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Jimmy Slang

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Everything posted by Jimmy Slang

  1. Reverbul,merge la Sorin,mai ramane : Octafuzz fulltone - 400ron Cry baby 535q nou nout- 500ron Morley bad horsie II - 400 ron
  2. Ultima reducere!dupa care inchidem acest topic Reverb Rv7 - 300 ron Octafuzz fulltone- 400ron Cry babynou nout 500ron Morley wah -400ron
  3. Oke. Sorry Man,de nervi.in continuare consider,daca te intereseaza,ma suni,pt ca si eu am cumparat si vandut mutle pe aici( Mersi Rgc ,pt intermediere! :-) si am facut la fel,am sunat! Mersi pt inteleger Sorin
  4. Dragul meu"prieten"'', deci nu am timp de discutii de jenu asta. Care alt revebr mai crezi ca Hardwired de la Digitech? Scuze ca nu am specificat "RV 7" ,credeam ca deduci din nume! Si inca ceva: daca vrei cu adevarat este numarul meu de tel la profil! Numai scireti cei care va plictisiti,doar cei care vor sa cumpere ceva,pt bullshituri nu am timp!!! Da e RV 7 ,pt cei care nu stiau! Ne-am inteles?
  5. Este in stare foarte ok. Poze nu am timp sa pun,cine-l vrea sa cumpere ,ma contacteaza.multumesc.bafta tuturor
  6. Nu mai am tuner in schimb ,am mai scazut din pret Digitech reverb : 350 ron Morley wah : 400ron Cry baby 535q nou nout in cutie si garantie la guitarshop 550ron Boss ge7 - 250 ron Fulltone octafuzz 450 ron
  7. Reverb Digitech HardWired - 350ron Fulltone Octafuzz 1 - 450ron http://www.ebay.com/...=item3a6f13d0c2 Boss Ge 7 - 250Ron Morley bad horsie II - 400ron Cry Baby 535q - nou nout in garantie si cutie ! - 550ron Usor negociabile;-)
  8. Reverb Digitech HardWired - 350ron Fulltone Octafuzz 1 - 450ron http://www.ebay.com/...=item3a6f13d0c2 Boss Ge 7 - 250Ron Morley bad horsie II - 400ron Cry Baby 535q - nou nout in garantie si cutie ! - 550ron
  9. UP! T Wahul,s-a dat. Reverb : 350 Ron Sparkle Drive : 450 ROn Fuzz : 450 Ron Morley : 400Ron
  10. MORLEY VAI-II - 100 euro http://www.thomann.de/de/morley_vai_ii_wah_pedal.htm
  11. Reverb Digitech HardWired - 400Ron http://www.thomann.d...ereo_reverb.htm vintage T-wah (autowah) ,boss - 400 ron http://www.ebay.com/...=item27ba35225a VOODOO LAB SPARKLE DRIVE - 500ron http://www.thomann.d...arkle_drive.htm Fulltone Octafuzz 1 - 500Ron http://www.ebay.com/...=item3a6f13d0c2 Boss Ge 7 - 250Ron
  12. Reverb Digitech HardWired - 400Ron http://www.thomann.de/de/digitech_hardwire_hw_rv_7_stereo_reverb.htm vintage T-wah (autowah) ,boss - 400 ron http://www.ebay.com/itm/Boss-TW-1-T-Wah-Made-Japan-Vintage-70s-80s-Pedal-/170627768922?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27ba35225a VOODOO LAB SPARKLE DRIVE - 500ron http://www.thomann.de/de/voodoo_lab_sparkle_drive.htm Fulltone Octafuzz 1 - 500Ron http://www.ebay.com/itm/FULLTONE-OCTAFUZZ-PEDAL-SRV-TYCHOBRAE-CLONE-/250971672770?pt=AU_Instrument_Accessories&hash=item3a6f13d0c2 Boss Ge 7 - 250Ron
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