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Everything posted by ThinkBlue

  1. Ok, am inteles. Treaba e sa si pot. Merci mult pentru sugestie.
  2. Salut, In primul rand m-ar interesa pareri despre cum se aude piesa, ca despre calitatea interpretarii cam stiu la ce nivel ma aflu. Nu in ultimul rand, daca aveti idee de titlu, ar fi perfect. Nu stiu de ce, dar mi imi vine sa-i zic Jerusalem. Multumesc. 2.mp3
  3. ThinkBlue

    Filme speciale

    Heavy Metal in Baghdad. Fara comentarii
  4. ThinkBlue


    Asta asa e. Probabil ca lor numele nu les pune nimic. Oricum, mi se pare foarte naspa indiferent despre ce membru al trupei e vorba.
  5. ThinkBlue


  6. Poate m-am exprimat gresit. Fata de sunetul live, ceea ce se aude pe caseta e o porcarie, fapt ce dauneaza grav muzicianului, in speta Nicu Patoi. Daca nu as fi fost la cateva concerte, inainte de lansarea albumului, si as fi ascultat caseta prima oara, nu cred ca as fi dat banii pe ea. Se poate, insa, sa fii avut eu ghinion si sa ma aleg cu o caseta proasta. Ceea ce conteaza, cel putin pentru mine, e ca Nicu Patoi e unul dintre chitaristii mei preferati, indiferent de cine si in ce studio il inregistreaza.
  7. Da, despre caseta asta vorbeam si eu. Din pacate, albumul este tras absolut ingrozitor. Am fost la cateva concerte Platonic Band in perioada aia si diferenta este enorma.
  8. Vezi ca prin '97-'98 au scos un album. Nu stiu daca si pe CD, dar sigur pe caseta audio. Oricum, super chitarist Patoi!
  9. ThinkBlue

    Filme speciale

    The Guitar - Absolut demential!
  10. Pentru OPC poti sa trimiti reclamatia online. Intra pe site si vezi ca ai un link.Poti sa atasezi, poze, documente justificative etc. Functioneaza, eu am facut trei astfel de reclamatii si mi s-a raspuns de fiecare data. In alta ordine de idei, unde sunt oamenii de la Guitarshop de pe forum? Ca pana acum ma astenizasera cu cat de meseriasi sunt.
  11. http://www.libertatea.ro/stire/sepultura-i...sti-223706.html L.E. Iggy and The Stooges, noua confirmare la B?ESTFEST!
  12. ThinkBlue

    Doamne Ajuta!

    Tot neoficial, ar fi vorba de 13 Mai.
  13. Da, corect, nu am precizat tot lantul trofic. Asadar: Squier Stratocaster + Korg AX 1G (setat pe clean) + Line 6 UX 1 (din care am ales tot un clean presetat) + laptop + monitoare EDIROL MA-15DBK. Ceea ce am vrut eu sa spun, este faptul ca am incercat sa pastrez sunetul din doze cat mai natural, tocmai pentru a se vedea diferenta in momentul in care schimb. Inceputul este tras cu Blue, a doua parte cu Gold, a treia cu Red+Blue, a patra cu Gold+Red, iar distorsul tot asa (Gold+Red). Oricum, ma bucur ca v-a placut.
  14. Piesa in sine nu-i nici o smecherie, fiind practic un backing track peste care am tras chitara. Nici interpretarea nu-i vreo mare scofala, in schimb m-ar interesa parareile voastre referitoare la sunetul chitarii, avand in vedere ca e un Squier Stratocaster echipat cu Lace Sensor Gold - Neck, Lace Sensor Red - Middle si Lace Sensor Blue - Bridge. Mie chiar imi place cum suna. In afara de partea cu ceva distors, restul tonurilor sunt obtinute numai din schimbarea dozelor. Fucked_Up_Blues.mp3
  15. Hendrix drummer Mitch Mitchell dead at 62 Drummer Mitch Mitchell was found dead in a hotel room. (twtd.bluemountains.net.au) Mitch Mitchell, the pioneering drummer best known for his work with 1960s rock icon Jimi Hendrix, has died at the age of 62. Mitchell was found dead in his Portland, Oregon, hotel room on Wednesday (local time). A Multnomah County coroner's spokesman said it appeared he died of natural causes, although a formal finding had not yet been issued. The drummer was in Portland for the last stop on an 18-city US tour with Experience Hendrix - a concert series celebrating the legacy of the late rock star. "We're all devastated to hear of Mitch's passing. He was a wonderful man, a brilliant musician and a true friend," Hendrix's sister, Janie Hendrix, said in a statement on behalf of the estate. "His role in shaping the sound of the Jimi Hendrix Experience cannot be underestimated," she said. "Over the course of the recent tour, he seemed delighted with the interchange with the other musicians and the audiences. There is no question that he was doing what he loved." British-born Mitchell started in show business as a child actor, but abandoned that for his true love - jazz and rock music. He was a top session drummer who joined the Jimi Hendrix Experience in 1966 and backed the rocker for his legendary performance at Woodstock three years later. He drummed on Hendrix classics such as Fire, Manic Depression and Third Stone From The Sun. Mitchell also is credited with helping to develop a "fusion" drumming style that combined rock with jazz and was influenced by such jazz giants as Elvin Jones and Max Roach. The style made the drums essentially a lead instrument - an innovative concept in rock and roll. Hendrix - a songwriter, guitarist and showman - was a pioneer of the 1960s psychedelic rock scene who died in September, 1970, aged 27. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/11/13/2418665.htm
  16. Asta am intentionat. Din pacate, ascultand din nou, pare mai mult un fel de sirba romaneasca . Asta e, nu mai pot sa dau inapoi acum.
  17. ThinkBlue

    Filme speciale

    "Global Metal" - un documentar din 2007, evident, despre globalizarea metal-ului. De departe cel mai bun documentar vazut de mine, cel putin pana acum. Facut de un antroplog (rocker, bieninteles), filmul vorbeste despre ce infulenta a avut si are rock-ul in tari precum China, Japonia, India, Arabia Saudita sau Brazilia, precum si despre implicatiile din plan religios, politic sau economic. Probabil ca Global Metal e singura forma de globalizare acceptata si la care nu exista demonstratii contra.
  18. ThinkBlue


    De la mine ai 5 stele. Bafta! Cat despre critici, imi pare rau, nu ma pricep. Am ascultat, mi-a placut, punct.
  19. Are cineva idee unde gasesc spray adeziv? Am fost prin Bricostore si nici n-au auzit de asa ceva. Multumesc
  20. Am un ebook despre chestia asta, intitulat: How to create a factory guitar finish with just a couple of spray cans. Daca te intereseaza, lasa-mi o adresa de mail si ti-o trimit.
  21. Cu placere. Informatiile sunt de aici: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squier
  22. Nu stiu cat te ajuta, dar asta am gasit: Korean Squiers CN/VN: C = Cor-Tek (Cort), V = Saehan(Sunghan), S was already taken by Samick so Saehan(Sunghan) used V instead (Saehan(Sunghan) made the Vester guitars), N = Nineties (1990s), the first number following the serial number prefix is the year. For example "CN5" = made by Cor-Tek (Cort) in 1995. "VN5" = made by Saehan(Sunghan) in 1995. KC/KV: KC (Korean Cor-Tek (Cort)) and KV (Korean Saehan(Sunghan)), the serial number prefix is followed by a 2 number year. For example "KC97" = made by Cor-Tek (Cort) in 1997. "KV97" = made by Saehan(Sunghan) in 1997. KC and KV serial number prefixes are usually used on Crafted in Korea Squiers. S/E: The S and E serial number prefix Korean Squiers are from the late 1980s/early 1990s. S = Samick, E = Young Chang, E letter serial numbers were used on Young Chang's Fenix brand guitars [1]. The first number following the serial number prefix is the year. For example "S9" = made by Samick in 1989. "E0" = made by Sung-Eum in 1990. "E1" = made by Sung-Eum in 1991. There were also Korean Squier serials with no serial number prefix and 6 or 7 numbers and the first number is the year.
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