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  • Band
    Black Water / The 13th Sun
  • Gear
    Yamaha SY 35
    Novation Mininova
    M Audio Oxigen 49
    Native instruments

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  1. Sikorsky

    Yamaha SY 77

    Clapa prezinta urme de uzura (partea din dreapta cred ca e crapata, are banda neagra lipita, eu asa am luat-o) Nu are faderele de volum ( tonurile sunt la volum sensibil egal, eu nu am avut pb din cauza asta) Nu am probat pe ea carduri, discheta, nu am editat tonuri, am folosit tonurile existente, care suna foarte bine Ofer si manual printat. Clapa se poate vedea/proba in Brasov, trimit si in tara prin curier impachetata corespunzator ( atentie, este destul de grea 15 kg aprox)
  2. Sikorsky

    Yamaha CS1x

    The CS1x is Yamaha's first Analog Emulation performance keyboard for electronic and dance musicians (the CS line is back!). It's a digital synthesizer that emulates analog style, sounds and controls. All controls and parameters are real-time and MIDI controllable. As well as a superb set of quality synth bass, pads, voices, leads and arpeggiated sequences there are plenty of amazing drum sounds also with analog sound and control.
  3. UP!!!!! 900 RON
  4. Up! 1000 Ron
  5. Specificatii Ibanez RC320M Roadcore Electric Guitar Mahogany Body with Dual Binding Maple Neck, Maple Fingerboard Core-Tone Humbucking Pickups Brown Burst Finish Ofer cadou, husa chitara Epiphone. Revin cu poze mai detaliate
  6. Holy Grail si Doctor Q s-au dat Lava Box si Tech 21 XXL 150 / buc
  7. Vand urmatoarele pedale: Tech 21 XXL Overdrive /Distortion - 200 RON Seymour Duncan Lava Box Distortion - 200 RON EHX Doctor Q - 100 RON EHX Holy Grail Reverb - 300 RON Pozele sunt informative, pedalele functioneaza bine, mici urme, zgarieturi, poze reale in curand.
  8. Pret: 300 RON Localitate: Brasov Contact: 0732 525193 Link producator: Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Este vorba de prima varianta a acestui model fabricat intre 1974 - 1976\ Suna f bine, are un switch pentru mai multa culoare
  9. Monitoarele s-au dat Multumesc RGC
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