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Everything posted by miki

  1. in tara nu am gasit,iar " un importator oficial in Romania iar pretul cerut sa nu depaseasca pretul din magazin."pe care ai gasit tu,pare neserios,nu raspunde la email.ashe
  2. am citit pe un forum,ca merita inchis spatele,acum e" open" unde e difuzorul.ce am de castigat(am niste banuieli)a mai incercat cineva?
  3. am primit la schimb ,nu are valoare pentru mine,am estimat un pret.....si?multumit?50 de ron e bine?
  4. Pret: 250+100 Localitate: Sf Gheorghe Contact: pm, 0744759075 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Vand un set doze Fender luate de pe un Standard Stratocaster. Dozele sunt in stare foarte buna si sunt un upgrade pentru toate chitarile de tip Stratocaster mai ieftine. Sunt in stare perfecta +5way switch.set doze Squier+5way switch au o culoare mai"aged"crem
  5. Pret: 250+120 Localitate: Sf Gheorghe Contact: pm, 0744759075 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Shure SM 58 250 ron si Jazz beta 58S 120 ron stare perfecta
  6. The Roland Bolt 30/60/100 was the only line of tube guitar amplifiers produced by Roland. The amplifier was launched in the market in 1979 when the Roland company was trying to pursue the success of the Mesa Boogie Mark amplifiers. Properly speaking these are hybrid amplifiers, the pre-amp being built with solid-state circuitry. The built-in solid-state distortion channel gives a somewhat harsh sound, and is best bypassed. Aside from the overdrive circuit, the amp contains a spring reverb, and provision for external effects loops and switches. The Bolt was produced until 1984: Roland made a decision at that time to focus production on solid state amplifiers such as their very successful Jazz Chorus. In recent years the interest in this range of amplifiers has increased, owing to their good tone, and affordability in comparison with other classic amplifiers.
  7. adus din Anglia,stare perfecta,mici julituri in tolex,estetic 8 din 10,totusi are peste 30 anisori,fara zgomot,potentiometrele perfecte nu fasaie,etc,un clean cristal,distors/overdrive destul de reusit,reverb pe arcuri..am desfacut pentru curatat,practic nu am facut nimic,era curat,totul original,stare perfecta.lampi RCP 7591A USA 2 buc+ ECC 81 USA,partea de preamp pe tranzistori.puterea de 30W e destul la repetitii(am o trupa de Rock&Roll,8 persoane galagioase,clapa,chitari,tobe,suflatori,vocalisti)cu volumul la jumatate era suficient.am citit,ca e un amp foarte rar,singura serie pe lampi facut de Roland!
  8. mai e valabil? am asa ceva: https://forums.rgc.r...sa-chitara-bas/
  9. a primit un upgrade:difuzorul de 6,5" 8 ohm a fost schimbat cu un dif Ciare(italia) profi de 8" 4 ohmi puterea a crescut semnificativ,si pretul urca, 650 ron
  10. Pret: 120 ron Localitate: Sf Gheorghe Contact: pm, 0744759075 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Conrad ST-1000 quartz guitar tuner,vintage anii 80',are microfon,in /out,stare perfecta.made in Korea.schimb cu harmonist(si Behringer US 600)
  11. am scos bateria,dar e pentru asa ceva,ce vrei tu https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/115793-boxa-activamonitor-explorer/
  12. merge si cu baterie(street music,la iarba verde,mici,bere)am scos,sa fie mai usoara
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