voi mai sus, dar momentan prea multe ma depasesc.
  17. jules

    A cui e chitara?

    cine a ucis threadul asta? lukeblue, sfatul tarii cere socoteala.. zi-ne cine e in poza!
  18. eu sincer cred ca e deghizat si are chef de flame
  19. s-a lasat cu muzica in cantitati industriale, cu forumisti (mai mult sau mai putin 'obositi'), si cu o pedala de overdrive. detalii maine! ps: doamne, ce multi am fost! cat pe ce sa daramam big mamou-ul...
  20. un cd (original si semnat de membrii) pandrea a ajuns la mine am mentionat ca e semnat de toti 3? multumesc! "dar noi nu suntem teroristi!"
  21. jules

    Mike Stern pe Senso

    merci de indicatie! am ratat doar primele 10 min are si un saxofonist puternic langa el laterz: http://www.garana-jazz.ro/ asta e festivalul, habar n-aveam ca asa ceva se intampla la noi line up: mike stern - chitara bob franceschini - sax lincoln goines - bass lionel cordew - tobe
  22. ati uitat-o pe angela gheorghiu
  23. jules

    Ce desktop aveti?

    me me coming from the sewerage creepin' thru the pipes born from modern chemistry a thing that is alive
  24. jules

    mp3 newsletter

    in sensul ca de la el am aflat. you missed the whole point
  25. http://www.jurnalul.ro/articol_39638/phil_the_music_.html http://www.gandul.info/2005-11-01/arte/phil_collins in alta ordine de idei, a fost cineva la concert?
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