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Everything posted by jules

  1. de ce, planuiti o transhumanta?
  2. jules

    Cinema Club

    1924: 'trailer' & full
  3. jules

    Albume noi

    din moment ce eram psyched on petty & the wilburys acum un an, tu ce zici?
  4. jules

    Albume noi

    in 5 zile sare albumul solo nr 3 tom petty fara joben. in clip apare si producatorul, the mighty jeff lynne (pentru cei ce nu-l stiu.. omul din spatele e.l.o. si traveling wilburys) ps. seeped.
  5. duck and hide kids
  6. ^ aduce cu vechiul hmm.ro inainte de a fi inghitit de curentii generatori de metale. parca are mai putine trupe totusi..
  7. threadul se inchide pentru cateva ore. use your sleep hours wisely..
  8. ^^
  9. cum vi s-a parut duhul lui mozart?
  10. jules


    e bine ca avem proprii formatori de opinie si in conditii de razboi
  11. offtopic: now you do the math
  12. multumesc nu, eu vreau pe vinil
  13. jules

    Albume noi

    chihei hatakeyama - minima moralia [kranky] 'hatakeyama uses the palette of the true drone believers but he seeds his overstretched chords with easy pleasures. it's in the way the monolithic chord with harmonics like a pipe organ fills the first two minutes of "swaying curtain in the window", only to slowly dissolve into a tinkling music box melody and, finally, clouds of acoustic guitar picking' cica pitchfork, cand se constrang de la a folosi cuvinte precum genial uniform - protocol [planet mu-mu] heads off, asta il are ca guest pe alan vega /ex-jumatatea suicide off-color, [va sugerez] no one saw the difference ..for the man in distress and his internal organs
  14. dezolant dar schimb eu topicul in inchis pentru ca se indreapta fix niciunde
  15. el mariachi, soon to have his own label
  16. a mai fost http://forums.rgc.ro/index.php?showtopic=4512
  17. jules

    Oamenii si trupele lor

  18. so she was indeed (clever bean)
  19. now boys, what do they teach us.. ? topicul asta NU e despre combustibili. don't flame yourselves over nothing. fa-ne [noua, the steel-less ones] cate un acid, alchimistule, curma-ne suferinta.. noi cei ce stam acasa si postam sau emigram. p.s. nu-l ascultati pe glass, ne duce cu sextetul.
  20. o astfel de decizie nu se ia in gradina proprie. omiti faptul ca toate celelalte tari care mai au militari in teren au un plan de retragere/prezenta in irak... in fine.. 60 e un procent confortabil. pamper in it. @dass: wise old sage @cosu: trunchiaza si pentru noi o parere
  21. burst bubble ici contra. p.s. drop the humanitarian[_for_the_sake_of_the_show_off] act
  22. jules

    Inginer de sunet?

    tot cu toata stima.. mutati-va disputa pe pm/im/br
  23. click me click me linking babes to smart web sites since '86
  24. jules

    Cinema Club

    the conversation - masterworked by coppola/1974 gene hackman e grozav. un film cu buggeri si jazz, muuuult jazz. hump they say, hump!
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