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Jimmy Slang

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Everything posted by Jimmy Slang

  1. Un set doze jazz bass '74 - 400ron! Un set doze telecaster '52 reissue - 400ron!
  2. Wah Custom audio electronics Mc404! 650ron,nou! http://www.thomann.d...ectrics_wah.htm
  3. Boss Ge7 Equalizer http://www.thomann.d...7_equalizer.htm 300ron Wah Custom audio electronics Mc404! 650 ron,nou! http://www.thomann.d...ectrics_wah.htm Vand "doza"schertler Basik Set Piezzo .Nou Un set doze jazz bass '74 - 400ron! Un set doze telecaster '52 reissue - 400ron! Visual Sound dual Tap Delay V3 Nou! http://www.thomann.d...l_tap_delay.htm 1000ron!
  4. Van looper Boss Rc 20XL in Mint contiditon! 900ron! - negociabil 0745839862
  5. Update! Wah - 600ron! piezzo -100eur! dozele :400ron!
  6. Hehe,mersi! Sa-l canti cu noroc! Update!: Boss Ge7 Equalizer http://www.thomann.d...7_equalizer.htm 300ron Wah Custom audio electronics Mc404! 650 ron,nou! http://www.thomann.d...ectrics_wah.htm Vand "doza"schertler Basik Set Piezzo .Nou! http://www.thomann.d...r_basik_set.htm Pret:550 ron Un set doze jazz bass '74 - 100e! Un set doze telecaster '52 reissue - 100e! Visual Sound dual Tap Delay V3 Nou! http://www.thomann.d...l_tap_delay.htm 1000ron!
  7. Si la gramada! Vand! Reverb Ehx Holly Grail Plus Noua! http://www.thomann.d..._grail_plus.htm pretul meu :100 euro! Boss Ge7 Equalizer http://www.thomann.d...7_equalizer.htm 330ron Wah Custom audio electronics Mc404! 150 euro,nou! http://www.thomann.d...ectrics_wah.htm Vand "doza"schertler Basik Set Piezzo .Nou! http://www.thomann.d...r_basik_set.htm Pret:130 euro Un set doze jazz bass '74 - 100e! Un set doze telecaster '52 reissue - 100e! Visual Sound dual Tap Delay V3 Nou! http://www.thomann.d...l_tap_delay.htm 1000ron!
  8. Vand pedala acesta,noua ! http://www.thomann.de/ro/electro_harmonix_holy_grail_plus.htm pretul meu :100 euro!
  9. Visual sound dual v3 sau tc flashback x4 la preturi bune?!
  10. Vand boas ge7 330ron http://www.thomann.de/ro/boss_ge7_equalizer.htm
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