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Ibanez RGD2127z
craul87's Achievements
Newbie (1/14)
Cam ce fel de metal? Eu sunt mai pe prog dar m-ar interesa si chestii gen A7X, Dry Cell. Billy Talent, 36 Crazyfists, My Chem Rom. Ceva high energy asha. Ah si sper ca vocalu e in engleza...
Pret: 4500 Localitate: Constanta Contact: craul87@yahoo.com Link producator: http://www.ibanez.co.jp/products/eg_page15.php?year=2015&area_id=3&cat_id=1&series_id=3&data_id=156&color=CL01 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Doze noi: Dimarzio Dactivator bridge, Air Norton neck. Hard case inclus.
[ Constanta ] Chitarist Solo(Lead) Aici, Prezent.
craul87 replied to Ozzy Florin's topic in Caut trupă
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[ Constanta ] Chitarist Solo(Lead) Aici, Prezent.
craul87 replied to Ozzy Florin's topic in Caut trupă
sal, chitarist din cta aici. Pentru mine cant prog metal acum dar imi plac chestiile astea mai heavy gen texas hippie coal asta fiind unu dintre stilurile cu care am crescut. Daca te intereseaza un colab sau ceva let me know. https://soundcloud.com/baros87 -
Inregistrarea Mea Pt Toontrack Metal Guitar God 2013
craul87 replied to craul87's topic in Înregistrările noastre
A doua tentativa luand in considerare feedback-ul acumulat. Am incercat sa fiu mai melodic si ritmic. Pentru cei care spun ca suna la fel de disonant ca prima inregistrare, nu stiu ce sa zic, am urechea stricata probabil:P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JHBTWEvFTo http://www.toontrack.com/metalguitargod2013.asp#!/entry/626676 -
Trupa Rock Alternativ Din Constanta, Cautam Chitarist Si Clapar
craul87 replied to ryan's topic in Căutăm instrumentist
aveti inregistrari ceva cu vreo melodie ca sa-mi fac o idee mai buna cu ce cantati? -
mai multe detalii?
da-mi add pe mess sa vb: craul87
Salut tuturor! As vrea daca se poate cei cu experientza mai mare sa ma ajute sa-mi gasesc o doza noua pt bridge. Am facut un topic pe sevenstring.org dar n-am primit f mult ajutor asha ca m-am gandit sa postez si aici, sper ca nu va suparati daca ii dau copy paste si sper sa ma puteti ajuta:) Recently got my new Ibanez RGD2127z and I desperately need new pups for it... Now I know there have been many threads with PU requests for this guitar and I have read them all but I am still undecided at what I should get... To give you a better idea of what tone I'm looking for let me start by telling you that before this RGD I had a Fender Billy Corgan sig 6er (alder body) witch had a Tone Zone in the bridge and an Air Norton in the neck. I really loved the Tone Zone because it had that super FAT THUMP sound to it for rhythm playing (chugging wise), down side is that it was very hard to achieve... I had to pick very flat and extremely hard to get it, it was like going to the damn gym So I'm looking for a bridge pup that will give my RGD what my Fender had but without all the hard work... I suspect that would be achieved by having significantly more output and focus in the lows and lower mids... I think So what I want tone wise in simple words: POWERFUL! BIG! FAT! THUMP! *edit -> for got to add FULL! and RITCH! I want my chugging to crack the walls, cause abortions, move my chair, blow my face off! I want the amp to fucking jump when I hit my low 7th and 6th strings! When I chug I want to fell as if somebody hit me with a gigantic rubber mallet in the ears and a tree log in the chest!! What do you think is the pickup that would achieve all those things?? I'm a Dimarzio guy just so you know.... I can't make my mind up between the X2N, Deactivator, Blaze Custom or the Crunch Lab... For the neck I was thinking a LiquiFire since it's based on the Air Norton witch I loved in my Fender. So what do you guys think?
Bad Horsie ftw!
Salutari, Vreau si eu putin ajutor daca se poate... Am facut o melodie si vreau s-o armonizez. Cam stiu cum e cu teoria armonizatului in terte maj/min, patrimi, sesimi etc.... adica chiar stiu dar am o problema cu obtinerea sunetului pe care il vreau si nu stiu ce fel de armonizare sa folosesc. Daca stiti formatia Avenged Sevenfold atunci sigur stiti si ce armonizari incrediblile pot sa faca acei doi chitaristi obtinand acel sunet minor/diminuat cu acel efect straniu/horror Acum daca ma poate ajuta cineva... ce fel de armonizare trebuie sa folosesc ca sa obtin acel tip de sunet??? Am impresia ca cei de la A7X cand armonizeaza nu folosesc strinct un singur interval ci le variaza dar asta ma depaseste d.p.d.v. teoretic pt ca nu stiu cum functioneaza adica pe baza a ce criterii aleg notele pt a fi armonizate in trepte diferite? Daca ma poate ajuta cineva ii sunt recunoscator:) Melodia contine urmatoarea progresie de note: F E D G E D A | A C D A | A C E A | A C F si este in cheia lui Dminor. http://www.easy-shar...4948/melody.mp3 eu am probeme cu linkul asha ca am si atasat fisierul... melody.mp3