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Everything posted by fer_drums

  1. Ti-am dat privat pe fb
  2. Este facut in fabrica manual de fata cu mine.Daca ajungi vreodata in turcia la fabrica lor,ei iti fac pe loc ce model/sunet vrei .In weekend ajung in Buc.Poti sa vii sa'l asculti sau ii fac poza.Este in stare foarte buna!!!
  3. up
  4. Istanbul Sultan Splash 6,5'' Cymbals 200ron!!!
  5. up
  6. Max Stax Cymbals (Paiste& Meinl) format din: Paiste Alfa Edge Bottom 13'' Meinl Classic China 12'' Pret:400ron!!!
  7. In stare foarte buna!!! Mai multe detalii: http://www.soundcreation.ro/clape-sintetizatoare-digitale-analog-virtuale-cid37_2453/clavia-nord-lead-2x-id1150.html Pret:850euro!!!
  8. Max Stax Cymbals (Paiste& Meinl) format din: Paiste Alfa Edge Bottom 13'' Meinl Classic China 12'' Pret:400ron!!!
  9. Stagg T-CH22 22-Inch Traditional China Lion Cymba 400ron!!!
  10. M-Audio's Fast Track Pro USB audio interface. two excellent sounding, low noise microphone pre-amps 16 or 24-bit, 44.1/48/8.2/96 KS/s A-to-D converters S/PDIF digital audio I/O switchable 48 Volt phantom power balanced Line level I/O near zero latency headphone monitoring and low latency ASIO, WDM and Core Audio drivers PC and Mac compatibility Este noua sigilata cu tipla pe ea!!! 600RON!!!
  11. Vandut!Multumesc RGC!!!
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