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Razvan S.

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Everything posted by Razvan S.

  1. Overhauled technically by me at HGE Contraptions. A MIJ 2004-2005 made Jackson, it has battle scars and chips/scratches/dents everywhere, but nothing to be concerned about. If this matters to you a lot, look elsewhere. No trades please. The guitar works and performs superbly now, from a technical standpoint and also soundwise. Sorry, I never had the trem backplate, but the original trussrod cover is included, and also one hex key for the trem arm lock. Improvements done: the frets were taken care of/crowns redone, and are awesome new Gotoh Japan trem and OFR Germany lock clamps on the old original nut new wiring with old real non-connector 90s active EMGs at 24V!(using two 23A batteries, these are easy to find), new pickup rings, Bourns pots, styroflex cap, Switchcraft jack, Korea quality 3 way switch added screw-in inserts for the control plate for easy access to the batteries Will provide that old nice Made in Korea case, and will be shipped in a box. Shipping in Romania and to the European Union only, insured and tracked with DPD. Shipping is paid by the buyer.
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  2. Selling a 2003 model MIJ Ibanez RG570 in Purple Pearl, overhauled by me, at HGE Contraptions. No trades please. An absolutely great instrument! It has general dings/scratches/scrapes, nothing super major, but technically because of the modifications, it's awesome and super playable. The fretboard is a bit thinner now, and the whole neck has a very thin feel in both thickness and width, the strings are closer to the edges and the feel is rounded. Super sleek feeling, thinnest feel possible for an Ibanez on this particular guitar. This is not for everyone and it's an important mention to consider. Specs and modifications: refretted with Hosco Japan HV175 jumbo frets, very low action + neck sides rounded (done approx 1 year and some months ago) added DiMarzio Gravity Storms bridge and neck wiring redone with a 5 Way Superswitch + PushPull split, new jack in (multiple combinations possible) German Schaller Floyd Rose added + new Ibanez inside-locking screw studs (tuning holds perfectly) new OFR locking clamps (chrome, nut is the original grayish black) new Gotoh tuners custom wood covers for the control plate, jack in & trussrod cover Sorry, I don't have the trem cover. The old hardcase is included, will add additional padding inside for safe shipping as this is a bit bigger than the guitar. Shipping in Romania and to the European Union only, insured and tracked with DPD. Shipping is paid by the buyer.
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  3. Selling an SM Pro Audio TC02 2 Channel Tube Preamp for microphone and instrument. Sounds great and I changed the internal tube to a Russian Mullard 12AX7 (runs at about 44V inside). Pics with the internals are provided. Features an optical compressor as well for each channel. This is also very good as a guitar preamp booster, I tested that as well not just for mics. Condition is good with random rashes and dents on the plastic pots as seen, and some scratches on the lids and edges but everything has been tested and works accordingly. Custom made 230V to 18-21V AC adapter housed by me. Shipping tracked and insured with DPD. Please contact me on a PM for an accurate shipping price prior to buying, the ship cost is paid by the buyer. No returns.
  4. Vand Cabinet VOX V112NT cu Celestion Greenback, il am in urma unui schimb. Stare foarte buna, suna super ok. Pretul este fix , transportul fiind platit de cumparator. Trimit cu DPD asigurat pe valoare si greutate. Nu e obligatoriu, dar prefer plata in avans pe cont, se poate vedea feedbackul meu/pot furniza si feedback din alte parti, ca sa nu fie dubii cu privire la seriozitate in tranzactiile efectuate cu mine. Contact PM.
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  5. Heh, n-am vazut. Pe mine m-a traznit aiurea ideea mai demult cand am realizat ca uneori era insuportabil si ma miram de ce. Chiar conteaza la unele ampuri sa faci asta. Fun fact, eu am in works acum un SLO100 Na, spor la cantat!
  6. Se aude bine diferenta intre cele doua takes, pentru mine nu sunt chiar minore. Intuiesc ca ala sharp sparkle cu mids mai scooped e 6L6 si celalalt e EL34. Din experienta mea cu un Carvin V3 head de exemplu, unde pot avea 6L6 sau EL34, ca are switch care oricum face biasul fix perfect cu ajustarea asta de la un set de tip de lampi la altul(masurat), intradevar diferentele nu par asa mari. Parca la mine sunt si mai mici decat la tine cand fac swapul, dar eu compar prin difuzor inregistrat, si cumva tinde sa se atenueze efectul, desi ''la mana'' se simte altfel ampul ca ton, at proper volumes. La mici, aproape nimic. DAR Mi-a trecut intamplator in endeavour-ul meu de reparatii de ampuri si whatnot, un Brunetti Pirata 141, care avea un sistem de ''balans''/''Valve Mix'' de la EL34 la 6L6 si in between, un device care era intr-un casing plastifiat pe care eu nu l-am gasit niciunde si nu am mai vazut asa unul pana acum. Sunt poze in link. Pot sa zic ca la acest amp diferentele ERAU IMENSE, de la EL34 la 6L6. Mai ales ca puteai muta activ rapid while playing un set vs celalalt, si auzeai realtime. EL34 avea super clar multe medii, cu bass loose si highs atenuate, 6L6 era super crisp cu highs sparkly, bass destul dar tight si medii scooped. Mult mai exagerat decat ce aud in takeurile tale. Imi pare rau ca nu mai am takeurile inregistrate. Nu stiu exact ce facea acest balans si cum, dar pe acel amp era WOW diferenta intre ele. So, cred ca depinde si de designul finalului. Cat despre schimbarea magistrala de ton schimband de la o lampa mai proasta la una mai ''buna'', e debatable. Am facut demult testele astea rapide, in preamp schimband V1 si V2 si facand 5 takes, si aproape ca nu se percep diferentele, e prea subtil. La pre, chiar le scoti din eq diferentele. Se resimte cumva alt voicing subtil, dar cam atat, nothing an EQ can't change. Sa fiu sincer, eu mai degraba aleg lampile de pre dupa noise factor, mai specific: dau ampu cu X gain la X volum, si pun dB meterul la 1m, si las ampul on,vazand cati dB genereaza ''hiss"-ul care la unele lampi e pronuntat tare, la altele diminuat, desi au acelasi aparent gain factor. Sau bass contentul e super urat ca un hum la unele (am avut lampi care in anume pozitii scoteau 8dB more, de bass hum extra, si erau noi). Sunt unele pozitii in unele ampuri care beneficiaza de tube rolling pt ca aceiasi lampa ce hums bassy in one spot, doesn't in another. E mult de joaca cu astea dar e fun (daca ai timp). La finale, nu pot sa ma pronunt, nu am avut decat finale ok, fara chinesium, si n-am stat sa compar asta. my 0.2 cents Multumim pt takes
  7. @DoomShadow Hai sa vedem in primavara la ceva de genul 🤘 🎸 Aduc un Spark 2 de fun daca e
  8. *Additional 2x Colorsound Overdrivers handmade clones (155th & 156th pedals built) *Fortin Zuul Gate/Suppressor Clone (157th pedal built) *TC Electronic Integrated Preamp variant clone (158th pedal built) *Jackson DK 1997 Japan tinkering
  9. Thanks, vazusem si eu pe Elektrotanya. Spor la vanzare! kittyhawk_quatro_preamp_sch.pdf
  10. * Pickup magnet swaps (Carvin C22T & C22N) * Original Floyd Rose - New Brass L Block (with customizations) * HGE Contraptions Cornish TB-83 Brian May Treble Booster Clone (153rd pedal built) * HGE Contraptions Greer Amps Lightspeed Organic Overdrive clone (154th pedal built)
  11. L-am cantat de vreo 18 ori maxim, e practic nou, a fost luat de nou de fostul proprietar si asa a ajuns si la mine. Chiar am dat eu folii jos de pe el cand a venit. Nu imi trebuie neaparat, l-am luat de curiozitate. Totul functioneaza cum trebuie si suna bine. Orice mici imperfectiuni gasite existau din fabrica. Trimit cu DPD asigurat pe valoare/greutate/dimensiune exacta, transportul fiind platit de cumparator. Contact: rgc_rz@yahoo.com Sample de fun, filmat doar cu telefonul, basul era in placa de sunet si direct in monitoare Yamah HS-8: Rainy Saturday Bass fun (youtube.com) SPECS: 35" scale length Poplar body Through-body maple neck with graphite reinforcement and scarf joint 12"-16" compound radius bound laurel fingerboard with 24 jumbo frets and white dot inlays Dual passive Jackson medium-output humbucking pickups Volume control (with push/pull selector for active/passive options), blend control, 3-band EQ (active only) and two-way toggle switch (pickup coil split) 2-way toggle switch (pickup coil split) Jackson HiMass™ bridge Jackson sealed die-cast tuners Electric Blue finish with black hardware Unique 3x2 black headstock with "J" logo Made in Indonesia
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  12. HGE Contraptions Ceriatone Mini Kleinulator FX Loop Buffer Clone (Dumbleator clone with Fets, 152nd pedal built)
  13. Am avut una identica, bafta la vanzare! Chiar isi merita banii, in special daca se doreste pt those violinish stuff si folosirea tastelor superioare, pe care fizic nu le ai la alta chitara si e imposibil fara heh
  14. Eu daca ar fi sa caut pedale la pret mic si cat de cat ok, as lua dinastea: Electric Guitar Pedal Vintage overdrive/US Dream/Classic Chorus/Vintage Phase/Tremolo/Analog delay/Digital Delay/Ultimate Drive - AliExpress 18 Small footprint, enclosure metalic, etc. Cu 735-750 ron iei 10 pedale diferite ... . Uneori sunt reduceri, si se pot lua si cu 660 (am urmarit aleator).
  15. Haha some days are good, some days are bad la bloc pentru guitar gear, in functie de grid noise
  16. Din ce am vazut eu, priza de la baie si aia de la bucatarie, de obicei au si ground-ul dus la prize/sau e prezent firul acolo neconectat, in zid, taped off. Poti sa verifici. E simplu sa conectezi un fir de acolo, iei putin cu o pila din lateralul unei prize sa ai iesire pt el, si vii cu el unde iti trebuie la ce prize iti trebuie, si ai ''ground'' atunci si in camere. Sincer sa fiu, e posibil sa ai problema si din alte lucruri, pentru ca eu am facut testul asta si cu si fara, si nu am observat mare chestie in noise (si da sigur e ground wire adus, ca am prelungitor cu detectie de ground, se aprinde si se stinge un bec daca fac cu/fara ground). Noise ai oricum introdus de frigidere, becuri, uscatoare de par. E nasol ce groaznic afecteaza astea lucrurile guitar wise in bloc vechi, si ce zgomot introduc in sistem din bleed urat in AC. Asta lasand antene radio din jur, si alte lucruri si cum esti pozitionat(a) in camera fata de amp/lucruri.
  17. Nu mi se pare exagerat 7.95 Eur transport pt 8 switchuri de exemplu pe Banzai, but ok Hongh 3PDT
  18. Razvan S.

    Mai e viu?

    Nu chiar de tot, ne-mort https://on.soundcloud.com/wBkkUDfgo78SruW87
  19. * Friedman Buxom Boost clone (149th pedal built) * Mesa Boogie 5 Band EQ for FX Loops (150th pedal built)
  20. Razvan S.

    Mai e viu?

    Hai man baga si tu ceva 🤘
  21. Razvan S.

    Mai e viu?

    Up up cu jucariile
  22. Acum realizez ca nu am postat aici deloc. Va prezint 2 proiecte cu ideile mele: 1. Fender US Deluxe 9.5-14" radius satin neck, abalone inserts, Fender US professional body ,Schaller 2000 trem, Duncan TB-16(59 Custom Hybrid), Little 59, SH2- Jazz, Graphtech nut & trees, custom wiring with 10 modes , S1 Switch + Superswitch & a 12 cap rotary simple varitone (just to change the stock tonecap, purely for fun) 2.Fender USA Strat YJM type, 4.6-4.7 kg beast 🤟 Fender American Vintage Reissue 70s lightly scalloped neck by some French luthier and the fretboard was relacquered, Fender US original 1979-1981 heavy Northern ash body, DiMarzio HS-3 bridge, Fender Custom Shop 69 middle, DiMarzio HS-4 neck, Callaham Bridge Vintage narrow, Graphtech nut and trees. The wiring is 1 vol push push split for the two DiMarzios, and a push pull for the tone pot to be taken out completely.
  23. Adaug si un DC727 🔥 cu BKP Old Guard Alnico II si OFR Germany, pe langa DC200-le ce a ramas
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