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Everything posted by fer_drums

  1. 1-Roland DS5-monitoare active studio-foarte putin folosite!! 1200ron http://www.binarydes...dstore/DS5.html 2-Vermona PDD 501-100RON 3-DOD 460H-200ron (nefolosit,doar stat in rack) 4-Edirol UM-2EX -200ron -NOU SIGILAT
  2. UP
  3. SABIAN B8: splash 6'' -150ron splash 10'' -225ron thin crash 14'' -275ron thin crash 16'' -340ron thin crash 18'' -375ron ride 20'' -420ron hit hat 14'' -450ron Stare foarte buna!!!
  4. S-a vandut cu 200ron +transport! Multumesc RGC!
  5. EKS OTUS DJ MIDI Controller -a fost doar probat!!! mai multe detalii: http://www.futuremus...controller.html http://www.musicstore.de/de_DE/EUR/EKS-OTUS-RAW-Dual-Deck-DJ-Controller/art-DJE0003558-000 Pret:2000ron!!!
  6. Cumpara'l de la Morsound.Al meu nu exista pe site,pentru ca a fost facut pe comanda!
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