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  1. Case-ul a fost cumparat pentru un proiect mare, se poate inchide topicul. Multumesc user-ului Maxxas si RGC!
  2. Vandut. Multumesc userului Zsoltsb si RGC !!
  3. Pret: 790 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: P.M. Link producator: Stare: Nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Salutare. Vand pedala Digitech Whammy II, are acelasi chip ca si versiunea mult mai scumpa Whammy I (fabricat in Canada de IVL Technologies) si in plus buton de preset. Desi fabricata in anii '90 pedala este noua, a fost folosita doar la putine probe in magazinul de unde a fost cumparata, nu are nici o urma de folosire. Pedala vine cu alimentatorul original, manualul de instructiuni si cutia originala (cutia nu mai arata a noua). Pretul este 790 Ron, prefer predare personala in Bucuresti. Review -uri despre pedala cu bune si rele in linkurile de mai jos: http://www.pedal-of-the-day.com/2014/12/09/digitech-whammy-ii-pitch-shifter/ http://www.dissimulator.com/digitech-whammy-II.html Manualul si poze mai jos: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j5aqoamo5yhoi16/Whammy%20II%20owners%20guide.pdf# Multumesc!
  4. Pret: 250 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: P.M. Link producator: https://medias.audiofanzine.com/files/5050-manual-476108.pdf Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Salutare. Vand ZOOM Choir 5050 Chorus/Delay Stereo - fabricata in anii 90 in Japonia, pedala este din metal si un pic mai voluminoasa (vezi manualul si ultima fotografie). Pedala este in stare foarte buna, a fost utilizata doar pentru probe in magazinul de unde a fost cumparata, are o ciobitura in vopsea pe lateral iar butonul de selectie este usor ingalbenit din cauza timpului. Poate functiona cu adaptor de 9 V center negative sau cu 6 baterii R6. Pretul este 250 Ron, eventualul transport va fi achitat de cumparator. Probe de sunet mai mult sau mai putin reusite se gasesc pe Youtube, parerea tonereport.com in link-ul de mai jos: http://tonereport.com/blogs/lifestyle/10-vastly-underrated-and-not-currently-made-cheap-pedals Manual pedala si foto: https://medias.audiofanzine.com/files/5050-manual-476108.pdf Multumesc!
  5. Pret nou: 200 Ron !!
  6. Salut. Se poate folosi doar pe semnalul linie dintre interfata (nu stiu ce interfata este) si laptop, nu stiu daca bazaitul respectiv este datorat unui ground loop, daca da atunci ar functiona cu siguranta. Bazaitul apare si cand laptopul merge doar pe baterie? Daca da atunci zgomotul nu este cauzat de ground loops.... Daca nu atunci este vorba de ground loop, contacteaza-ma. Numai bine!
  7. Pret: 290 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: P.M. Link producator: http://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/ebtech-8-channel-hum-eliminator Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Salut. Vand efect de rack Ebtech Hum Eliminator pentru eliminarea ground loops - bucle de masa , are 7 canale functionale , canalul nr.1 este defect, a primit iesirea de la un amplificator de putere, nu a supravietuit. Restul canalelor functioneaza perfect, fiecare canal este independent de celelalte si lectie invatata, functioneaza doar cu semnale de linie. Versiunea cu 2 canale costa 420Ron la Thomann, pretul meu este 290 Ron. https://www.thomann.de/ro/ebtech_by_morley_hum_eliminator_2.htm Datele producatorului: Eight channels of hum-killing, sound-improving peace of mind - packed into a single rackspace! That's Ebtech's awesome HE-8 hum eliminator. Why invest in high-performance studio or stage gear, then leave it at the mercy of potentially noisy power? Put the HE-8 in the mix and kick out ground loops, hum, and noise for good. This box uses very, very high-quality transformers to isolate circuits. The HE-8 automatically converts between balanced and unbalanced lines at either end, so you can use that unbalanced gear without pesky noise issues. Eliminates AC hum/60Hz buzz and noise Breaks ground loop safely, while leaving all signal grounds intact Automatically translates signal voltages to match differences in ground potentials, avoiding clipping Converts automatically back and forth between balanced and unbalanced lines at either end 1/4" TRS "smart" jacks (tip, ring, sleeve) inputs and outputs. Completely passive design with audiophile quality components for best possible performance Frequency response: 20Hz-70kHz (plus or minus 0.5dB) Distortion: Less than 0.005% THD @ 1kHz Crosstalk: Better than -97dB Maximum source impedance: 1kOhm Minimum load impedance 10kOhm Available in 2 channel box or 8 channel single space rack versions Made in the USA Multumesc!
  8. Pret: 390 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: PM Link producator: https://www.monacor.com/en-cz/monacor/products/pa-technology/amplifiers/digital-power-amplifiers/sta-200d/ Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Salut. Vand amplificator de putere digital marca Stage Line 2x75W (entry level-ul firmei Monacor), amplificatorul functioneaza perfect si vine cu toate accesoriile in cutia originala. Se poate folosi ca amplificator de rack (1RS) (pretabil pentru un setup stereo cu procesor multiefecte, canalele nu se pot lega bridge) sau individual, gasiti mai multe detalii pe site-ul producatorului. Nou costa in jur de 1000 Ron, pretul meu este 390 Ron. Detaliile producatorului si foto mai jos: Class D concept Silent operation due to fanless cooling concept High power reserves due to generously dimensioned toroidal core transformer High-efficiency power amplifiers 3.5 mm stereo connection with adjustable sensitivity on the front panel 2 level controls Protected against short circuit, overvoltage and overtemperature LEDs for indicating power, overload (clip), protect and overheating Extra slim and robust design, 1 RS RMS output power Stereo 4 Ω: . . . . . . . . . . 2 × 125 W Stereo 8 Ω: . . . . . . . . . . 2 × 75 W Maximum output power: . . 300 W Inputs INPUT 1 – 4: . . . . . . . . . 1 V/ 23 kΩ, RCA PLAYER: . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 mV – 1 V/46 kΩ, 3.5 mm jack Frequency range: . . . . . . . 20 – 20 000 Hz S / N ratio: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > 100 dB (A-weighted) Crosstalk attenuation: . . . . > 56 dB THD: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < 0.05 % Power supply: . . . . . . . . . . 230 V~ / 50 Hz Power consumption: . . . . . 350 VA max. Ambient temperature: . . . . 0 – 40 °C Dimensions (W × H × D): . 482 × 44 × 268 mm, 1 RS (rack space) Weight: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 kg Multumesc!
  9. Pret nou: 250 Ron !
  10. Vanduta. Multumesc userului Andreimetal si RGC !
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