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    Sfantu Gheorghe

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  1. https://www.facebook.com/dszili/videos/4109175702468356 A little jam from yesterday night. Backing track created by me on the spot, and then I've improvised over it. Beats: Elektron Digitakt Bass: Moog Minitaur Pad Synth : Operator (Ableton) 1 recorded guitar track with the progression into Ableton Njoy (or not)! 🙃 p.s.: sorry for the cam sound!
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  2. Salut! Intre timp am rezolvat, mersi.
  3. Rv-5 vandut! Preturi noi: Sl-20 - 450 Fs-6 - 130
  4. Pret: 600 RON Localitate: Sfantu Gheorghe Contact: pm Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand placa de sunet Roland Quad-Capture! Sunt al doilea proprietar, am luat de la un prieten bun. Trec pe firewire (motivul vanzarii). Pretul e 600 ron!
  5. Pret: 0 RON Localitate: Sfantu Gheorghe Contact: pm Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Vand 3 pedale de Boss: Boss Rv-5 - 380 ron Boss Sl-20 - 500 ron Boss Fs-6 - 150 ron Poze reale in curand!
  6. Cumpar monitoare studio active (gen Krk Rokit 6, Yamaha Hs7 etc.), buget intre ~1200-1600 ron! Veniti cu oferte in PM! La schimb pot sa ofer: procesor Line6 Pod HD300, controller midi Akai MPK49 // Akai Apc25, bass Ibanez EDB555, laptop Lenovo G570, amp vintage Roland Cube Chorus 40, +- diferenta, unde e cazul!
  7. Vandut amandoua, se poate inchide!
  8. Update la preturi: Dunlop Cry Baby 535Q - 400 ron Xotic Ac+ - 650 ron Amandoua - 950 ron
  9. Am lansat noul videoclip Whisperblast: http://whisperblastmusic.com https://www.facebook.com/whisperblastmusic
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  10. Vand doua pedale, amandoua in stare perfecta de functionalitate: Cry Baby 535Q wah si Xotic AC+ 2-channel overdrive! Videouri de prezentare: Preturi: Crybaby 535Q - 450 ron (la thomann e ~800 ron) Xotic AC+ - 700 ron (la thomann e ~1250 ron) Mie imi place foarte mult pedalele, il vand numai ca am nevoie de bani urgent, deci daca cineva il cumpara amandoua, pretul scade la 1000 ron!
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