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Posts posted by avatar2100

  1. Pret: 1 RON

    Localitate: Bucuresti

    Contact: 0722136236

    Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou

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     Toate pedalele sunt in stare foarte buna, unele sunt noi. Preturile au fost deja reduse, pot lua in calcul anumite schimburi, folositi mesageria privata, nu raspund aici. Trimit poze la cerere.



    1. Dod Fx64 Ice Box Stereo Chorus Pedal: 290 lei
    2. Boss Od-3 Overdrive: 275 lei
    3. Delay Boss Dd-3 Version 2B: 540 lei
    4. Electro Harmonix Small Clone: 240 lei
    5. Digitech Dod Overdrive Preamp 250 Fabricat In Anii '90: 300 lei
    6. Digitech Jimi Hendrix Experience Pedal: 400 lei
    7. Dunlop Jc95 Jerry Cantrell Signature Wah Pedal: 600 lei
    8. Ocd Fulltone Versiuni v1.7: 550 lei
    9. Source Audio Soundblox 2 Multiwave Distortion: 450 lei
    10. Boss Ac-3: 400 lei
    11. Mooer Micro Di: 275 lei
    12. Electro Harmonix Germanium 4 Big Muff Pi: 300 lei
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  2.  Salutare, aceasta este o chitara foarte buna, de aceea proprietarul a dorit sa o imbunatateasca. Lacul se matuise si incepuse sa se exfolieze, tune-o-matic ul era indoit de la presiunea corzilor, cheitele se uzasera, nut-ul era din plastic, tastele trebuiau nivelate/recoronate/polishate iar fretboard-ul trebuia finisat, deoarece cineva il zgariase rau cu lana de otel.

     Prima data am demontat componentele de pe ea si am polishat-o cu diverse tipuri de solutii speciale pentru lac nitrocelulozic, am ecranat-o, am curatat si uns fretboard-ul cu diverse solutii profesionale, am efectuat nivelarea tastelor si construirea nut-ului din os, pe care l-am polisat la final.

     Pentru a confectiona nut-ul fiecarei chitare, folosesc diverse pile special concepute si un tuner Peterson cu care testez rezonanta osului ( nu vreau sa dau detalii despre cum procedez ). Am multe bucatele de os si intotdeauna le selectez numai pe cele mai calitative.

     La final am am testat mai multe tipuri de doze,  dupa care am instalat Gibson 490T/490R, care au fost mult mai potrivite pentru ea decat cele cu care era echipata de fabrica.

     Doua zile au fost suficiente pentru terminarea acestui proiect.


     Cheers, Avatar2100




    • Like 9
  3.  Ok, voi incerca sa explic.

     In primul rand tastiera montata este din abanos de cea mai buna calitate, nu palisandru.
     Scala originala era in jurul a 24,525 nu foarte exacta, eu mi-am facut modelul in corel dupa care am gravat cu laser bucata de lemn si am terminat-o de construit manual, radiusul de 12" l-am facut tot manual inainte.  
     Ambele tastiere sunt identice ca lungime, dar pentru a putea alinia perfect cu imbinarea grifului in corp si pentru a nu modifica pozitia bridge-ului, am dus putin mai in fata noul fretboard iar nutul l-am facut un pic mai ingust.
     Totul foarte simplu, doar un pic de atentie.




    Scale Length Explained

    Finding your scale length, how it affects tone, and more.


    • What is scale length?
    • How scale length affects tone
    • Common scale lengths




    A guitar's scale length is calculated by measuring the distance from the front edge of the nut, where it butts against the end of the fingerboard, to the center of the 12th (octave) fret, then doubling that measurement.
    If your 1930's Gibson L-OO, for example, measures 12-3/8" at the 12th fret, then your guitar's scale length is twice that—a 24-3/4" scale. For good intonation, the guitar's saddle will be placed so a little extra string length is added. This extra length is called "compensation," and it means the actual string length is longer than its 24-3/4" scale measurement. At the center of the saddle it will be closer to 24-7/8". Compensation varies for different strings, and that's why your saddle is placed at an angle.  

    Need help computing or laying out a fret scale? Our online Fret Calculator will do the math as well as help you locate your bridge correctly.



    One of the most common scale lengths is the Fender 25-1/2" guitar scale. Found on Stratocasters®, Telecasters®, and the huge variety of instruments inspired by them as well as the replacement, and custom parts available for them.

    The 25-1/2" produces a rich, strong, bell-like tone, and defined low-end.

    The Gibson 24-3/4" scale is also very common, but it is also the most confusing of all scale lengths—this is because it rarely ever measures out to be 24-3/4 inches! This scale has gradually changed over the past fifty or so years due to changes in production equipment.
    Being shorter than the Fender 25-1/2" scale, the Gibson 24-3/4" scale has a lower tension/easier to play feel, and a warmer tone.

    PRS, Dobro, & National
    When luthier Paul Reed Smith was developing his now highly desirable guitars, he was looking to capture the harmonic richness of the Fender electric's tone as well as the fullness, warmth, and playability of the Gibson electric guitars. PRS opted for a scale length of 25", which is also found on Dobro and National guitars.

    The bass strings on a 25" scale are fuller sounding than some 24-3/4" instruments, which can sometimes sound muddy. The treble strings are not only easier to bend than on a 25-1/2" scale, but also have a warmer, and fuller tone.



    Guitar # frets scale Classical short 20 650 mm Classical long 20 660 mm Fender 25-1/2"
    Stratocaster & Telecaster 21 - vintage
    22 - modern 25.500" Fender Jaguar 22 24.000" Fender Duosonic & Mustang 19 22.500" Fender Bajo Sexto
    Baritone Telecaster 24 30.1562" Gibson 24-3/4" 22 Varies, see above Gibson 'Byrdland' 22 23.500" Gibson long scale
    (used on acoustics) 20 25.300" Guild acoustics
    25-5/8" 20 25.625" Guild electrics
    24-3/4" 21 or 22 24.750" Martin standard
    25.4" (Dreadnought, OM) 20 25.340" Martin short
    24.9" (0, 00, 000) 20 24.840" National 20 25.000" Paul Reed Smith 22 or 24 25.000" 1.gifBass # frets scale Fender 20 34.000" Fender short scale
    (Musicmaster, Bronco, & Mustang) 20 30.000"
    Banjo # frets scale Gibson
    26-1/4" 22 26.250" Long-neck
    32-1/4" 25 32.250" Tenor
    22-1/4" 19 22.250" Vega
    27" 22 27.000"
    Mandolin # frets scale Gibson F5 29 13.875" Gibson A model 22 14.125"
    Dulcimer # frets scale Short 18 25-26" Standard 18 26.5-27" Long 18 28-30"
    Ukulele # frets scale Standard 12 13-14" Concert 18 14-15" Tenor 18 16-18" Baritone 19 20-24"

    Strat®, Stratocaster®, Tele®, Telecaster® are registered trademarks of Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. Les Paul® and Byrdland® are trademarks of Gibson Guitar Corporation.

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