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Jimmy Slang

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Everything posted by Jimmy Slang

  1. Boostul nu merge independent doar cand ai activata wahul ,este foarte(prea)versatila pt mine. Doresc un coloraound desi mai sunt cateva sub lupa de test(nu ma intereseaza schimburi,mersi). "Colorsound"-sorry de greseala 155euro!
  2. Vand Wah CustomAudioElectronics Mc404! 160eur,nou! http://www.thomann.de/ro/mxr_mc404_audio_electrics_wah.htm
  3. Vand Delay TC Flashback X4 Nou nout!200eur! http://www.thomann.de/ro/tc_electronic_flashback_x4.htm
  4. Vand doza aceasta: http://www.thomann.de/ro/schertler_basik_set.htm Pret:130 euro
  5. Deci,vand delayul acesta: http://www.thomann.de/ro/visual_sound_v3_dual_tap_delay.htm Pretul meu:1000ron! Bafta!
  6. se poate inchide,mersi RGC!
  7. da,50 euro! :-p
  8. vand set pickup EMG active 81,85,cu potetiometre si bateria inclusa - 100euro!
  9. vand Delay Visual Sound V3 nou! 1000ron
  10. vand doze telecaster '52 reissue - 100e!
  11. vand set doze jazz bass '74 - 100e!
  12. UPDATE! Barber electronics LunchPad :350ron Delay Visual sound Dual V3 : 250 euro alimentator multi Brickpower Dunlop: 350ron Doze EMG (set) EMG 81 BK + EMG 89R BK - 450ron ,cu potentiometre incluse! http://www.thomann.de/de/emg_81.htm un set de doze original! vintage jazz bass din '74 - 120 euro set de pickup telecaster 52 relic ! : 120 euro
  13. UPDATE! Barber electronics LunchPad :350ron Delay Visual sound Dual V3 : 250 euro alimentator multi Brickpower Dunlop: 350ron Doze EMG (set) EMG 81 BK + EMG 89R BK - 450ron ,cu potentiometre incluse! http://www.thomann.de/de/emg_81.htm un set de doze original! vintage jazz bass din '74 - 120 euro set de pickup telecaster 52 relic ! : 120 euro
  14. UPDATE! deci:Tama SL52F Superstar Custom! Features and Specs Shells: Birch and Basswood Hoops: Die-cast Mounting System: Star-Cast Finish: Super high glass lacquer Bass Drum: 18x22 inch Snare Drum: 5.5x14 inch Rack Toms: 8x10 inch : 9x12 inch : 11x14 inch cu Stative de cinele 3 tama + staiv de fuss tama + scaun(thorne) de toba+ 2 pedale simple si un sistem de pedale dupbla! Cinele: Sabian B8 Performance Set + Sabian 16" AAX AAXplosion Crash Pret: 1000 de euro! Astept si contra oferte! Bafta! Quote MultiQuote
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