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Marcus Nalgaber

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Posts posted by Marcus Nalgaber

  1. I am cold - A woman waiting for the sun surrounded by the winter among its dry leaves


    I'm cold 
    but I remain still
    without even trying 
    to put on 
    my coat

    I light a cigarette 
    and breathe its smoke
    with anxiety
    without knowing for sure
    do I repeat that rite
    that burns me 
    between its threads
    that burns me 
    between its threads

    I think of you
    I think of me
    surrounded by that cold
    that covers me
    stirring me
    stirring me

    The streets are empty
    because of the winter breath
    the leaves 
    turning upside down
    the order that there was before

    And while I smoke
    Time seems like a friend
    who sat down to chat with me
    of your silence
    and mine
    of your silence
    and mine

    I think of you
    I think of me x2

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